This is what happens if you race mix

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
Delusional. Comparing fighting in wars since adolescence and constantly on alert for enemies to giving birth.

I hope you're kidding. Men sometimes allow a matriarch to lead but the armies were men risking their lives fighting to conquer or protect for women and children.

So what if there is females police officers, most of them were hired to interact with women.

It's the truth, cope harder.
I’m not coping, I’m playing the radical game to somehow spur some compromise :hmm:

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
Lies. Women and children were often spared. Men weren't. And the reason these wars were started by men is because they were the leaders.
slavery of women and concubation is in the Quran.
There were eventually more female slaves in american slavery
if women aren’t allowed to race mix how are the men gonna have women to mix races with

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
Compromise on what?
It’ll show a completely different view and possibly find a way to bring the opposite side closer to the center but clearly it isn’t working as well here compared to other times so I’ll stop
Delusional. Comparing fighting in wars since adolescence and constantly on alert for enemies to giving birth.

I hope you're kidding. Men sometimes allow a matriarch to lead but the armies were men risking their lives fighting to conquer or protect for women and children.

So what if there is females police officers, most of them were hired to interact with women.

It's the truth, cope harder.

If there was no comparison dying in birth for women would not seen as the same as dying in battle in Islam.

Giving birth is literally one of the most excruciating pain ever.
It's common knowledge that they would kill the men but spare the women and children.

That is not the case for all battles and societies. Sometimes small armies would raid villages and kill women they had no use for.

So no, women died all the time. They are dying now in different wars in the middle east along with children.

