Ummah forum "Being against marrying outside your culture is xaraam and a plot by nationalists"

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Nationalism said:
alhamdulilah somalis are among the most open communities to reverts and dont have much racism.

Wallahi on eid, all of the white and black reverts have somali wives and it makes me proud.

in my family alone we got a nigerian brother, tanzanian brother, jamaican brother, yemen brother, and a white revert. It's like a UN meeting on eid mashallah. I told my sisters that diversity is good for the ummah and to not marry a somali brother. Whenever the new reverts come to masjid me and the ikhwan always try to hook them up with a somali sister since our community is the best.

On the day of judgement, Allah won't judge us by our race but our deeds. So leave your jahiliyyah mindset away as its xaraam.

Some people say that its better for a person to marry in his culture to protect them from evil people. This is completely false and a lie by atheist nationalists who are trying to stop Muslims from marrying each other. If a revert is attracted to a Somalian girl then there is no problem with such. many people are attracted to white girls, or Arab girls so why the double standards? The difference is that reverts are attracted by the strong Salafi culture embedded into our culture that welcomes them with open arms, and offers them our daughters. There are evil somalis also so what now?

Don't fall prey to the plot of these nationalists who are trying to divide the Muslim ummah.

May Allah guide us all.
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How come the Pakistani and Arab and West Africans don't share their women with Somali men? Why do Somalis share their women and the gesture isn't returned?

Somali Salafis are probably the most shameless type of people. Even a Salafi from another ethnic group would not give up their daughter to a foreigner.
How come the Pakistani and Arab and West Africans don't share their women with Somali men? Why do Somalis share their women and the favor isn't returned?

Somalis don't offer the women per se but the women themselves choose the men they want to marry. Differentiate between the two. Blanketing Somalis in all you think is wrong makes you look not fair in your criticism, Don't make a habit of it bro.

And the truth is, many of these women marrying outside have different reasons to get married to these reverts. They don't fit into one mold. In general, majority of somali women marry their own, and somali men almost always marry a somali woman. It may look like a trend in some countries for somais to do that(marry nonsomalis), but we should not worry as we are patriarchal society. As long Somali men marry somali women, it is okay for somali females who want to marry outside their group for the right reasons to go ahead full speed. I would not blink. Somalia is thriving and population is growing. The diaspora Somalis are the ones engaged in this, so it is up to them to marry who they want. Somalia marches on with Somalis thriving. I can tell you, no somali father with cultural heritage would easily co-sign to a marriage of his daughter to a non-somali. If he does, he does so out of love for her but would feel betrayed.

Don't blanket all Somalis in your comments.
How come the Pakistani and Arab and West Africans don't share their women with Somali men? Why do Somalis share their women and the gesture isn't returned?

Somali Salafis are probably the most shameless type of people. Even a Salafi from another ethnic group would not give up their daughter to a foreigner.
how about we give up this backwards mentality of women belonging to men:ileycry:
if others want ot be backwards let them, we shall not follow :fittytousand: we somali people are renegades who take our own path :farole:
how about we give up this backwards mentality of women belonging to men:ileycry:
if others want ot be backwards let them, we shall not follow :fittytousand: we somali people are renegades who take our own path :farole:

Hodan, you are not clear, Are you for or against the marriage to nonsomalis? :)
Hodan, you are not clear, Are you for or against the marriage to nonsomalis? :)

I'm neither for nor against, I'm only against somali people trying to dictate what others do. we share an ethnicity that's it, we all go our own way in the end. And I don't like the "our women" "their women" thing

You're post has to be a joke OP...right? Cause if it ain't...then i'mma have to call @Adheer Warsame in here to well and proper call everyone who thinks that way a cuck.
I'm neither for nor against, I'm only against somali people trying to dictate what others do. we share an ethnicity that's it, we all go our own way in the end. And I don't like the "our women" "their women" thing

Hodan, it is feeling of kinship that goes beyond females. A somali will feel related to you when they spot you. It is that annoying old man and female telling you to behave when they see you misbehave or doing something inappropriate. Also, this comes in handy when Somalis are in trouble, a somali will help you without asking anything in return. They would empty their pocket to get you the help you need when they see you troubled. It is one nomadic feature in our culture that saved many a somali in dire need throughout history. Young Somalis like you who grew up in diaspora find this part of our culture annoying since they get used to what is called privacy. In reality, as you get older, you will realize how important this selfless kinship to one another is. It is what saved us from enemies who invaded somali territories for generations. Europeans themselves wrote plenty about this somali characteristic of being real tight community who accepted no outsiders. It may seem too invasive to the privacy of a female, but in truth, it is caring,

