Studying Arabic, tips?

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1- if you learn modern Arabic, you won't understand the Quran. You and the Somali speaker would be on the same level and would need translation. In your case you would be studying Arabic just so you can read the the Quran to Arabic translation. You can also learn thorough tafsiir in Somali if you're interested in understanding the Quran. It's available everywhere on the net.

2- what do you believe you can get from Arabic scholars that u can't get from Somali scholars if u speak Somali and if u don't speak Somali and are Somali, don't u think it's more important to learn the language your parents and relatives speak so u can hold a conversation with them?

3- did you know one of the biggest Arab scholars like the Saudi scholar al madkhali went to same islamic unis with known Somali scholars and finished below them but has one of the biggest followers in the salafi group and can seeminly "disqualify" anyone he wants from "salafiyah" including people that out did him when they were studying together?

4- the classic Arabic islamic books, are u looking to become a major scholar for u to be reading them and how many years of full time education are u willing to spend on them?
It was said by Imam Shafi’i that learning Arabic is sunnah, also learning it would help in reading and reading it even with struggle would be rewarded immensly [ As the Prophet ﷺ said:

Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward.” (Sahih)
Secondly, OP may be seeking after Classical Arabic for all you know. And before someone learns Classical arabic or dabbles in Grammar (Naxw/icraab) they must first have basic Arabic skills. No need of politicisation or outcry of identity loss because learning a language doesn’t make you forget another.
Arabic is not a real language. It is a dead language like Latin and 20 something modern languages calling themselves Arabic for political reasons.
Your comment is sooo irrelevant. We are talking about MSA/ fus7a and spoken arabic. The different lahjas can all understand each other except for those in the magreb(could be argued they dont speak arabic but thats a seperate topic) but they know MSA as well so its not an issue. Where is the relevance of your comment? Youre reaching.


Ashy Abdi Representative
Modern Arabic is completely different to Quranic Arabic. Infact Arabic speakers need translation just like everyone else. Take for example old English from just few hundred years ago especially the poetry, do u think the average English speaker is going to understand it?
Yes I know but understanding old English is way easier for someone who knows English compared to someone who doesn't
Only for religious reasons. There is no benefit in learning colloquial or modern day Arabic.
Lol cause 420 million speakers renders a language useless to learn right? Makes sense.
Arabic is one of the top 10 most useful languages, just cause somalis feel a type of way about arabs doesnt change this fact.


Qolana Janno qolana naar
Guyss I'm struggling to learn arabic for a few years now. I find it hard to stay consistent with my studies. I have moments where I start learning new vocabulary and grammar bits but end up forgetting eveything after a few weeks. Alhamdulilah I have time this summer and want to do some intensive studying the next 2 months. But I'm just afraid I will lose motivation.

Do you guys know arabic and how did you learn? If it was through selfstudy, tips are welcome!
Also how do you keep yourself motivated when learning new languages?
Learn the grammer and then the quran and hadith books.
Somalis are so mad about arabs that anything that mentions arabs triggers them. A simple thread asking for advice has been politicized and somalis are at it again crying about their arab overlords. @Azirah Anonymous dont listen to these fools. Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world and more than 420 million speak it. Its very useful especially now when thousands of syrians etc are flooding into the west. Speaking arabic is a useful tool and has helped me in many situations.

Niggas that speak swedish and whatever other nordic language are on here talking about its not a useful language :kodaksmiley: what on earth would they know about useful? Doqomohaan iska dhaaf.
:dead1:lmao deadd, usheeg!!

I just wanted tips, instead people are writing paragraphs on arabization.
But I expected nothing less from this site.


Your comment is sooo irrelevant. We are talking about MSA/ fus7a and spoken arabic. The different lahjas can all understand each other except for those in the magreb(could be argued they dont speak arabic but thats a seperate topic) but they know MSA as well so its not an issue. Where is the relevance of your comment? Youre reaching.

Eac swylce seo næddre wæs geapre ðonne ealle ða oðre nytenu ðe God geworhte ofer eorðan. And seo næddre cwæð to ðam wife: "Hwi forbead God eow ðæt ge ne æton of ælcon treowe binnan Paradisum?" Þæt wif andwyrde: "Of ðæra treowa wæstme ðe synd on Paradisum we etað: and of ðæs treowes wæstme þe is onmiddan neorxnawange, God bebead us ðæt we ne æton, ne we ðæt treow ne hrepodon, ði læs ðe we swelton." Ða cwæð seo nædre eft tō ðam wife: "Ne beo ge nateshwon deade, ðeah ðe ge of ðam treowe eton. Ac God wat soðlice ðæt eowre eagan beoð geopenode on swa hwylcum dæge swa ge etað of ðam treowe; and ge beoð ðonne englum gelice, witende ægðer ge god ge yfel." Ða geseah ðæt wif ðæt ðæt treow wæs god to etenne


Lol cause 420 million speakers renders a language useless to learn right? Makes sense.
Arabic is one of the top 10 most useful languages, just cause somalis feel a type of way about arabs doesnt change this fact.
Could you tell me the benefit of knowing Arabic outside of religious reasons and not Hindi, Mandarin Chinese or Spanish? I’m all for learning Classical Arabic so you can understand the Qur’an better and all, but I think modern day/colloquial Arabic is pretty useless.
1- if you learn modern Arabic, you won't understand the Quran. You and the Somali speaker would be on the same level and would need translation. In your case you would be studying Arabic just so you can read the the Quran to Arabic translation. You can also learn thorough tafsiir in Somali if you're interested in understanding the Quran. It's available everywhere on the net.

