Somali twitter in chaos, muslims vs non muslims on cultural identity

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It feels wrong being called habbo :susp: I'm not even old

You are a dormant terrorist, a ticking time bomb until the inevitable radicalization :ufdup:

My dad has a car nacala :pacspit: Also I'm getting my licence this year, might take 2094834 years for me to buy a car but I'll at least have another form of identity that isn't just my passport :mjcry:
:faysalwtf: 22 and no license yet? What do you use to identify yourself with? I am passed the age of radicalization. Don't be doqon and accept the coffee.


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
These somali atheists are getting more annoying than sjw. Instead of "the white man" its the Arab boogey man. Always blaming and complaining others for your people's problems:stopit: Just a bunch of big booty, hilib eating, goat hearding, unaccountable :kodaksmiley:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
we need to preserve Somali culture! they yell...on their iPhone 7, from their cushy western apartment in their Ralph Lauren jeans, sipping on a latte right after getting off the phone telling their habaryar "hooyo ma yaalo Eedo, ku so noqo after 1 hour"

If a Chinese person told you Westerners are stupid because they never produced any Fan Kuans, Lee Chings or Gu Kaizhis, how would you react?

You'd ask "who?"
Then you mention Rembrandt, Michaelangelo and Monet,

and they would respond with "who?"

You don't know, you just assume that what you were thought in school is everything, forgetting that it's mostly western stuff. You also assume all cultures to be identical in their makeup, but theyre really not.

You're acting in the typical European fashion of doing something, declaring that something the universal standard then using it to impose your "superiority"

It's like an Ethiopian calling others inferior because they don't have raw meat like Ethiopians do. And either way, art is subjective. You may like European art more, but that doesn't mean other kinds are bad if they don't emulate the European ones.

No where in my comment did I call anyone stupid or dumb lol it's like you zeroed in on the Remembrandt et al part of my comment and didn't read the rest

I can probs name most notable islamic architecture/art off the top of my head lol they don't teach you these things in school unless you specifically pick an art related subject so take a seat. I regular delve in art history because it's one of my hobbies and yes the Japan, China and the far east in general has a rich and amazing history of art because their main religion didn't attempt to stifle that kind of form of expression. You have entire movements like Jōmon art, Kofun art, Asuka and Nara art. Islamic art in comparison never saw any kind of revolution or evolved beyond what was already built 500/400 yrs ago, art due to that expressive nature can open disruptive and subversive lines of thought.

This is the antithesis of Islamic ideals.

We did have the Islamic Golden Age where arts, poetry and sciences were flourishing. Early Muslims created the concepts of algebra and astronomy that is the foundation for what we know today. Plus many famous poets in Persia were Muslim. It suddenly all stopped for some reason, but it doesn't mean it was never there. Don't believe what cadaan people tell you about Muslims never contributing anything to the world.

Yes I know of the islamic golden age. It's interesting because the more I read up on it the more I realised it was less about islam and more about learning how to manage on a grand scale, essentially how an empire operates. Empires need a single codified official language to unify all parts of the imperial bureaucracy. Universities are needed to train and educate bureaucrats and scholars which attract other free thinkers and other scholars. A stable empire brings in money from conquest and the military rule encourages safe trade and that generates more wealth. What accelerated this further was the fact that they came into contact with all these great civilizations like the persians and the indians and the greeks which basically made that era into well the golden era it was known as. For example the Sassanian system of bureaucracy and govt was the groundwork for the new Arab dynasties, who were wholly unfamiliar with "empire building" as the Iranians had been doing for over 1000 years. The conquest of Constantinople, Levant and Alexandri also brought about intellectual treasure of classical greece since the hellenic civilization had moved eastward following the trail of Alexander conquest.

It wasn't just the arabs, but the persians, indians, levantines and greeks, many who were non muslim, who nurtured intellectual endeavors in the muslim countries. The translation of manuscripts, which was pivotal for medieval islamic excellence was already happening in pre-islamic persia. And during the muslim period, the translations were done entirely by gaal scholars, mostly Christians,

The islamic golden area ended due to the Mongol conquest, also too many non-muslim became muslim you can directly correlate the Muslim world stagnating and falling behind to increased religiosity

Michael Angelo, are you kidding me?

Muslims produced art the likes that the world has never seen.

That why the MOST popular tourist destination in Europe specifically Spain is Al Hambra, the best that Europe has to offer, is MUSLAMIC art:

Michale Angelo, kulahaa

We Muslamics have this:




Great Mosque of Cordoba (Muslamic) art:



In order to get a ticket to visit these places sometimes you have to book WEEKS in advance!

Europe can take this L, your best art is MUSLAMIC.
Granada is stunning and has benefited very well from the muslamic conquest sxb but I basically addressed this in my comment to Zayd and Prince of Hobyo

I'm looking for a state of evolution sxb like the islamic version of going from renaissance to baroque and a few centuries later something like impressionism. It's like there was a sudden explosion of beautiful creations during the islamic golden age and then suddenly nada
Forget about nasheeds what about the Andalusian lute and how you had to master seven different styles of playing the guitar, each style having an impact on the emotions of those listening. They even had clinics in cordoba where a musician who's a Muslim would play uplifting scales to clear the mind of a patient going through trauma.

