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I love pineapple on pizza. It's delish.

Today, I had some Turkish food. It's turkish pizza basically with spinach and cheese with Turkish tea. It was pretty nice.
indian cambuulo,mmmm so tasty and healthy.

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An orange, some grapes and peanut butter toast for breakfast.

Salmon with roasted veg and potatoes for lunch. It stayed down alhamdulillah.

I've been eating a lot of grapes and humous with carrot sticks. This pregnancy has me craving all sorts of things I used to dislike eating.
I'm cooking Lancashire hot pot to-day with a twist, I cook it most Saturdays....I will never disclose the twist...:cool:.
I'm also making a pineapple upside down cake, a bit tricky but top when it comes out right.

Then down the pub and wait for the scores.


Move right or get left
You ain't my type you hairy rapist looking dress wearing can only afford a Salafi wedding future sex offenders register signing Arab prick. Stop following me around.
Who's following you? I'm just saying, the other day you was claiming you're a gay and was accusing me of being homosexual. Now, to say that I'm not your type implies that there are some guys that are. What a gay nigga you are roflmaolol. You have identity issues sxb, which is not unusual with trannys. Fix up.
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