Teen Beheads French Teacher for Showing Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad in Class

There is an interesting conspiracy theory that is circulating White Nationalist forums/think tanks although there is zero evidence to support it....and as you would expect they claim the Jews are behind it.

Basically, they[White Nationalists] believe the Jews are pressuring Western/European Nations to constantly fight Wars in the Middle-East to depopulate the region through mass-immigration. As a result, Israel would have a free hand to expand their borders to establish Greater Israel. In effect, the White Nationalists believe the Jews are using the Muslim Middle-Easterners as pawns.

There’s definitely a Jewish strategy to weaken Muslim ME countries


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
he wants u to reply to his posts and qashin it cuz he likes acting as he is better then muslim cuz his magical space grande told him so if u leave him be he will move on
Ahh, the classic exmuslim trap. Silly me


Sometimes I feel pity when I hear these stories, but then I remember all the massacres, forced prostitution, pillaging and the general sheer horror that the French carried out in their colonies on Muslim lands and their apathy and refusal to apologize for these terrors. Suddenly my heart becomes numb to attacks on the French.

My empathy is strictly reserved for people who deserve it.


Flying over your heads
These frenchies havent learned from the Charlie Hebdo madness. Those that dont know history are bound to repeat it like that dumbass teacher.
You would think maybe going to the teacher after class and telling him that the picture offended you would be common sense to all people. Nope...off with your head in true French style.

It seems like that guy properly integrated into French society.

I thought that is what the French wanted in the first place:tocry:

I can only assume that, had this occurred in Prague instead, the teacher would have been thrown out a window instead
They showed him cartoons from Charlie Hebdo? The French are on some other shit.
Yes, every country has different laws on "freedom of speech". Point is at the end of the day, if you want no one to speak negatively of Islam, no one to mock Muhammad then you should move to a Muslim country that criminalizes blasphemy. Don't come to the West and try to force them to follow your culture & religion.
Exactly these french snail eaters are hypocrites acting like equal opportunity offenders what about the french comedian who dared just to make jokes about Israel or Jews, I’ll never forget how France and the western world public ally crucified this man