2- what do you believe you can get from Arabic scholars that u can't get from Somali scholars if u speak Somali and if u don't speak Somali and are Somali, don't u think it's more important to learn the language your parents and relatives speak so u can hold a conversation with them?

3- did you know one of the biggest Arab scholars like the Saudi scholar al madkhali went to same islamic unis with known Somali scholars and finished below them but has one of the biggest followers in the salafi group and can seeminly "disqualify" anyone he wants from "salafiyah" including people that out did him when they were studying together?

4- the classic Arabic islamic books, are u looking to become a major scholar for u to be reading them and how many years of full time education are u willing to spend on them?
Not really one who knows modern arabic can understand the quran far better than one who doesnt. Ofc theyre different but people exagerrate the difference. Esp if you know MSA the quran is pretty simple.
Could you tell me the benefit of knowing Arabic outside of religious reasons and not Hindi, Mandarin Chinese or Spanish? I’m all for learning Classical Arabic so you can understand the Qur’an better and all, but I think modern day/colloquial Arabic is pretty useless.
There are benefits in learning mandarin hindi or spanish too:drakewtf: its learning a language regardless which will always open doors for you.

Your logic is flawed. If you learn classical arabic do you intend on never speaking the language? If you know classical picking up on colloquial doesnt even take effort. Youre learning arabic regardless so you might as well use it irl. This is 68 IQ working.

The reality is arabic is one of the most important and used languages out there. Its in your best interest to learn it. Plus do arabs not come up to yall and start talking in arabic assuming youre NA?:ayaanswag: Am i the only one who has to deal with this? Speaking arabic has been useful in those situations, they occur far too often:bell:


Arabic is not important at all. The Arab world is full of shitholes like Yemen, Libya and Syria. Only the Gulf countries are semi-important and they all speak English.

Sxb, my spoken and written Arabic is fairly good and I never regretted learning it. In my travels to the Gulf or in North Africa, though there were variations (extreme in North Africa) of the accents, the fundamentals were the same when spoken in Arabic Fus7a (classic). They all studied it at school. I never required an interpreter and nor did I speak to them in English. Arabic is far from a dead language.

I’ve read online (in Arabic) different debates/literature by Arab atheists (former Muslims) who still live in the Middle East and it’s more amusing than their English written counterparts. I think Germanic languages will disappear before Arabic.
Well let me just first clarify that I can speak Somali okay :ileycry:
The Somali language will always be a part of me and I will do my best to one day master my Somali and pass it on to my kids inshaAllah.

However, arabic is part of our religion. No Im not trying to become a scholar but knowing the arabic language opens a lot of doors for you, not all books are translated in english/somali plus we all know a lot is lost in translation. :yacadiim:
The most important works have all not only been translated into Somali with nothing lost in translation but have 100 minutes dedicated to explaining every half a page and the reasoning behind it with full examination into it by using other works that talked about the same subject as a reference.

Have u studied serious works that's been converted into Somali lessons? It's actually way better than reading the original work yourself as these people will actually bring in references from various other books for every subject discussed within that book with references. It's like reading multiple books with full access to the authors mindset


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Hang out with racist Arabs. The lessons will be both informative and engaging!
Yes I know but understanding old English is way easier for someone who knows English compared to someone who doesn't
You're simply not gonna understand the Quran at all and would need a translation if u speak modern Arabic. It's completely useless as far as the Quran is concerned so why waste all that time just to read Quran to modern Arabic translation and how is it different to reading Quran to English translation?

La Xawla

Long Live the Somali Republic
If you put Arabic on your resume, it will go straight into the trash bin at most companies. Racist employers use it as a cue to filter out Muslims.

It's not a sought-after skill and it, in fact, may hurt you career-wise. Harsh reality.
Where are you from? I don’t think that applies in the UK
Not really one who knows modern arabic can understand the quran far better than one who doesnt. Ofc theyre different but people exagerrate the difference. Esp if you know MSA the quran is pretty simple.
The Quran requires understanding atleast on the apparent meaning of it let alone the deep meaning to the level u understand my writing right now and as far as modern Arabic is concerned, it's useless.

Forget tafsir just Google The basic Quran to Arabic translation just like the Quran to English translation and get back to me with an explanation as to why this was needed
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