Somalis are not sub-saharan African

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Dude North Africans literally look like white people. I've seen a lot of them and we look nothing like them!! Some are mixed with black but it only gives them wide noses/curly hair.

I just came back from Morocco. The stereotypes about Berbers are completely not true. Most of them are extremely dark skinned. South Morocco are as black as your Hawiye ancestors abaayo
I just came back from Morocco. The stereotypes about Berbers are completely not true. Most of them are extremely dark skinned. South Morocco are as black as your Hawiye ancestors abaayo
She's calling me a Bantu when she literally belongs to a qabil who are known to be on average partially Bantu genetically:drakelaugh:
So why do we look more similar to Negroids compared to modern berbers?

This guy is a Berber.

I just came back from Morocco. The stereotypes about Berbers are completely not true. Most of them are extremely dark skinned. South Morocco are as black as your Hawiye ancestors abaayo
Most North Africans look like white people. Show us the pictures you took there.

Most Somalis from Somalia are dark, including Darod/Isaaq/Dir whatever. Go to the clan section if you want to talk about qabil.
She's calling me a Bantu when she literally belongs to a qabil who are known to be on average partially Bantu genetically:drakelaugh:
Hawiye look like any other Somali, and are not partially Bantu you moron. Just because a few Hawiye have mixed with Bantus does not mean our entire huge clan is all mixed with Bantu. You're upset because you look Bantu and feel insecure about it, so you project it onto others. It's very sad!
He’s a real berber. I’m talking about the modern North African which larps as berber/amazigh despite looking almost white.

Yet they don't identify as black. They consider themselves a unique people with their own history and traditions. 'Black' is an adjective that symbolises a man/woman of African descent who doesn't know where he/she comes from, so they identify incidentally through skin colour.
People in Africa dont generally identify as black. That’s a western thing.

My point exactly, people who know their country, tribe, ethnicity do not identify by colour, so you shouldn't either. You are Somali and you are from East Africa. Be sensible
Yet they don't identify as black. They consider themselves a unique people with their own history and traditions. 'Black' is an adjective that symbolises a man/woman of African descent who doesn't know where he/she comes from, so they identify incidentally through skin colour.
Most people in Africa don’t ID as black. Even the pitch black South Sudanese will identify as their tribe/ethnicity before anything else. They are still black though. And in Morocco, Tunisia, etx they are treated as black people. If they came to the West, they would say they are black. :kanyeshrug:
Anyways this wasn’t even my point initially. I was just saying that most modern berbers are just larping whites/arabs.


People in Africa dont generally identify as black. That’s a western thing.

Abaayo, we are not black. We have AA's telling west Africans you don't share the same history meaning the black term was exclusive to slavery and you as a member of a Somali community should be ashamed if you try to label yourself as a slave because historically Somalis were never enslaved.

The black word is a racist terminology created by the Europeans to describe the west African slaves who live in the present-day American continent and Caribbean islands. They forget their identity, origins and had a similar struggle so they united based on skin colour.

So that thread you made was ridiculous and hopefully, you understand what I am trying to tell you.
Most people in Africa don’t ID as black. Even the pitch black South Sudanese will identify as their tribe/ethnicity before anything else. They are still black though. And in Morocco, Tunisia, etx they are treated as black people. If they came to the West, they would say they are black. :kanyeshrug:
Anyways this wasn’t even my point initially. I was just saying that most modern berbers are just larping whites/arabs.


This man here has no African DNA, not even 1%. He is from the Andaman islands. Is he black?


Seeker of knowledge and truth
He’s a real berber. I’m talking about the modern North African which larps as berber/amazigh despite looking almost white.
Are you for real? The white looking Berbers are a minority most people in North Africa range from olive to dark brown the blonde green eyed berbers are extremely rare
Are you for real? The white looking Berbers are a minority most people in North Africa range from olive to dark brown the blonde green eyed berbers are extremely rare
Olive skin is still white. Most Moroccans, Egyptians etc look similar to Italians and Spaniards. There are some who are dark skinned though, but the majority are olive skinned. White is not just blonde and blue eyed.


Olive skin is still white. Most Moroccans, Egyptians etc look similar to Italians and Spaniards. There are some who are dark skinned though, but the majority are olive skinned. White is not just blonde and blue eyed.

At the end of the day, we Cushitic people are way more related to Berbers than we are with Negroids. These are simple facts.
Lol does this people look Somali to u?
I hope u enjoy this song adeer.:siilaanyolaugh:
Majority of Hawiye look like average Somalis whether you like it or not, and your video does not prove anything. You claim to be 1/4 Yemeni, call people from Niger-Congo sub-human and ugly when you look like a whole Bantu. Ceeb xishood waryaa.
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