Two car bomb explosions at the education ministry in Mogadishu leave scores of casualties

Nomadic lord

Simply better.
I’m conflicted with changing the capital. If the capital was changed 1991 I wouldn’t mind. But my ppl have been going through hell and back last 30 years so why now when the city is getting economical growth and we are starting to eat good they want to change it. At the same time these bombings are another conflict to my opinion
AS will always attack the capital no matter where it is.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The assault on these khawarij rats should be taken up a notch. AUN to dead and speedy recovery to the injured. Xamar won't be safe as long as places like jilib is under them. How do explosives cars get through? Where are the check points near sensitive areas like here? The FGS needs to relocate all ministries in one district and secure it completely.
What do you expect when the leaders themselves praise AS especially Madoobe

It will be politicised when the head of nisa mahad salaad is al shabaab.

The religious minister roobow is al shabab and openly supporting al shabab leaders like ahmed madoobe.
First of all, you just make fake claims of Mahad Salaad. You have no prove he is Alshabab. But the previous NISA Fahad Yasin was confirmed by US intelligence that he was Alshabab.

This blast is unfortunate and definitely shouldn’t have happened. There need to be accountability for lack of security in the capital.


I’m conflicted with changing the capital. If the capital was changed 1991 I wouldn’t mind. But my ppl have been going through hell and back last 30 years so why now when the city is getting economical growth and we are starting to eat good they want to change it. At the same time these bombings are another conflict to my opinion
even if the capital changes, mogadishu will still be getting economic growth and you’ll be eating regardless. that’s because there’s more money than can be made investing in xamar as its the largest and most densely populated city in somaliweyn.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Mahad Saalad ba ka dambeeya!!! The father of terrorism

AUN to the dead:kendrickcry::kendrickcry:



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

What a tragic story this young girl died in the 2nd qarax after looking for her
mom body who died in the first


Veni Vidi Vici

When they cannot fight on the field, they resort to these cowardly attacks. AUN

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”

When they cannot fight on the field, they resort to these cowardly attacks. AUN
This is facts. They’ve resorted to this in order to create fear and lowering moral. Inshallah Somalia will be free from these parasites and we will be leaving in peace


Somalia needs to learn from somaliland and Djibouti. They are poor but at least place is safe and people go about their lives in peace. I think key is a strong man like Bixinor or Gulled being in power. To many fake figure heads in Somalia pulling country apart giving alshabab space to
Somalia is only one Qabiil Isaaq
Djibouti is small place
Mogadishu is big diverse place is hard to control 💯


AUN. Sorry for you lost brother, a family friends son of mine died too apparently, is your family originally from Gaalkacyo by any chance?
Nah we’re from Dhusamareb originally. But most of my qaraabo who moved have lived in Xamar since 80s or born there. AUN to him too and everyone else


True Puntlander
AUN to our deads, Alkabab in pain. They want xamar to stop war. Its great signal that your enemy in pain. Let alkabab suffer from their action.