Thousands of Jubbaland Residents Await To Welcome President Deni To Kismayo


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Let it be known that Puntland is different and can't be bullied like the smaller states.

No detour needed, no fake airplane needed. We tried to solve it diplomatically but inviting FGS in Bosaso. But PL will always decide its destiny.
But madoobe is the one that has actuall power. The other 2 "president's just popped up as opposition.

If MX plans to overthrow madoobe be prepared and don't use the SNA soldiers.

Unless you want to give the ogaden their own nation.

And you do know that the fix farmaajo is giving is not permanent. The second a new federal president takes over villa Somalia. JL will be ruled by ogaden once again. It is their political leverage i guess

what SNA arm bro? they shot at each other 4 times, seraar and xidig are laughing all the way to the bank, sources say farmajo paid them 5 million USD, Allah knows best, but they took the money and kept quite and left kismayo after Ogaden sultans told them do not break up beesha, you will get your chances after ahmed, this time we need a leader who can fight,

he also lost 7 million repotedly he aid to habashi generals, the B00ns forget we have Been shooting at habashi for 700 years we have been fighting, we dont fear them,Ahmed simply said i will shoot down your plane, straight away ONLF told abiy why are we in adis abab making peace deal if you will do that to another Ogaden nation? he said it was not me, it was rogue element, repordly the amisom Ethiopians took 7 million from the b00n and laughed all the way to the bank, we have hardcore ONLF boys in kismayo who dont fear habashi like other somalis,

the Kenyans don't want to be blamed for massacre and beg us not to kills B00ns, but wallahi if they get out of hand and its Ogaden vs Marehan we would make the barre huraale war look like a child's play when we killed 300 marehans he had sent by hassan sheikh and did dumaal marriage on 2/3 marehan widows at once per Ogaden soldiers as war booty, we killed their husbands and then married them,

why didn't the b00ns create jubaland mamul in all those 10 years and made all the tribes eat from the same plate? why did they harass, rob and loot majerteen and other Somali businessman and grew weed and heroine in fertile jubaland valley? its a B00n race not ready for civilisation

he is nothing in jubaland, i rule them with iron fist.
You need to ask yourself if MX can handle OG since OG doesn't play nice. The OG tribe resides in three states. They have the KDF, own militias, liyu police, have more influence in Ethiopia than farmaajo. This alone can keep madoobe in office if the OG wants to.

Secondly madoobe has political alliances like former presidents and mainly the fgs opposition

if B00ns can do anyting, they would have done it ages ago bro, they tried all tricks, they thought they can use Ethiopia against us missing the fact that out of the 9 ethiopian regional presidents, one of the is Ogaden, we have ministers in federal ethiopia, we have the ethiopians begging ONLF for peace, we have massive clout and senators, Mps, governors etc in Kenya, ethiopia,

so when it comes to Geo strategy we are Ogaden, we are just too big for one B00n who thinks he can outsmart us, we had ethiopian and kenyan Ogadnes leaders on the fone to james swan with in hours, hence why he kept quite

they think its the 90s and 2000s when the b00ns can cry ONLF to zenawi

all Ogadens in the 3 nations are united on jubaland, before we were all focused on DDS, we are massive so when we bring our attention to something, we keep to it, we dont chnage a lot since we have to coordinate 3 nations massive tribe at once, we have all focused on jubaland, believe you me, even cabdi iley used to send money each month and vehicles and boys,


if B00ns can do anyting, they would have done it ages ago bro, they tried all tricks, they thought they can use Ethiopia against us missing the fact that out of the 9 ethiopian regional presidents, one of the is Ogaden, we have ministers in federal ethiopia, we have the ethiopians begging ONLF for peace, we have massive clout and senators, Mps, governors etc in Kenya, ethiopia,

so when it comes to Geo strategy we are Ogaden, we are just too big for one B00n who thinks he can outsmart us, we had ethiopian and kenyan Ogadnes leaders on the fone to james swan with in hours, hence why he kept quite

they think its the 90s and 2000s when the b00ns can cry ONLF to zenawi

ONLF wasn't needed once Menguistu was gone, I think some shady actors kept it alive. Tigray is cool since they hate Amhara also. Oromo are already half muslims due somali sheikh activities in the past. I would love to be in this Ethiopia, just ensure Amharo stays down cuz the nation goes into chaos once he is back. It's funny you can prolly sell the Ethiopians that u will keep the wild b22n(shabab somalis) away from them and it's better having Ogadeniya border them so they don't reach u like JL bufferzone. U convinced the Kenyans of it, I am sure u can convince the Habesha. But like I said I am not sure having states are good idea. All Jabarti descendants don't have nations but strategically placed in all as a 'segment' of that population. Don't put ya eggs in all one basket weeye.

You really give these b22n too much credit and answering, they don't know the human brain is the best gift that god gave man, not land, not farms, the b22n are apart of wild life they think wild life has to be JANNO like monkeys do


@Teeri-Alpha they can't even see the wisdom of why we focus on the past. Cuz it proves who is good or bad and civilized and did something. We can't talk about now since it's a mess the nation so we need to look at the past and see which clans achieved stuff before the mess and say hang on there we found u b22n. Plus Failed state doesn't mean a FAILED CLAN. We have failed clans in Somalia when the state collapsed. Some clans didn't fail, while other clans are in failure mode isn't deniable. The b22n lost their ABBO, while other clans knew he wasn't there abo and had ISIMO. We have kings, sultans, ugaases, beeldajes, and so many kings who can fill the vacuum of state collapse cause we had historical kingdoms.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@TekNiKo the plane has been found and it landed peacefully. You should congratulate me.
Somalia badly needs an airforce wallahi, thats the only thing left to fully implement the flight restrictions.

Farmaajo should let HSM and Sh shariif go now.











No one will take us seriously on the world stage with these backward clan states.

But I know you're an anarchist :browtf:
You need to play the game of Lesser evil and Greater evil. Ahmed Islam and the opposition is a lesser evil and Farmaajo is a greater evil. Farmaajo is a fake wadani who wants the return of Siyad style dictatorship and this is evident in his domestic policy and how he's been treating federal states. This president and his administration is an absolute failure and barely made any significant contribution. Farmaajo has wasted our time and should resign. He's an absolute failure.