War in Sool

Oh no, Teflon Don aka @Vito Rizutto now disguising as Ponzi schemer @Bernie Madoff.

I think this one has a better ring to it. Damn, Daraawiish have no mercy.



Waxaa la yiri ninkii #Caarre ahaa ayaa yimi Gooja-cadde, markuu soo istaagay buu raadiyay saarikiishii ay is yaqaaneen. Kolkaas ayuu yiri Taliye Gacan Ayuub mee?

Markaas ayaa loogu jawaabay wuxuu ku dhintay dagaalkii koobaad, markaasu yiri Ismaaciil Amateed mee? Markaas ayaa loogu jawaabay dagaalkii labaad buu ku dhintay, markaasu yiri Dhigane mee? Markaas ayaa loogu jawaabay dagaalkii saddexaad buu ku dhintay, markaasu yiri war Ismaaciil khayre iyo Cabdi miino meeye? Markaasa loogu jawaabay dagaalkii afraad ayay ku dhinteen.

Markaasu yiri: Cabdi Dheere Faysal Bootaan iyo Nuux Taani meeye? Markaasaa loogu jawaabay Nuux iyo Cabdi Hargaysay u carareen Faysalna India loo qaaday oo waa dhaawac.

Markaasu yiri war bal isii suga daawadii baabasiirka ayaan ku soo ilaabay Turkiga oo waan idiin soo noqone


@Midwestern notice Caare wants to know where the commanders are? their irreplacable and takes decades to rebuild, where-as foot soldier is easily replaced in 6 months plus their less skilled. Notice his heart stopped. Plus if they name an acting sarkaal they will need to select from 6 month foot soldier which means THE WAR IS LOST.

Now weaponry. We must have a plan to get their BM21, Tanks in that order. Their long distance weapon(meel fog bay garaci karta only), their not effective short range(meel dhow), so our strategy must include foot soldiers or technicals go in short range(blindside flank on north/west or east angles so its sandwiched without harming ourselves in the cross fire) while our bms trade missiles keepin them occupied. The soldier shouldnt worry their used for 'large objects' not single soldier targets.

I want to be at the khatumo command center in las anod. I can work out a strategy if I see the place and enemy positions using mathamatical angle calculation for formations

@TekNiKo @Libaax-Joore im a grand son of 'duudo' boqolki duudood, my 2nd grandfather. War comes 'natural' to me
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We need to find the choke points in their formation and defence positions, their structure(by experience), their weaponry and it's weak points, supply routes fuel/ammo/medic/food. We must rehearse this with our own soldiers doing 'drills' and 'testing' using SL positions as 'war games' so this can ensure when their called on the field, it will be perfect.
@Midwestern notice Caare wants to know where the commanders are? their irreplacable and takes decades to rebuild, where-as foot soldier is easily replaced in 6 months plus their less skilled. Notice his heart stopped. Plus if they name an acting sarkaal they will need to select from 6 month foot soldier which means THE WAR IS LOST.

Now weaponry. We must have a plan to get their BM21, Tanks in that order. Their long distance weapon(meel fog bay garaci karta only), their not effective short range(meel dhow), so our strategy must include foot soldiers or technicals go in short range(blindside flank on north/west or east angles so its sandwiched without harming ourselves in cross fire) while our bms trade missiles keepin them occupied. The soldier shouldnt worry their used for 'large objects' not single soldier targets.

I want to be at the khatumo command center in las anod. I can work out a strategy if I see the place and positions using mathamatical angle calculation for formations


Caare is smart. He knows Goojacade is a one way ticket to Akhiro.


Caare is smart. He knows Goojacade is a one way ticket to Akhiro.

It's a burial ground for their commanders, while the foot soldiers who lack experience to lead will either fight among themselves saying u cant order me or they will try to 'lead' but have no experience leading to the ultimate suicide mission as their formation goes into chaos.


We don't have air or sea capabilities on both sides, if we did, I cud work out even a better strategy, but we r 'equalized' in terms of inventory, so it's going to come down to 'strategy and brains' and a well disciplined formation holding the course for their 'set objectives'.

I wish the west did a weapon upgrade across all somalia while keeping the stale-mate tech wise across the nation, we could serve as 'small' testing ground for them to review our wars for their 'larger theaters', so it would be in their interest also. As long as the 'tech stalemate' remains, it will be down to 'strategies'
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Maybe the strategy is to keep Isaaq coming to gooja cade as we figured out the terrain/strategy and using it as a honey pot, where they keep resupplying n losing, untill it becomes a complete annihilation of their capacity for 100 years. We will call gooja-cade Lafo Isaaq


SSC Is collecting evidence and storing it. This will be presented to I.C to take immediate sanctions on SL not just aid but security aid, trade embargo, but also potentially a travel ban for all SL people, untill all the war criminals are handed over to be hanged. This must be done to ensure Somalis see War isn't a solution.

Hay 'ada Xuquuqda Aadanaha Amnesty International ayaa beenisay in Ciidamo ka tirsan Puntland ay ka dagalamayaan Laasacaano

kibirka waa lagu jaba walle after 3 decades of arresting and harassing any person they suspect is from somalia who comes to hargeysa today they welcomed the delegation who went to lascanood earlier, they were hidden from the media


kibirka waa lagu jaba walle after 3 decades of arresting and harassing any person they suspect is from somalia who comes to hargeysa today they welcomed the delegation who went to lascanood earlier, they were hidden from the media

My dream is I.C take full sanction force.

1. Berbera port no foreign vessels
2. Hargeisa airport no air-flight domestic or foreign
3. DDS/Djibouti told to shut their borders or suffer sanctions
4. Development And Security aid sanction
5. Dahabshil freezing of accounts

Ha bakhtiyeen untill war criminals are handed over.


Forza Somalia!
UK diplomats will not declassify their assessment of who killed pro-Somalia activists at a demonstration in the bitterly contested city of Las Anod
The Foreign Office said that releasing its records from the incident β€œcould potentially damage the relationships between the UK and Somaliland”
In other words, the UK is admitting that SL is the one who started the conflict.