What do you think of Somalis who marry their cousins

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It's weird but its been suggested to me a couple of times :birdman:

Who marries their cousin when there are 7 billion people on the planet? Uff.


The incels are revealing themselves with this thread. :trumpsmirk:

Cousin marriage was not at all common in Somalia until the Najdhi-Khaleeji culture was imported after the civil war. Marrying from your clan was considered taboo and nacasnimo, forget marrying your cousin. :gucciwhat:
Only habra wadaag/ilma habreed was considered taboo, but first cousins on your fathers side was seen as caadi.
Only habra wadaag/ilma habreed was considered taboo, but first cousins on your fathers side was seen as caadi.

Maybe this is not the case for your clan, which is why incels like you are triggered by other people's reactions to this practice. You were considered a bhakti back home if you married your cousins, and among many regions this thought process extended to your laf, sub-clan, and even clan which is why clans that have historically intermarried stopped after the civil war as the najdi-khaleeji culture started to sweep the Somali peninsula.

Sorry, pal. This is jut not apart of our dhaqan no matter how much incels like you who need to fallback on their cousins wish it were the case.


Maybe this is not the case for your clan, which is why incels like you are triggered by other people's reactions to this practice. You were considered a bhakti back home if you married your cousins, and among many regions this thought process extended to your laf, sub-clan, and even clan which is why clans that have historically intermarried stopped after the civil war as the najdi-khaleeji culture started to sweep the Somali peninsula.

Sorry, pal. This is jut not apart of our dhaqan no matter how much incels like you who need to fallback on their cousins wish it were the case.
I’m not triggered, just thought to correct your ignorance. Was actually my first post on this thread.

Half your posts seem to be calling other people incels, seems like it’s the new buzzword for as hominem attacks on this forum. Seems like your coping mechanism thinking everyone is as miserable as you.

Marrying your first cousin from your fathers side of the family is perfectly fine in our dhaqan. My great grandfather and great grandmother married that way.

Even our prophet (saw) married his first cousin.
I’m not triggered, just thought to correct your ignorance. Was actually my first post on this thread.

Half your posts seem to be calling other people incels, seems like it’s the new buzzword for as hominem attacks on this forum. Seems like your coping mechanism thinking everyone is as miserable as you.

Marrying your first cousin from your fathers side of the family is perfectly fine. My great grandfather and great grandmother married that way.

Not triggered yet qashining my post and responding to it? :mjlol:

Maybe if this forum wasn't filled to the brim with incels like you crying about xalimos and their tweets, I wouldn't need to bring it up especially in a relevant topic like this. It's just a coincidence the same guy who whines about xalimos and that he would never marry these western raised "s", is perfectly fine and even trying to normalize cousin marriage? A practice that was imported from Arabia? :ulyin:

I definitely believe this is isolated to your clan region and can practically guess your clan if you think this is Somali dhaqan. The other guy in here defending it as being "normal" also strangely hails from the same clan. To most Somalis and all other Somali regions, this is seen as a completely foreign and taboo practice.


Not triggered yet qashining my post and responding to it? :mjlol:

Maybe if this forum wasn't filled to the brim with incels like you crying about xalimos and their tweets, I wouldn't need to bring it up especially in a relevant topic like this. It's just a coincidence the same guy who whines about xalimos and that he would never marry these western raised "s", is perfectly fine and even trying to normalize cousin marriage? A practice that was imported from Arabia? :ulyin:

I definitely believe this is isolated to your clan region and can practically guess your clan if you think this is Somali dhaqan. The other guy in here defending it as being "normal" also strangely hails from the same clan. To most Somalis and all other Somali regions, this is seen as a completely foreign and taboo practice.
You’re just sounding ridiculous now. I haven’t even posted my personal opinion on the matter yet. Why you so mad for? I don’t even remember speaking to you before.

No place in Somalia is cousin marriages from your father’s side looked down upon, only habra wadaag/ilma habreed(and that stigma was mainly in the past, it’s becomimg more common now).

Your ignorance is bewildering, most marriages in history around the world were between cousins. It has nothing to do with Arabs. According to Professor Robin Fox of Rutgers University, 80% of all marriages in history may have been between second cousins or closer. Are you an apostate by any chance, hence your irrational focus on Arabs?


