i don't understand why you're still misqouting, i said before the riots happened political activist were stillbeing arested. i literally said a few of them were ONLF yet you read and think and say: "yeah that but that was a rare occurance and not thousands of political prisoners"Ok, but these are not "jailing thousands of political activists". OLF was split into two and one of the faction is officially waging armed war against the state. So if you declare war on the state to achieve your goal using violent means then don't cry and complain when the state also responds accordingly. These can never be political activists.
In case of ONLF I also heard that incident and I agree that should have never happened but these seems to me few incidents and can never be described as "jailing thousands of political activists".
The jailing of thousands of hooligans started when the looting, killing and burning started. When the looting starts the shooting and mass jailing also starts . And that is absolutely OK!
of course they're that why i said a few.