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If she gets married as a child, she loses out on her childhood and is forced to suddenly become an Adult. Unless her husband has plans to not only marry her but also 'raise' her and treat her like a child; which seems even more twisted.
Having a childhood is another non-muslim mindset
Ur childhood ends wen u hit puberty
if u hit puberty at age 9 then ur childhood is over
the angels are recording ur deeds
now u have to be a pious muslim
its a strange concept to us nowadays cos of the crooked society
and the way Islam is practiced backhome distorts the actual way Islam should be practiced
which is why ppl think that the western way of life is the best
Having a childhood is another non-muslim mindset
Ur childhood ends wen u hit puberty
if u hit puberty at age 9 then ur childhood is over
the angels are recording ur deeds
now u have to be a pious muslim
its a strange concept to us nowadays cos of the crooked society
and the way Islam is practiced backhome distorts the actual way Islam should be practiced
which is why ppl think that the western way of life is the best

Just because your sins are written, doesn't mean you stop being a child. Even those wise-cracking children in Somalia, who are treated like Adults, are very much still children.
At the end of the day Islam allows a woman to get married as soon as she hits puberty. It doesnt matter if u think they are a "child", Aaishah RA has many instances where she did immature things, but this didnt mean it was wrong for her to be married. If Islam alllows it, then the issue is final and no further discussion needs to be on it.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
For the past few years the Pedo gang have tried to come into the public as sympathetic figures. They have pulled public stunts to enter the public's minds in order to desensitise them. Now they're at the stage for 'public discourse' about the redefining of this demonic group of people.

USA Today actually tweeted about Pedophilia, attempting to 'reeducate' the public. They want to reframe child rape as an 'inborn' condition that cannot be helped.
Their plan is for people to accept it as a sexual orientation just like the other LGBTs

Thankfully people screenshotted it because the USA TODAY LIFE twitter thread is now gone. When they reposted it, they edited the headline


I have to give them credit for admitting it is a struggle. We all have struggles. but as long they know it is WRONG, and they work hard to change themselves, i see no problem. Definitely i am against bringing a private sin to Public consciousness. That is wrong.
You're right.

They throw around the world pedo loosely at times, especially when it comes to teenage and newly adult people. The example you used for instance. 19 year old/17 year olds are practically in the same generations.

However, even when I was in high school, guys from College 21+, who had 15/16 year old 'girlfriends' were considered loser creeps who couldn't get girls their own age. They were never normal men, they were always strange creeps.

Also, can we admit that men over the age of 30 who like to talk to girls who just turned 18, seem predatory? What is wrong with women their own age or 5 years or so younger? It seems calculated somehow, because they are not meeting these girls naturally; they don't go to school together, they don't work together etc. etc.

For me personally, it goes beyond physical development as there are Adult women who appear child-like physically. I believe mental maturity should also be taken into consideration. This means an Adult woman with the mental faculties of a child (delayed), should be protected also.
Pedophilia is the attraction of pre-pubescent children. You can't accuse someone of being a pedo if they are attracted to women past tanner stage 5, regardless of how unconventional it may seem.
These questions are open to all men reading this thread, I just wonder how men see these things;
No to the first.

Would not be happy about it at all regarding the second.

@Amk is approaching the matter from a purely dogmatic viewpoint. He is right in that regards.

This is the type of cognitive dissonance many Western Muslims have about issues which go against their personal conscience. We are partially a product of the society we grew up in. Like my stance on other controversial issues, I take an unorthodox balanced approach, will not condemn it nor will I promote it. To each his own.
At the end of the day Islam allows a woman to get married as soon as she hits puberty. It doesnt matter if u think they are a "child", Aaishah RA has many instances where she did immature things, but this didnt mean it was wrong for her to be married. If Islam alllows it, then the issue is final and no further discussion needs to be on it.

Most girls get their period at the age of 12. I don't see how a girl aged 12 is not a child in all ways, even in developing countries.
I have to give them credit for admitting it is a struggle. We all have struggles. but as long they know it is WRONG, and they work hard to change themselves, i see no problem. Definitely i am against bringing a private sin to Public consciousness. That is wrong.

Basra, that's what they want you to believe. They want you to sympathise and act like they are normal beings who have an innate problem. They are trying to position themselves as a sympathetic group who needs protection.
Pedophilia is the attraction of pre-pubescent children. You can't accuse someone of being a pedo if they are attracted to women past tanner stage 5, regardless of how unconventional it may seem.

Tanner stage 5 for girls is what? 15 years old?

In this day and age, a girl hasn't even completed school at the age of 15. I assume that's why Saudi Arabia changed the age to 18 years old, because they want to make sure girls are educated and can at least be of an age to be a decent mother to their children with some life experience and at least a high school diploma.

This is a sensitive topic that @Pwyneth Galtrow is raising awareness for and we don’t want her thread derailed. Please clean up this thread.

Thanks Tamir! Do me a favour please, have you got any islamic documents on age of consent to marriage? About what has to be considered before a girl can be married?