LoveandLight the Liberator
My friend and I were talking about marriage and stuff and she said that she wanted to marry her cousins because she could relate to him in many ways

What do you think of this?
(This is a legit question)

It's fuckin' disgusting! Religion is a mental illness! I estimate upwards of 90% of all Somalis to have brain damage and suffer from mental illness!

Hold Your Children Tight.
Maybe this is not the case for your clan, which is why incels like you are triggered by other people's reactions to this practice. You were considered a bhakti back home if you married your cousins, and among many regions this thought process extended to your laf, sub-clan, and even clan which is why clans that have historically intermarried stopped after the civil war as the najdi-khaleeji culture started to sweep the Somali peninsula.

Sorry, pal. This is jut not apart of our dhaqan no matter how much incels like you who need to fallback on their cousins wish it were the case.
Fitst of all why you calling you dont know incels? Like cant you make your point without trying to use the latest buzzword. Somalis used to and still marry their cousins
You’re just sounding ridiculous now. I haven’t even posted my personal opinion on the matter yet. Why you so mad for? I don’t even remember speaking to you before.

No place in Somalia is cousin marriages from your father’s side looked down upon, only habra wadaag/ilma habreed(and that stigma was mainly in the past, it’s becomimg more common now).

Your ignorance is bewildering, most marriages in history around the world were between cousins. It has nothing to do with Arabs. According to Professor Robin Fox of Rutgers University, 80% of all marriages in history may have been between second cousins or closer. Are you an apostate by any chance, hence your irrational focus on Arabs?
Thank you.....they think cousin marriage is something new. Yes its not at the rate it used to be. But every group of people have practiced it and its not illegal anywhere in the world even now
You’re just sounding ridiculous now. I haven’t even posted my personal opinion on the matter yet. Why you so mad for? I don’t even remember speaking to you before.

Haha, I'm the one whose mad? I have no stake in this argument pal. You're the one who is qashining posts and trying to normalize a practice that Somalis have for centuries seen as taboo and emphatically not apart of our dhaqan. I'm really sorry though that only woman who will give you play is your cousin. :(

No place in Somalia is cousin marriages from your father’s side looked down upon, only habra wadaag/ilma habreed(and that stigma was mainly in the past, it’s becomimg more common now).
You really need to stop projecting the practices of your family/clan on the rest of Somalis. If I called all of reer-Konfur here and asked them how normal is it to marry your cousin, you will find that it is not seen as "normal and fine" as you are portraying it here.

Your ignorance is bewildering, most marriages in history around the world were between cousins. It has nothing to do with Arabs. According to Professor Robin Fox of Rutgers University, 80% of all marriages in history may have been between second cousins or closer. Are you an apostate by any chance, hence your irrational focus on Arabs?

I couldn't careless about the pseudo-sociology of some crackpot professor that your 4channers are quoting as evidence for your "theories". I know my people and I knew the dhaqan back home very well. Cousin marriage was a major taboo and only happened in very isolated cases up until the civil war when Najdi culture was adopted throughout all Somali regions.
Fitst of all why you calling you dont know incels? Like cant you make your point without trying to use the latest buzzword. Somalis used to and still marry their cousins

Why are you so triggered by what I am saying here? It's a fact most Somalis were and continue to be disgusted by cousin marriage. You want to marry your cousin? Fine. That's your life. But don't try and make it seem like it is a normalized practice like it is among the Khaleejis and Pakistanis.

And if you think I'm calling people incel left and right, you really have no idea about the guy I am talking about. You want me to post some of his greatest hits on how "xalimos ain't shit" and "whose going to wife all of these xalimos"? :mjlol:


Haha, I'm the one whose mad? I have no stake in this argument pal. You're the one who is qashining posts and trying to normalize a practice that Somalis have for centuries seen as taboo and emphatically not apart of our dhaqan. I'm really sorry though that only woman who will give you play is your cousin. :(
I’d insult you too, but to be frank, I don’t picture the sex lives of random people on the internet nor do I give a f*ck. Why are you taking this so personally for? Are you 15 or something? I qashined your post because you’re post was ignorant and misleading of our dhaqan.

You really need to stop projecting the practices of your family/clan on the rest of Somalis. If I called all of reer-Konfur here and asked them how normal is it to marry your cousin, you will find that it is not seen as "normal and fine" as you are portraying it here.
You’re backpedaling now. One minute you’re saying that this a fringe opinion of incels and not Somalis back home, but now you’re saying that Reer Konfur have different culture? Make up your mind. I know for a fact that cousin marriages are seen as perfectly fine in Konfur because my great grandfather who married his first cousin is from Kismayo you liar.