Music isn't even haram, it's a issue of difference of opinion, only when the petrodollar Empire of Saudi Arabia came to power did they revive these differences to say there's only one interpretation.

Music IS haram sxb, it's even sadder when looking at the example you just gave, imagine what kind of other innovate musical instruments/genres that could've been created if it wasn't deemed so
No where in my comment did I call anyone stupid or dumb lol it's like you zeroed in on the Remembrandt et al part of my comment and didn't read the rest

I can probs name most notable islamic architecture/art off the top of my head lol they don't teach you these things in school unless you specifically pick an art related subject so take a seat. I regular delve in art history because it's one of my hobbies and yes the Japan, China and the far east in general has a rich and amazing history of art because their main religion didn't attempt to stifle that kind of form of expression. You have entire movements like Jōmon art, Kofun art, Asuka and Nara art. Islamic art in comparison never saw any kind of revolution or evolved beyond what was already built 500/400 yrs ago, art due to that expressive nature can open disruptive and subversive lines of thought.

This is the antithesis of Islamic ideals.
wow girl chill out for a minute could you :damedamn:

I'm not even gonna try to answer that so I'm off catch you later :superman:
Wait you're getting your license this year:faysalwtf: How old are you again
:faysalwtf: 22 and no license yet? What do you use to identify yourself with? I am passed the age of radicalization. Don't be doqon and accept the coffee.

I don't need a licence lol London has amazing public transports unlike Americastan :drakelaugh:You don't even need a car to get around

Unfortunately the only form of ID I have is my passport so I have to carry that around :francis:


Oh yah she's your habaryar. What's your problem adiga? Are you her wali?:birdman:
Eedomenace is the oldest ciidagale here followed by abdijohnson but he's khaniis so he is disqualified.
War kaas wuu asaasaqay so I'm @dhegdheer 's waali. :yacadiim: Maxaa Ogaden qoorta uu geliyey? Too hard headed and mental. She doesn't need to venture to OG for that she's right at home with her own.
I don't need a licence lol London has amazing public transports unlike Americastan :drakelaugh:You don't even need a car to get around

Unfortunately the only form of ID I have is my passport so I have to carry that around :francis:
You have to carry around your passport? Wow that's messed up. I haven't see my passport for a long time. Imagine carrying your passport to ID yourself. Idk what to say about that other than it is backward.
War kaas wuu asaasaqay so I'm @dhegdheer 's waali. :yacadiim: Maxaa Ogaden qoorta uu geliyey? Too hard headed and mental. She doesn't need to venture to OG for that she's right at home with her own.
I think you consider yourself isaq now. Naag qabiil maleh yaa yidhi horta? Because that person was right.
You have to carry around your passport? Wow that's messed up. I haven't see my passport for a long time. Imagine carrying your passport to ID yourself. Idk what to say about that other than it is backward.

I don't have any other ID dee, it's out of necessity. Plus I only really carry it with me if my age is likely to be questioned, so when going to movies, buying games and other things...:browtf:

Also you picked the wrong wali :umad: the good sis @Gambar is very particular when it comes to certain clans and won't hesitate to state her dislike

You'll have better luck with uncle Menance, neefka xun will give away anyone included his own relatives for a bag of khat :umad:


I think you consider yourself isaq now. Naag qabiil maleh yaa yidhi horta? Because that person was right.

A little bit, yes. But not all the way Isaaq.

I don't have any other ID dee, it's out of necessity. Plus I only really carry it with me if my age is likely to be questioned, so when going to movies, buying games and other things...:browtf:

Also you picked the wrong wali :umad: the good sis @Gambar is very particular when it comes to certain clans and won't hesitate to state her dislike

You'll have better luck with uncle Menance, neefka xun will give away anyone included his own relatives for a bag of khat :umad:
Exactly! This dude Menace ayaa tiisa khaati uu jooga.
I don't need a licence lol London has amazing public transports unlike Americastan :drakelaugh:You don't even need a car to get around

Unfortunately the only form of ID I have is my passport so I have to carry that around :francis:

Wallahi I do the same thing, time for me to get my provisional and start driving lessons....


:mjpls: I wanna play loud music and sing and dance...while driving :mjkkk:

Uber and Addison Lee are taking all my money....:ohlord:
Wallahi I do the same thing, time for me to get my provisional and start driving lessons....


:mjpls: I wanna play loud music and sing and dance...while driving :mjkkk:

Uber and Addison Lee are taking all my money....:ohlord:

Car insurance is gonna rape you your wallet if your under 25. The rates are extortionate.

Its even worse if your a man.

I'm gonna stick to the overcrowded and overpriced train systems in the UK
Car insurance is gonna rape you your wallet if your under 25. The rates are extortionate.

Its even worse if your a man.

I'm gonna stick to the overcrowded and overpriced train systems in the UK

I get sexually assaulted on the trains often, in the morning rush hour...I do not wish to go into detail....:browtf:

Yeah it's expensive, I'd rather spend money on clothes etc.... but the trains on the underground in the summer during rush hour- are HELL

I wanna feel like I'm in fast and furious :denzelnigga:
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