The Wild Al-Shabaab released bodies of Ethiopian soldiers.

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Kismaayo has never been mx land they came with force and lleft with force.
While.Mx were displacing ogaden and Harti in Kismaayo under JVA.HG their counterpart was dusplacing Sheikhal in Jilib.
So will it be wrong for sheikhal to get back his piece of land in Jilib from HG who used it to plant marijuana in the fields.
Sheikhal alrady have jilib. they only need to liberate themselves from AS. hg attacked but was defended against like similar clans such Bimal, Tunni, Gaaljecel and many others.
KDF stays as long as other foreigners stay you want to have your weapon drawn and tell another to drop his. As long as Somalis use foreign soldiers and national institutions for their own clans gains we will do as we wish to sustain ours.

The myth of Kenya being worse is also laughable Ethiopia can literally annex land on that provisional border and get away with it and after a governor cried for help on that exact issue those who allege to love their “country” were still stuck on a finished ICJ case.

You would need to prove your claims that Madoobe is apart of any crime that has ever taken place in JL.
he killed many Sheikhals and took their land in Kismayo.
HG never displaced Sheikhals in Jilib and they don't even live there. oagden and Sheikhal don't fight in Jubooyinka because where Sheikhal lives is controlled by AS except Kismayo and nearby.
They did there used to be alot of fights between HG and Sheikhal during the JVA.

Also since Sheikhal area is controlled by AS you eant Kismaayo to be controlled by aS right?
But you cheer for AS in Juboyinka.
Should I do the same and cheer for them in xamar while talk about Ugandans in ugandishu?
I don't cheer for AS in Juboyinka. I just don't care when they smoke KDF. I hate both of them, I don't care which one of them dies.
Sheikhal alrady have jilib. they only need to liberate themselves from AS. hg attacked but was defended against like similar clans such Bimal, Tunni, Gaaljecel and many others.
Why dont you hear of HG any more menace in Jilib? Because the JVA fell apart.
Under JVA your lands were occypied by HG and you folks were lama ooyan.Yet during that time your wadaado in Xamar were funding Raaso wars.
I don't cheer for AS in Juboyinka. I just don't care when they smoke KDF. I hate both of them, I don't care which one of them dies.
I dont like both foreingers and AS but I hate most is those qabilists hiding their true intentions like you.
Why not focus in your regions why cry about Juboyinka 24/ 7 dont you have your own issues in your mamul goboleed you come from?
Go build your mamul goboleed stop being focused in our land.


he killed many Sheikhals and took their land in Kismayo.
Sheikhaals were never prevalent in any city let alone Kismayo. Ive said it before nobody has this much energy for Kenya minorities just hide their qabyalad behind the nation.
Sheikhaals were never prevalent in any city let alone Kismayo. Ive said it before nobody has this much energy for Kenya minorities just hide their qabyalad behind the nation.
don't know why you are defending fucking terrorist?. is he your uncle?
Why dont you hear of HG any more menace in Jilib? Because the JVA fell apart.
Under JVA your lands were occypied by HG and you folks were lama ooyan.Yet during that time your wadaado in Xamar were funding Raaso wars.
you are really believe people like AS?. you are very stupid.
Sheikhaals were never prevalent in any city let alone Kismayo. Ive said it before nobody has this much energy for Kenya minorities just hide their qabyalad behind the nation.
I think this guy is not sheikhal.

He needs to provide when Madoobe killed sheikhal what battle.
So far we know
Madhoibe fought Barre huraale in Kismaayo 3 times.
Madoobe fought iftin Baasto
Madoobe fought another guy called baley

I just want to know the Sheikhal colonel who was leading the war on sheikhal side against Madoobe.
don't know why you are defending fucking terrorist?. is he your uncle?
Madhoobe is the only leader in Juboyinka post civil war that has made sheikhal lives matters in the region before that Sheikhal were lama oyaan.

Under JVA sheikhal were not even heard.But just like usual they are ungrateful like you.
I dont like both foreingers and AS but I hate most is those qabilists hiding their true intentions like you.
Why not focus in your regions why cry about Juboyinka 24/ 7 dont you have your own issues in your mamul goboleed you come from?
Go build your mamul goboleed stop being focused in our land.
All our issues are interconnected as long as we are a country. I have no dog in Juboyinka, I care about Kenyan interference in Somalia. As long as long as you cheer for them as your colonial masters, Juboyinka will be my problem.


don't know why you are defending fucking terrorist?. is he your uncle?
I thought this was all about Kenya, wadaninimo, and the tears of Jubbaland muslims :frdfvsb:
I think this guy is not sheikhal.

He needs to provide when Madoobe killed sheikhal what battle.
So far we know
Madhoibe fought Barre huraale in Kismaayo 3 times.
Madoobe fought iftin Baasto
Madoobe fought another guy called baley

I just want to know the Sheikhal colonel who was leading the war on sheikhal side against Madoobe.
Bro it’s a lie every clans excuse for being nothing in the jubbas is 1.) Kenyaaaa 2.) Axmed Madoobe stole our land 3.) Siad Barre brought Ogadens here

Its a masked form of qabiil politics where they say without bravery if Kenya leaves we will use Ethiopia to take JL and we will take your land as ours.

My thing is if your a clan worth anything you wouldnt have to hide it if your afraid then dont fight people anyways :zhqjlmx:
Madhoobe is the only leader in Juboyinka post civil war that has made sheikhal lives matters in the region before that Sheikhal were lama oyaan.

Under JVA sheikhal were not even heard.But just like usual they are ungrateful like you.
terrorist is terrorist. don't like anyone who used to kill Somalis. fear allah and don't simp for terrorist.
if you knew how much i hate these guys you wouldn't talk the same way as you do. my families live in Xamar and worry of them getting bombed but you want my family to be bombed. fucking cruel get help to get rid this hatred.
I hate every sheikhal in al islaax they are the biggest terrorists.They live good life in Kaxdah yet fund wars in Raaso.
They pay for guns ammunitions and train militias to displace ogadens in Raaso.

So dont try talking about madhoobe.
Even if he leaves he will be replaced by abother ogaden.No sheikhal has ever been a leader in Kismaayo nor has there ever been a Liberation front controlled and Run by Sheikhal in Somalia.
I thought this was all about Kenya, wadaninimo, and the tears of Jubbaland muslims :frdfvsb:

Bro it’s a lie every clans excuse for being nothing in the jubbas is 1.) Kenyaaaa 2.) Axmed Madoobe stole our land 3.) Siad Barre brought Ogadens here

Its a masked form of qabiil politics where they say without bravery if Kenya leaves we will use Ethiopia to take JL and we will take your land as ours.

My thing is if your a clan worth anything you wouldnt have to hide it if your afraid then dont fight people anyways :zhqjlmx:
i don't like foreigners and wish the worst thing for KDF.
I hate every sheikhal in al islaax they are the biggest terrorists.They live good life in Kaxdah yet fund wars in Raaso.
They pay for guns ammunitions and train militias to displace ogadens in Raaso.

So dont try talking about madhoobe.
Even if he leaves he will be replaced by abother ogaden.No sheikhal has ever been a leader in Kismaayo nor has there ever been a Liberation front controlled and Run by Sheikhal in Somalia.
what is the difference between you and the guys you say are funding terrorism. i came to this thread to say foreign soldiers and that turned into this.
you and @Removed simp for foreign soldiers that kill Somali. fear Allah.
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