Syrian man’s family is against him marrying a Somali woman. Is it racism?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Explain why you think it’s an Arab religion. I want to hear your reasoning
Taking Notes Ryan The Office GIF by MOODMAN
If Islam is an arab religion then why did the early muslims proselytise to the Persian and the Roman empires even the aksum Africans? 🤔 i wanna know
Explain why you think it’s an Arab religion. I want to hear your reasoning
Taking Notes Ryan The Office GIF by MOODMAN
It's nothing I haven't said before, it's more the butthurt reactions from a throwaway post of mine that gets me wanting to double down for fun. Just the languages and where the pilgramage is, is enough to make me see it as Arab.
If Islam is an arab religion then why did the early muslims proselytise to the Persian and the Roman empires even the aksum Africans? 🤔 i wanna know
This foreign troll doesn't care he's just butthurt that we are Muslims and are proud of our religion

There is no rational conclusion to be had with someone who believes a universalist religion where no particular culture whatsoever plays a role in its teachings and in fact even accomodates and utilises the rulings of each culture that enters the religion is somehow 'Arab'
It's nothing I haven't said before, it's more the butthurt reactions from a throwaway post of mine that gets me wanting to double down for fun. Just the languages and where Mecca is, is enough to make me see it as Arab.
Agreed. Arabnimo, meaning real arabs from the jazira (not arabized ppl/ shegatos) & Islam are inseparable.
What’s your belief system now? & why did you leave Islam?
Agnostic, I guess. Believing in a higher being and having a moral compass (for the betterment of everyone) is one thing. The silly rules is entirely another thing.

Maybe I can be convinced to come back. I can't read the future.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
"I'm not triggered!" he says as he keeps replying to me just because I said Islam is an Arab religion and that racism is bad.

You crybabies act like I'm those french fuckers who drew Muhammad in a demeaning way or something. 🤣
Instead of arguing your points you just throw words around projecting onto the users trying calling them names(talk about being ‘dramatic’)to distract us that your whole point is incoherent and refuted in the quran. @attash had a field day on you, you clearly lost but so stubborn


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Agreed. Arabnimo, meaning real arabs from the jazira (not arabized ppl/ shegatos) & Islam are inseparable.
Sister theres the ethnocentric notion among arabs that only gulf arab tribes are the real arabs(valid ngl) and then theres the scholars saying anyone who speaks arabic is an arab (expansionist imo) what do you think?

Imagine the ego boost Arabs got from this video 😭😭 I canttttt. She seems genuinely happy & I’m happy that she’s happy but damn… they really won.
Hahaha I'm too used to white boys and basically nerds in general hyping up the Japanese waaay too much. So Arab-worship is a whole 'nother rabbit hole for me. 🤣 This is fucked.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه

Imagine the ego boost Arabs got from this video 😭😭 I canttttt. She seems genuinely happy & I’m happy that she’s happy but damn… they really won.
A muslim being happy about Islam and the Quran has what to do with arabs ego exactly? Wheres the correlation? You’re so charming I forgot you are a gaal omds :birdman:
Sister theres the ethnocentric notion among arabs that only gulf arab tribes are the real arabs(valid ngl) and then theres the scholars saying anyone who speaks arabic is an arab (expansionist imo) what do you think?
Only gulf Arabs are true Arabs, even within gulf Arabs it’s a known fact Bahrainis, Emaratis, Kuwaitis, etc assimilated a lot of Persians. Real Arabs imo are mainly in Saudi Arabia.

Imagine the ego boost Arabs got from this video 😭😭 I canttttt. She seems genuinely happy & I’m happy that she’s happy but damn… they really won.
What does this have to do with Arabs she was happy to pray behind a famous Imam? The Imam's ethnicity is completely irrelevant.

It's you gaals that have Arabs living rent free in your heads. Everything in the world is because of the Arabs that's how you lot sound. If Aliens invaded tomorrow, it'd be the Arabs fault too. Everyday Carab baad so hadal qaadan just relax please. Ilahi Somali buu kaa dhigay just chill.

Of course, in your particular case it doesn't help you are an ex Salafi- those guys kinda claim to be 'cultureless' and 'pure Islam' yet they end up all being the same somehow and doing things that were not asked!


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Only gulf Arabs are true Arabs, even within gulf Arabs it’s a known fact Bahrainis, Emaratis, Kuwaitis, etc assimilated a lot of Persians. Real Arabs imo are mainly in Saudi Arabia.
If we are going to be that pedantic then one could argue adnan arab tribes are not arab many would be disqualified just by that claim.They were assimilated more than 3k years ago but the point still stands. One time I saw arabs do fkd on tiktok saying qahtans are the only true arabs😂
A muslim being happy about Islam and the Quran has what to do with arabs ego exactly? Wheres the correlation? You’re so charming I forgot you are a gaal omds :birdman:
The ego boost is all over the comments they’re proud of all the conquering & spreading of arab culture their ancestors did (as they should) shit I would be too. Slightly related but I also love sudais recitation it’s who I grew up listening to 🐐 fr :russ:
If we are going to be that pedantic then one could argue adnan arab tribes are not arab many would be disqualified just by that claim.They were assimilated more than 3k years ago but the point still stands. One time I saw arabs do fkd on tiktok saying qahtans are the only true arabs😂
Horta their FKD is the funniest thing on Earth they go all out :ftw9nwa:


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
The ego boost is all over the comments they’re proud of all the conquering & spreading of arab culture their ancestors did (as they should) shit I would be too. Slightly related but I also love sudais recitation it’s who I grew up listening to 🐐 fr :russ:
No one conquered somalia bruh. We became muslim by choice. Why are you salty and bitter that muslims had conquests horta? The point of the conquest was centered on Spreading Islam not arabnessz. you think we should have put flowers in our hair and sing kumbaya? You exmuslims are so naive
Oh No Smh GIF by ABC Network