I couldn't careless about the pseudo-sociology of some crackpot professor that your 4channers are quoting as evidence for your "theories". I know my people and I knew the dhaqan back home very well. Cousin marriage was a major taboo and only happened in very isolated cases up until the civil war when Najdi culture was adopted throughout all Somali regions.
I don’t even fucking know what you said here tbh, don’t even think you know what you’re saying.

Are you denying the fact that most marriages in history were between cousins?

A paragraph before this you said that Reer Konfur don’t practice cousin marriages, but now you’re saying that across all Somali regions, cousin marriages are common now? Make up your damn mind.
Why are you so triggered by what I am saying here? It's a fact most Somalis were and continue to be disgusted by cousin marriage. You want to marry your cousin? Fine. That's your life. But don't try and make it seem like it is a normalized practice like it is among the Khaleejis and Pakistanis.

And if you think I'm calling people incel left and right, you really have no idea about the guy I am talking about. You want me to post some of his greatest hits on how "xalimos ain't shit" and "whose going to wife all of these xalimos"? :mjlol:
Im not gonna marry my cousin. Im just stating facts. Somalis mary their cousin and the idea most somalis get disgusted by cousin marriage is pure lie
you an apostate by any chance, hence your irrational focus on Arabs?

I forgot to reply to this gem of yours since you keep editing your posts so much. So now I'm an apostate because I and many other Somalis have a cultural aversion to something that is largely practiced by Arabs and others and the prophet pbuh practiced it? So that's what you're angling at?

Prove to me that it is an Islamic command and sunnah to marry your cousin. You will never be able to do so. Just like wearing a turban. There is nothing wrong with it, and the prophet pbuh wore one. But most Somalis simply don't wear turbans and have an aversion to doing so. It is simply not an Islamic commandment.


I forgot to reply to this gem of yours since you keep editing your posts so much. So now I'm an apostate because I and many other Somalis have a cultural aversion to something that is largely practiced by Arabs and others and the prophet pbuh practiced it? So that's what you're angling at?

Prove to me that it is an Islamic command and sunnah to marry your cousin. You will never be able to do so. Just like wearing a turban. There is nothing wrong with it, and the prophet pbuh wore one. But most Somalis simply don't wear turbans and have an aversion to doing so. It is simply not an Islamic commandment.
Somalis have an aversion to wearing turbans? It looks like everything that comes out of your mouth is just BS.


I’d insult you too, but to be frank, I don’t picture the sex lives of random people on the internet nor do I give a f*ck. Why are you taking this so personally for? Are you 15 or something? I qashined your post because you’re post was ignorant and misleading of our dhaqan.

Normally I wouldn't bring this up because it isn't relevant, but in this instance it is totally appropriate. A guy who is sexually frustrated and gets no play from the fairer sex suddenly starts advocating to the point of lying by normalizing a culture and practice that is foreign to most Somalis? Total coincidence I'm sure. :ulyin:

You’re backpedaling now. One minute you’re saying that this a fringe opinion of incels and not Somalis back home, but now you’re saying that Reer Konfur have different culture? Make up your mind. I know for a fact that cousin marriages are seen as perfectly fine in Konfur because my great grandfather who married his first cousin is from Kismayo you liar.

You should check the definition of backpedaling because there is none. If cousin marriage is as common as you claim it is, it is highly likely this is concentrated to your clan fiefdom. That's not backpedaling, rather an observation based on the others in this thread of a certain clan or region claiming it is totally normal practice back home. All I am saying is if that is indeed the case, it must be isolated to a certain region and clan.

I don’t even fucking know what you said here tbh, don’t even think you know what you’re saying.

Are you denying the fact that most marriages in history were between cousins?

You really are that dense eh. You want me to put it in simpler terms? I'll give it a shot:

I couldn't careless what some obscure professor's studies show nor would they even be applicable to Somalis. You understand basic statistics and statistical analysis, don't you? You do understand that it is still highly possible and likely for Somalis to have not practiced cousin marriage on such a scale, but still not register on this "professor's" study, of which I am highly skeptical, because of the sheer populations of other groups and their practicing of cousin marriage?

I was hoping I didn't have to break it down like that for you.

