The rise of the unmarried late 20s - early 30s Somali diaspora woman

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「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Marriage is a sham and a very bad deal for men. Think about all the money you will losing. So much gone and little to gain. Terrible investment.

Women are the ones that are approached or search for but as you guys said the decent guys are few and the opposite is happening now. It the UK, this I not a Somali problem meaning that Somali women are competing with outside there race. If this doesn't give Somali guys motivation to self improve themselves. I don't know what will.

But nobody is willing to up their game and change their tactics some don't even know what going on. People just need to adapt.

Also, it's very expensive. Plus, the mahr nope.
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One thing somali guys are good at is they know how to pick their wives. Good girls don't go beyond 20-22 without being wifed up. If she's unmarried and is approaching 30, u better believe there's a good reason. among them:

she has a past, she used to wild out, clubbing etc..
she spent her 20s talking about I don't need no man because she finished her gender studies degree
she ran after ajnabis, dissed faaraxs, aka self hate, and hate for all things somali.

she falls into one of those three. never waste your time on a somali girl that's beyond 23 years of age unless she's in medical school.

such nonsense
Here is the thing, my accomplishments with regards to my degree's, and other aspects of my resume are things that I did and do for myself and my hooyo; ensuring that her sacrifices for me were not in vain.

I can understand and sympathize with the women who have worked so hard with their degrees and have spent years pursuing higher education. They have accrued student loans and need to pay them back, for instance. You can't blame them if they feel that by staying home, they are wasting their life.

There is also the sense of fear that many women have. If they stay at home, their husbands will not appreciate them, take them for granted and will not help them raise the kids and take care of things around the house. So its important for men to make sure that they treat their wives with respect, to not oppress her, and to understand that if she was a highly educated woman, she has given up her career and any earning potential in order to nurture her family. That takes a lot of sacrifice, and it should be met with respect and compassion.

lol... look at this xalimo feeling all entitled.. awwww I think I got a couple tears running down my eye.
Why does this sound awfully similar to African American women? Hahahahah. When AA women are educated and have professional careers, no AA men want them
Why does this sound awfully similar to African American women? Hahahahah. When AA women are educated and have professional careers, no AA men want them

hhhh walahi soo true, they become awkard,antisocial toward blk men and all their noses pointed up in the air,,hence paid a heavy price for that...all single.
white women on the otha hand are by in large down to earth regardless of their status and took whats left of black men with thm.
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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I would say the ratio is higher than that walaal.

Plus, Somali guys being affected by their neighbourhoods and turning out the way they did (i.e. being killed, going to jail, joining gangs) have multiple implications. For instance, who are somali girls now going to marry? Because unfortunately, the few decent somali guys are being literally hounded by so many girls. And unless he fears allah and has taqwa, some of these guys tend to exhibit characteristics of arrogance and pride, due to the fact that they can get any girl that they want, which in itself is a turn-off.

And no, I'm not married.

Just allow us to bask in all the attention we're receiving before we start balding please.

Typical xaliimos man... They don't want us enjoying life for even a second:bell::bell:
Just allow us to bask in all the attention we're receiving before we start balding please.

Typical xaliimos man... They don't want us enjoying life for even a second:bell::bell:


Go ahead and enjoy the attention. Its up to you to discern whether those Xalimo's want you for you, or because they want you for your accomplishments, resume, and to brag to others that her husband does X for a living. :siilaanyolaugh:

Don't say I didn't warn ya!


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga

Go ahead and enjoy the attention. Its up to you to discern whether those Xalimo's want you for you, or because they want you for your accomplishments, resume and to brag to others that her husband does X for a living. :siilaanyolaugh:

Don't say I didn't warn ya!

I'm winning regardless. My wife is opening doors for me without my knowledge woah :ohhh:

I'll be hot property regardless if I'm married or not :ohdamn::mjhaps:

Wife number 2 and 3 would come without me looking :mjhaps:
lol... look at this xalimo feeling all entitled.. awwww I think I got a couple tears running down my eye.
Expect a lot of s and miscegenation..... s in the diaspora should become extinct they are fuking retarded. :dzmxmmb:

What’s wrong with you ?

Such a foul mouthed creature, were you not taught how to communicate without releasing such vulgar substance from your mouth ?

Leave the girl alone and keep it moving sxb.
What’s wrong with you ?

Such a foul mouthed creature, were you not how to communicate without releasing such vulgar substance from your mouth ?

Leave the girl alone and keep it moving sxb.

I'm honestly confused. What part of my post illustrated any form of entitlement? @Active asylum, I was sharing my experience so if you have something substantial to add, I would be more than welcome to hear it. Otherwise, leave me alone and don't quote me again.
somali men in the west are weak dead beats(not all of them ofcoarse) and thats the truth they can sit on their asses and eat qat all day,i wish theyll cut welfares for these waste of lives,then when their women marry outside they and complain

1.)somali men in the west conquer the west.develope your communities
2.) polygamy is ok we are muslims if you are financial stable enough protect your women
3.)stop the qabil bullshit dont leave your somali sister just because shes not your qabil
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Maybe because there isn't a way for good Somali girls and guys to meet and get to know each other (i.e. like a networking/social event). So you have a group of good, decent and hard-working Somali girls who have yet to find someone, not because there isn't anyone, but because its hard to meet them. I mean, if you are a religious and shy/modest girl, you are not going to go up and introduce yourself to the guy that you are interested in.

This is a phenomenon that I have been noticing as well. I know tons of ajanabi girls getting married young, but the same cannot be said for Somali girls. TBH, it is quite alarming.

good point i always thought why not have a somali network
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