The technical university of Baardheere

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Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
no way to treat the city founding fathers:mjlol: xishood

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Fam us Marehan Ugaases came to kismayo in the 1800's you idiot while Ajuran took over Kismayo in the late 14th century so if I was you, I wouldn't be proud of that. kkkk

Look at your shameless Tunnasangali Sultan and his history.


The langaab fish Sultan, ina Cali Shire, penned the single most servile, obedient, submissive letter to date to the English to be allowed to return back to Somaliland:


"As my master..."

"I will be satisfied to be the most humble servant of the English nation"

"I promise to be obedient"

"What I should like is to be under the orders of an Englishman".
Fam you as a Warsangeli is always getting manupulated by these masas. I know a Warsangeli guy in real life he has told me ''Sade treats us better than MJ and yet they are my Harti brothers.''

As for Kismayo we all know we discovered it was us Sade Ugaases. Be your own man sxb. They just want to rule you. And use your land in their favor.

sheikh your good ppl.. i'm not here too pick sides.


Great likewise fam. Your aight for a Warsangeli for not having cuqdad for Sade. Not like the other ones that claimed to be from your clan that are bamboozled. :drakelaugh:

Waryaa keleb yahow 2 xininiyood ku radso kursiga not bending over hawiye. We would respect you then, till then we see you as 'wixi hawiye soo xaaray'. If I want the opinion of a marehan, I will ask hawiye, because lets be real, you can't say shit to hawiye cause you know they own you. I CAN


@Sheikh Majerten wa isla wayn yahay inu hawiye hostisa galo waryaa oo kadib kursi loo dhiibo, waxasi waan ka faana. If we want the damn seat, it will be MJ ways and only OUR WAY. We won't play second fiddle anagu like your punk ass. That's why you niggas are disrespected in PL.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Waryaa keleb yahow 2 xininiyood ku radso kursiga not bending over hawiye. We would respect you then, till then we see you as 'wixi hawiye soo xaaray'. If I want the opinion of a marehan, I will ask hawiye, because lets be real, you can't say shit to hawiye cause you know they own you. I CAN

Us Sade Ugaase have xininiyood. But fam we can say anything we want we are the most powerful clan. And that clan doesn't like you. But enough of that. Sxb have you checked your DNA? You might have some Bantu blood in you. Kkk.



Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
@Sheikh Majerten wa isla wayn yahay inu hawiye hostisa galo waryaa oo kadib kursi loo dhiibo, waxasi waan ka faana. If we want the damn seat, it will be MJ ways and only OUR WAY. We won't play second fiddle anagu like your punk ass. That's why you niggas are disrespected in PL.

@DR OSMAN Fam MJ are jealous of the great Sade because you can't reach our greatness. We are ruling the country and we have the power anything we want we will do. The kursi will always be MX and in our favor. You play 2nd fiddle to me this day Farmaajo is your President and he's playing video games with you. In our mammul JL that's why your always humiliated and karbashed by us MX Ugaases.
Cagdheer boy Usaaqs and MJs can throw disses about devlopment not you. You were challenged to show us stuff to brag about.

You scurried off like a dhoocil.
baardheere ma adaa iga xiga nacas yahoow? learn to take jokes u sensitive .


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
So it’s about aesthetics now and not actual learning what would you do have them close the institutions because it’s not “pretty” enough you flamboyant Dhabayaaaaaco:mjlol:

kkkkk flamboyant dhabayaaaco

Tell me the courses taught in the Technical university of Bardhere/polytechnic Bardera
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Seeker of knowledge and truth
Waryaa keleb yahow 2 xininiyood ku radso kursiga not bending over hawiye. We would respect you then, till then we see you as 'wixi hawiye soo xaaray'. If I want the opinion of a marehan, I will ask hawiye, because lets be real, you can't say shit to hawiye cause you know they own you. I CAN
Doctor I thought you were some what educated it boggles my mind why even smart Mjs like you haven’t figured it out your political strategy is outdated yet are you angry at MX for running for the highest office because Hawiye told you to fock off we won’t ever elect an MJ President again after Abdullahi Yusuf the 4.5 system you yourselves brought to Somalia has been turned against you Hawiye and Darood will split Prez and PM and Raxanweyne for speaker who do you think Raxanweyne follows politically in Somalia it’s Hawiye ofcourse who do think 0.5 follow in Somalia it’s Raxanweyn ofcourse,your politics of Kablalaxism (MJism)
won’t work because of your non stop attempts to isolate Beesha Sade which every Somali sees no one is blind to it, Irir will always welcome us to destroy Kablalaxism (MJism) and keep Darood weak and divided your in a political deadlock having an aggressive policy towards Hawiye will forever be counterproductive unless your willing to pick guns and use force and we all know that’s not your best trait Darood without Beesha Sade is like a snail without its shell,play the game change your policy towards Sade and maybe we can challenge Irir as a unified Darood and try to break their alliance but as long as Sade exist they will be used as a weapon against your plans and Sade will defend themselves politically allying with Irir either you become isolationist and keep to Puntland or you change your moronic and outdated strategy and come back downs as real players the balls in your court brother

baardheere ma adaa iga xiga nacas yahoow? learn to take jokes u sensitive .
Stfu cawaanyahow. Development jokes are reserved for dhabacyonand 1door. If you wann brag then amaze ue. But you ran away like a little b!tch from @Shaolin23's challenge to show us how your deegaans in Somalia are way better than ours laakiin dhoocil xun baa tahay


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Stfu cawaanyahow. Development jokes are reserved for dhabacyonand 1door. If you wann brag then amaze ue. But you ran away like a little b!tch from @Shaolin23's challenge to show us how your deegaans in Somalia are way better than ours laakiin dhoocil xun baa tahay
Ogaadeen land in Somalia look like jungles Caabudwaaq looks like Hargeisa compared to any of their tuulos in Bakool Middle Jubba Lower Jubba

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
I know this darood family affair thread but have soft spot for beesha Mareexaan.

Produced two Presidents and plenty of great men yet their region looks like that

I think they are selfless Muwaadiniin, who place heir country’ needs before Beesha

We could all learn a thing or two from them

Indeed Gobta Darood are Sade Ibn Jaberti
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