A paragraph before this you said that Reer Konfur don’t practice cousin marriages, but now you’re saying that across all Somali regions, cousin marriages are common now? Make up your damn mind.

You really have some reading comprehension issues, don't you? So not only are you an incel, but you're an idiot as well. Horrific combination. :damn::dead:
Im not gonna marry my cousin. Im just stating facts. Somalis mary their cousin and the idea most somalis get disgusted by cousin marriage is pure lie

Let me be clear here. I'm not saying it's as rare as it used to be, but it's not as common and normal as you are claiming here and absolutely not as normalized culturally as it is for Khaleejis and Pakistanis. And it's likely more common in certain regions than others. I don't know and don't have the data on hand for that, but that may be the case.

However traditionally and long before the civil war, it was a cultural taboo and Somalis generally married from shisheeye clans up until the civil war. There is actual documentation for this by neutral third-party observers like the Europeans. So it is absolutely a foreign practice to Somalis that was imported from someplace else in recent years. That does not mean I am saying it never happened, but those were clearly isolated cases.


Normally I wouldn't bring this up because it isn't relevant, but in this instance it is totally appropriate. A guy who is sexually frustrated and gets no play from the fairer sex suddenly starts advocating to the point of lying by normalizing a culture and practice that is foreign to most Somalis? Total coincidence I'm sure. :ulyin:
Dude, I’m just a random person on the internet. Why the f*ck are you so obsessed with my sex life for? Making all these assumptions about me, but I would probably take your girl without any problems. Lol. Stop projecting your insecurities and problems onto me you weirdo.

You should check the definition of backpedaling because there is none. If cousin marriage is as common as you claim it is, it is highly likely this is concentrated to your clan fiefdom. That's not backpedaling, rather an observation based on the others in this thread of a certain clan or region claiming it is totally normal practice back home. All I am saying is if that is indeed the case, it must be isolated to a certain region and clan.
I’ve been to Garissa, Hargeisa, Laascaanood, Bosaso and its all common there. Nothing to do with clan or region, it’s just part of Somali culture. If you don’t like it, that doesn’t change the facts on the ground.

You really are that dense eh. You want me to put it in simpler terms? I'll give it a shot:

I couldn't careless what some obscure professor's studies show nor would they even be applicable to Somalis. You understand basic statistics and statistical analysis, don't you? You do understand that it is still highly possible and likely for Somalis to have not practiced cousin marriage on such a scale, but still not register on this "professor's" study, of which I am highly skeptical, because of the sheer populations of other groups and their practicing of cousin marriage?

I was hoping I didn't have to break it down like that for you.

You really have some reading comprehension issues, don't you? So not only are you an incel, but you're an idiot as well. Horrific combination. :damn::dead:
You’re pinpointing the origin of cousin marriages to Arabs, when it’s common among all races, cultures and ethnicities. Marrying your cousin was simply easier and safer. In Somalia, marrying your cousin from your fathers side was normal and perfectly caadi.

And again, this guy comments on my sex life calling me an incel. How many times have you used that term in this thread already? Either you’re a , or a miserable fucker who is so depressed in real life from the lack of attention from the opposite gender that he thinks every other person is suffering from the same problem.


However traditionally and long before the civil war, it was a cultural taboo and Somalis generally married from shisheeye clans up until the civil war. There is actual documentation for this by neutral third-party observers like the Europeans. So it is absolutely a foreign practice to Somalis that was imported from someplace else in recent years. That does not mean I am saying it never happened, but those were clearly isolated cases.
Here is actual documentation by neutral third-party observers like Europeans:

In 1962 I. M. Lewis, an English anthropologist who did extensive research among the Northern Somalis published an essay on Somali Marriage customs. Most of his research was conducted among the Dhulbahante. In a survery of 89 marriages contracted by Dhulbahante men, Dr Lewis found the following statistical facts:

55 (62 per cent) were with women of Dulbahante primary lineages other than those of their husbands; 30 (33.7 per cent.) with surrounding clans of other clan families (with the Habar Yuunis, 10; Habar Tol Jaelo, 18; and Hawiye, 3); and 3 (4.3 per cent.) with other clans of the Daarood clan-family (Majeerteen, 2; Ogaadeen, 1).

You claimed that most Somalis married outside their clan, whilst this sample clearly shows that 62 % married within their sub clan. Another lie busted.

I don’t think you know anything about Somali culture tbh, you’re just an ignorant who talks too much crap.
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