Tattoos are on the RISE in SOMALIA

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I still feel like there is hope for you abaayo.:rolleyes: If you want me tell you about this hadith, feel free to message me.

But if you are gonna continue mocking my deen, I will put you on ignore. :abuxyga:
You were being rude first and yet you get upset when I defend myself?:drakewtf:

Anyways, I can't message yet but here's the Hadith.

"Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.'"

— Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:260
You are irritating me why are you arguing on something you have no knowledge about?
I'm irritating you for asking where in the Quran does it say tattoos are haram, and i'm also irritating you when you messaged me first? You are only "irritated" because you found out someone has a different opinion than you towards Islam.:drakelaugh:
I'm irritating you for asking where in the Quran does it say tattoos are haram, and i'm also irritating you when you messaged me first? You are only "irritated" because you found out someone has a different opinion than you towards Islam.:drakelaugh:
You are shia kuffar f*ck off.
I'm neither a Shia or Sunni, i'm a Muslim. But this post just proved to me that you are clearly mentally unstable. How hard did your macaalin bash a stick towards your skull that could've affected you this much? Bisinka.
Then you are a filthy suffi.
Haha what the hell are you on about !

To my great displeasure we will produce 4 kids (one every year) and when the youngest turns 18, we will come out of the closet to them and my spouse and I will remain close friends. If we can have kids by injection and not sex, even better.


Guul Ama Geeri
To my great displeasure we will produce 4 kids (one every year) and when the youngest turns 18, we will come out of the closet to them and my spouse and I will remain close friends. If we can have kids by injection and not sex, even better.
May Allah Cure you...
I'm neither you moron. For someone who claims others have no knowledge of Islam, you seem to not know the differences of being a Shia/Sufi who follow hadith which I do not. You're either mentally slow or just a troll.
What sect do you adhere to?
Filthy kuffar look at this hadith
It was narrated that Abu Juhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos, the one who has a tattoo done, the one who consumes riba (usury or interest) and the one who pays it, and he forbade the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute, and he cursed the image-makers.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5032).
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