Somalia-somaliland negotiation begin soon!

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@R.Kelly has declared that I shall be leading the negotiations . Hopefully it ends with Nabad!

I promise to do my job to the highest standard .



LOL if war ever brokeout Somaliland would be called an Insurgency dont forget in the worlds eyes , you're no better than South Ossetia and those irrelevant Separatists
Then after we tool Tukaraq why have we not been called insurgents. It was a clear act of war :ulyin:
Farmajo is going to approve what Somaliland and the world think is fair. An international monitored referendum for all Somaliland.

They were waiting for the election to conclude.

Somaliland can easily take garowe and cause problems, Farmajo knows their is no coming back. Militarily it can not be defeated because Ethiopia gurentees its security and the UAE. What are you going to do. We are still progressing every day.

If AU leaves tomorrow no turk will help you. If you can't help yourself no one can help you.

Bixi all the way. The guy is an ardent Somalilander he will never surrender an inch


I know you want unity but don't be delusional, I'm pretty sure Somalia is not the one with the upper hand in these coming negotiations.. What can they possibly do? Let's see...

Take over Somaliland with force? LOL
Isolate us? BRUH we have already isolated ourselves from Somalia politically..
Sanction us? Good luck let's see who wins in an international court, we have the better legal claim
Fistfight? Yes, this might work...

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