What’s the differences between northern and southern Somalis?


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
fs. sad shit, tbh i view fkd as just a cope to how bad of an ethnic group we are
Yeah, I was talking to my Dad about Siad Barre and how in his good years try to eradicate it, but it all fell apart once the war started. It's gonna take a while once we become a stable country.
Other than accent/dialect lol. I’ve noticed a few differences since I’ve always lived in cities where most of the Somalis are from xamar or around there meanwhile my family is 100% reer waqooyi

One difference is food. Reer waqooyi dont be eating banana with rice all the time lol. Only sometimes. And we don’t eat certain pastries like shushumo (don’t know if I spelled that right). We also don’t eat cambuulo.

The culture is slightly diff too. I feel like northerners (esp reer djibouti) are more liberal while southerners are more conservative.
Northern Somalis are somewhat intimidating and straightforward but once you get to know them they are actually nice people lol


Sidii roon Raba og
Northern Somalis are somewhat intimidating and straightforward but once you get to know them they are actually nice people lol

Reer woqooyi are crazy people if you pissed them off they will insult you, insult your God, insult your religion they will even insult your prophet all in one breath. 5 seconds later they will lough with you and call you Inadeer.
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I think the fact that you think xamar is representative of the south kinda proves your ignorance.

North is irrelevant to southerners whilst northerners are obsessed with southerners and constantly copy or insult southerners. Please let’s culturally let goooooo.

let it go let it goooo

