Somaliland MP Kijandhe: Seeking recognition for Somaliland is infertile (Madhalays)

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Internationally recognised Somaliland kulaha :mjlol::russ:

Let me guess, in your mind internationally recognised means Cardiff and Sheffield City Councils right?

The delusions are more substantial than I thought. Now you think Somaliland is already recognised? It seems that the "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome is entrenched within your mind. We don't have much time.

There will be no need to spill blood over Waqooyi Galbeed, Somalia shall never lay a finger on the people of Waqooyi Galbeed. In fact, Somalia will isolate Waqooyi Galbeed, we'll leave them alone, Somalia will develop whilst they whinge and moan about independence, then slowly once they see how far Somalia has developed, will realise that Somaliland is just a fairytale and so the people of Hargeisa shall overthrow their oppressors and declare their unity to Somalia.
It's been 26 years now. How much more time is will this take? :mjlol:

The time to unite passed a long time ago. A whole generation has grown up without Somalia, it's as foreign to them as Ethiopia. :umad:

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
If reer landers played their irir cards right, they'd become either President or PM role in somalia for good, Abgaal President+Issaq PM would be perfect

There is no such thing as irir, if there was those poor dir grandmothers wouldn't 'spontaneously combust'

As for president and pm, give it to raxanwayn , other hawiye and dir that you live with

ass kissing goes wrong :dead:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
If reer landers played their irir cards right, they'd become either President or PM role in somalia for good, Abgaal President+Issaq PM would be perfect
There is no such thing as irir, if there was those poor dir grandmothers wouldn't 'spontaneously combust'

As for president and pm, give it to raxanwayn , other hawiye and dir that you live with
When Muh irir backfires :drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh:
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Weeping for the Nation of 68

Average Slander kkkkk

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Al Shabaab is still attacking city centres at will. A suicide bomber attacked Baladweyne just a few hours ago.

Somalia is the epitome of "muh qabiil". Move along with your fake concern for the people of Somaliland

That's funny from someone who is currently suffering from "Muh Qabiil" Syndrome. :lolbron:
You can't really say that when your country is mostly made up of one clan. I wonder why?

Oh yeah that's right, "MUH QABIIL".

Fake concern? What are you on about? I love the people of Waqooyi Galbeed as I do with every Somali. I want to alleviate their sickness.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
It's been 26 years now. How much more time is will this take? :mjlol:

The time to unite passed a long time ago. A whole generation has grown up without Somalia, it's as foreign to them as Ethiopia. :umad:

26 years of what? Independence? Yeah right, Waqooyi Galbeed has been in the wilderness, with NO RECOGNITION from any nation.

Yes, you are right, its sad to see a whole generation has grown up about Somalia, they have grown up knowing one thing and that's "Muh Qabiil". It has distorted their vision of Somalia, to the point where they hate it. Hearing the word Somalia irritates them. That is why I want to help people like you. I want to cure you of your illness. It is destroying you.
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