Somali Women and weight gain after marriage.....

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Farax with luugo basto has the audacity to body shame someone. Smh

Yes, we do because some of us are healthy and muscular like myself. Luugo baasto is a slang with a meaning, it doesn't actually mean pasta legs so learn the Somali language properly.

By the way, if Xalimos get triggered by this picture then that means you also have a belly fat problem lol.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
If your wife doesnt feel motivated to stay in shape even for you, its your fault. If you at least bathe ever now and then and apply lotion to your chalk board skins maybe she'd feel a bit more likely to do so

This is reverse psychology at it's finest. Why should a woman be working out for a man, it's her health not his. How can you blame a man for that? If she doesn't care about her health enough not to work out it ain't the mans fault. Why do you think single women go to gyms, they don't got a man to look good for but they value their health and want to look good for themselves that is why.

Sorry, but if a chick is fat it's because she's lazy.
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Wait she wasn’t pregnant... How did she get obese? I don’t get why some people get too comfortable and stop taking care of themselves ones they get married :gucciwhat:
Trust me ,getting married is the easy part, it is the staying married that is harder. People need to be in shape for themselves and look good for their spouse.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Can't you teach your women how to be healthy? The quickest what I've seen women lose weight is when her man dose something that make many women eyes turn his way. Examples I've seen are men getting popular on social media, side businesses succeeding after many years of effort, a guy landing huge amount of money form inheritance, guys going gym and posting pictures of there progress and so on.
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The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
Trust me ,getting married is the easy part, it is the staying married that is harder. People need to be in shape for themselves and look good for their spouse.

I agree 100%.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Yo, just marry a woman who's already athletic. Since she has the damn habit of working out anyway, she won't end up fat.


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
Yo, just marry a woman who's already athletic. Since she has the damn habit of working out anyway, she won't end up fat.

Of course she can get fat even if she was fit before marriage. This woman is a huge inspiration. Look at this snap back :banderas:
Sometimes it's just their bad habits catching up. When they were younger, they had bad eating habits but their metabolism was higher. Now it isn't, the weight is piling on.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Your brother should do grocery shopping with his wife and encourage her to train with him and live a healthier lifestyle together

La Xawla

Long Live the Somali Republic
This vid is so interesting wallaahi. I just can not believe how they are able to take it this far. I mean every physical activity is going to feel like hell when you’re obese...
It’s what happens when your mom doesn’t cook and you go to Mickey’s everyday


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
It’s what happens when your mom doesn’t cook and you go to Mickey’s everyday

Hayaay, there are grown ass people in this vid as well and they know damn well what they are doing. I understand that you can have cravings for fast food/sweets, but enough is enough :dead:
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