Somali woman’s kids taken by white ex husband!

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If it doesn't work out with @Monisha Hershey
u will be my next amore.
After your Somali women slander? Abadan


You know If you ever come on the market, ill pay atleast a thousand camel's plus two houses huge one's for you where ever on this tiny ass planet, only if you can deal with my maniacal ass who will haunt you forever just to stroke your long flowy hair what you say
Loool you’re acting like I said something golden, but it’s because of the contrast of what ppl on this thread, which are, as usual, incredibly irrational as f*ck are saying.

It’s neither a life sentence to marry Ajnabi nor is it a bad thing, nor is it why she’s having these issues. And no, random Somali guys are NOT to blame for her marital issues either. They talk as if Somalis don’t encounter horrible marriage problems. These are all very simple things to comprehend.
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im so gutted for her his a cruel animal for taking her kids away idc what she said in the past but thats a mothers pain no man can ever take or replace a mother love and role


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Interracial marriage is inevitable and there's nothing wrong with it. In fact I hope more Somali men and women marry out.

Starting with myself ofc :sass1:


Can someone drop vids/tweets of her trash talking somali men? Just wanna find out if she did innit.:gaasdrink:
Thats what gaalo cadaan bootylickers get. She probably used to take potraits and shit and do them #halfwhite on insta. Cheeseandxalwo 2.0
You lot are a bunch of degenerates. The issue that she’s talking about, her biracial children aside, affects Somali kids extensively in Canada and America. The state is actually biased against Somali families and takes our children with impunity. There’s countless videos and even news segments detailing the Somali families who have tried to desperately fight to get their kids back. And this lady in the video made the point that if it is this hard for her and she speaks their language, what about the Somalis who can’t speak English or don’t know the system?

Do you know what happens to kids in care? They’re abused and sexually molested. They become socially and psychologically isolated and are at higher risk for all sorts of things like homelessness and addiction. Think about the innocent Somali kids who are in the system because of these racist cadaan institutions. She’s actually doing the work to help people who are in a worse situation then herself. What have any of you done? But run in here to break off your dusty keyboards talking about “dusty xalimoids”.

Get a fucking life. People marry out and have biracial children. It fucking happens. How much Somali men have married out? Just as much as Somali women. So give her a break and get over yourselves.


You lot are a bunch of degenerates. The issue that she’s talking about, her biracial children aside, affects Somali kids extensively in Canada and America. The state is actually biased against Somali families and takes our children with impunity. There’s countless videos and even news segments detailing the Somali families who have tried to desperately fight to get their kids back. And this lady in the video made the point that if it is this hard for her and she speaks their language, what about the Somalis who can’t speak English or don’t know the system?

Do you know what happens to kids in care? They’re abused and sexually molested. They become socially and psychologically isolated and are at higher risk for all sorts of things like homelessness and addiction. Think about the innocent Somali kids who are in the system because of these racist cadaan institutions. She’s actually doing the work to help people who are in a worse situation then herself. What have any of you done? But run in here to break off your dusty keyboards talking about “dusty xalimoids”.

Get a fucking life. People marry out and have biracial children. It fucking happens. How much Somali men have married out? Just as much as Somali women. So give her a break and get over yourselves.
I agree with the idiocy of focusing on interracial relationships, as if that’s the root of anyone’s issues.

But when you say the state takes them with impunity, I have to ask: Why are they taking them? At least in the US, the mothers have to really f*ck some shit up for their children to be taken. I honestly wonder what actually happened in this case, bc chances are she contributed to it.
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