I broke bread with Somalis I didn't know many a time who didn't ask me where I was from. It seeps into every aspect of how we treat each other. A blessing to have. The fights on the forum might be a some freak showing of love too :) Or may be I am too positive and see only good. But what I said about the "Our females" is true.
Hodan, it is feeling of kinship that goes beyond females. A somali will feel related to you when they spot you. It is that annoying old man and female telling you to behave when they see you misbehave or doing something inappropriate. Also, this comes in handy when Somalis are in trouble, a somali will help you without asking anything in return. They would empty their pocket to get you the help you need when they see you troubled. It is one nomadic feature in our culture that saved many a somali in dire need throughout history. Young Somalis like you who grew up in diaspora find this part of our culture annoying since they get used to what is called privacy. In reality, as you get older, you will realize how important this selfless kinship to one another is. It is what saved us from enemies who invaded somali territories for generations. Europeans themselves wrote plenty about this somali characteristic of being real tight community who accepted no outsiders. It may seem too invasive to the privacy of a female, but in truth, it is caring,

I broke bread with Somalis I didn't know many a time who didn't ask me where I was from. It seeps into every aspect of how we treat each other. A blessing to have. The fights on the forum might be a some freak showing of love too :) Or may be I am too positive and see only good. But what I said about the "Our females" is true.

I also feel the same about other somalis but I don't want them telling me how to my life nor will I tell them how to live theirs.
I also feel the same about other somalis but I don't want them telling me how to my life nor will I tell them how to live theirs.

I understand the sentiment. If I were in your shoes, I would see the motivation behind their intrusive approach to my life and that they mean well. When I turn the corner, having paid my respect to Somalis who cared about me and what I was doing wrong, I would either continue what pleases me, or I would reflect on what they said and see if I am on the wrong side of events. Either way, I came to appreciate belonging to a culture and its people. If you live in America for long, you will learn how at the end of the day, people who truly care about you are the people who look like you, speak like you, and think like you, and those are Somalis.
How come the Pakistani and Arab and West Africans don't share their women with Somali men? Why do Somalis share their women and the gesture isn't returned?

Somali Salafis are probably the most shameless type of people. Even a Salafi from another ethnic group would not give up their daughter to a foreigner.

You obviously don't mingle with the muslim community. Salafis come in arab, asian, black and white. Many white reverts are married to blacks because they are only attracted to them. Whites usually like black women because thats what they are attracted to. Asian women like black reverts too but mostly also marry whites. The young ones marry different races all over the place it's not only somalis doing it. I know lots of arab girls in my uni who are making duas for a black man. White revert girls will also not accept a non-black spouse. They rather marry a poor black muslim man than an educated white guy. It's their preference.
I always felt like mixed race somali weddings were super rare. There's only one person in my family, that I know of, who married out, and it's a man at that lol.

I have no idea where this fear mongering is coming from. Or maybe it's just my sub clan that rarely marries out :zhqjlmx:

I'm neither for nor against, I'm only against somali people trying to dictate what others do. we share an ethnicity that's it, we all go our own way in the end. And I don't like the "our women" "their women" thing

Lol I always hated the "our wimminzz mentality lol it's dumb
Hodan, it is feeling of kinship that goes beyond females. A somali will feel related to you when they spot you. It is that annoying old man and female telling you to behave when they see you misbehave or doing something inappropriate. Also, this comes in handy when Somalis are in trouble, a somali will help you without asking anything in return. They would empty their pocket to get you the help you need when they see you troubled. It is one nomadic feature in our culture that saved many a somali in dire need throughout history. Young Somalis like you who grew up in diaspora find this part of our culture annoying since they get used to what is called privacy. In reality, as you get older, you will realize how important this selfless kinship to one another is. It is what saved us from enemies who invaded somali territories for generations. Europeans themselves wrote plenty about this somali characteristic of being real tight community who accepted no outsiders. It may seem too invasive to the privacy of a female, but in truth, it is caring,

I broke bread with Somalis I didn't know many a time who didn't ask me where I was from. It seeps into every aspect of how we treat each other. A blessing to have. The fights on the forum might be a some freak showing of love too :) Or may be I am too positive and see only good. But what I said about the "Our females" is true.

Nice post. I am neither for nor against interracial marriage but I think some girls are way too trigger happy when it comes to marrying out and don't think everything through. And if you suggest they do, they make you out to be backwards. Often these girls end up isolating themselves.


I always felt like mixed race somali weddings were super rare. There's only one person in my family, that I know of, who married out, and it's a man at that lol.

I have no idea where this fear mongering is coming from. Or maybe it's just my sub clan that rarely marries out :zhqjlmx:

Lol I always hated the "our wimminzz mentality lol it's dumb
Somalis rarely marry out some barely marry out of their tribe.


That's what I'm saying! But people on here have somehow deluded themselves into thinking it's an epidemic. That xalimos are marrying white reverts for apple mehrs :cosbyhmm:
It's because Somali people married to each other don't advertise themselves. The interracial ones do; their videos are all over YouTube.
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