I found this on Wikepedia, which stated that a girl has to be intellectually mature in order to receive mahr and get married. In the same page it said that Imam Nawawi believed the age of 15 was a sign of Adulthood in both genders.

In issues pertaining to marriage, baligh is related to the Arabic legal expression, hatta tutiqa'l-rijal, which means that the a wedding may not take place until the girl is physically fit to engage in sexual intercourse. In comparison, baligh or balaghat concerns the reaching of sexual maturity which becomes manifest by the menses. The age related to these two concepts can, but need not necessarily, coincide. Only after a separate condition called rushd, or intellectual maturity to handle one's own property, is reached can a girl receive her bridewealth (Mahr).[12]
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Give it some time and we will 'accept' them like the trans. That being said , i dont see anything wrong with trying to fix pedos . Castration perhaps? idk
No to the first.

Would not be happy about it at all regarding the second.

@Amk is approaching the matter from a purely dogmatic viewpoint. He is right in that regards.

This is the type of cognitive dissonance many Western Muslims have about issues which go against their personal conscience. We are partially a product of the society we grew up in. Like my stance on other controversial issues, I take an unorthodox balanced approach, will not condemn it nor will I promote it. To each his own.

Agreed, we are a product of our environment. I think most people would be horrified at the thought of their child being married off, even in Somalia. I also think that some Muslims are overly concerned with copying the prophet to the point of not even making sense, that's why I want to see islamic literature on the age of consent to marriage. In Yemen, Adult men even marry 8 year olds.

Forget the fact that for example, a 12 year old girl, still looks and thinks like a child, there is also the fact that big age differences cause massive power imbalance and also that these girls are likely to be widowed early or even become the caretaker of their much older husbands. If Islam stipulates 'mental maturity', how can a child be mentally mature, especially in this day and age?

I saw a Somali couple married when they were both 14, I think it was Somaliland. I didn't even care that much because it's like those young Western boyfriend/girlfriend couples but it was Halal. Personally my issue with it is seeing an Adult man with a child.
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Give it some time and we will 'accept' them like the trans. That being said , i dont see anything wrong with trying to fix pedos . Castration perhaps? idk

I don't think there is a cure besides death.

There is also the troubling link between pedophiles and people who were victims of pedophilia, as in, the abused can become the abuser. Therefore, it looks more like a contagion of sorts that must be stopped permanently.
Agreed, we are a product of our environment. I think most people would be horrified at the thought of their child being married off, even in Somalia. I also think that some Muslims are overly concerned with copying the prophet to the point of not even making sense, that's why I want to see islamic literature on the age of consent to marriage. In Yemen, Adult men even marry 8 year olds.

Forget the fact that for example, a 12 year old girl, still looks and thinks like a child, there is also the fact that big age differences cause massive power imbalance and also that these girls are likely to be widowed early or even become the caretaker of their much older husbands.

I saw a Somali couple married when they were both 14, I think it was Somaliland. I didn't even care that much because it's like those young Western boyfriend/girlfriend couples but it was Halal. Personally my issue with it is seeing an Adult man with a child.
Wallahi i mean this sincerely, don't dig too deep into finding a dogmatic rationale for why it shouldn't be so. There is a reason why @Tamir suggested cleaning up the thread.

You probably know my personal stance on this and other controversial religious subjects. Best to just leave it be walaal and focus on one's immediate spiritual concerns.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Basra, that's what they want you to believe. They want you to sympathise and act like they are normal beings who have an innate problem. They are trying to position themselves as a sympathetic group who needs protection.

@Pwyneth Galtrow

I think you are over paranoid. This is issue is not the same as LGTB gay issue. The gay issue is adults consenting to a lifestyle. But with Pedophiles--the balance is different. Age is a major glaring problem. No consent. So it will NEVER be ok huuno. My thing -is if this is recognized as a disease as the same time recognized as a crime, things are heading the right way. U commit this crime u will go to jail as opposed to the gay issue-- two adults consenting to their own bodies. U see the difference?
@Pwyneth Galtrow

I think you are over paranoid. This is issue is not the same as LGTB gay issue. The gay issue is adults consenting to a lifestyle. But with Pedophiles--the balance is different. Age is a major glaring problem. No consent. So it will NEVER be ok huuno. My thing -is if this is recognized as a disease as the same time recognized as a crime, things are heading the right way. U commit this crime u will go to jail as opposed to the gay issue-- two adults consenting to their own bodies. U see the difference?

That's the problem with pedo supporters and pedo think tanks. They want it to become a recognised 'inborn condition', not a disease and certainly not a crime. But they are doing it in stages, they will first try to find sympathy, then understanding which will lead to acceptance and finally full legal 'protection'.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
That's the problem with pedo supporters and pedo think tanks. They want it to become a recognised 'inborn condition', not a disease and certainly not a crime. But they are doing it in stages, they will first try to find sympathy, then understanding which will lead to acceptance and finally full legal 'protection'.

naah i think u r over thinking it. The dynamics are clear here. Age difference. Period. It will never be ok.
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