Somali Trans MURDERED In London

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Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
It’s not your place to judge. And it’s not your place to take a life! Allah creates lives, ends lives and judges each one accordingly. Don’t appoint yourself His positions.

So should every man that commits adultery, robbery, take drugs, skips daily prayers, etc.. be killed as well? We all commit sins, so who is to decide which one of us gets to live?:confused: Stupid mentality indeed, very primitive.

I'm not judging. I'm just befuddled. I'm not appointing to his positions at all. I'm just shocked to what to refer the person as? If you ask me I'm kinda disappointed by this what made he turn into a she! Yes I agree we're all human we do make mistakes from time to time.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
trannies are an abomination, not human

Blood is blood, niyo.
An innocent has been killed, that helps their case in Judgement day.
This person will find justice.

I don't care if the person's lifestyle is considered degenerate or what have you, an innocent human life is sacred.

Come on bruv, we're better than this.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
You don't know what a person's fate is in Judgement day, Wallahi.
If a prostitute can enter Jannah because she fed a thirsty cat, and a believing woman entered hell for mistreating a creature of Allah.

Then it stands to reason that you CANNOT even presume the fates of those who died like this person, who was murdered in cold blood. The murderer is more likely to be condemned, no?
It's best for you to shut up and leave the matter, never speak confidently about those you "believe" are entering the hellfire, you might be among them but you don't know.
What if the kalimat was recited in their last breath? You don't know do you?
There are so many variables that the matter must be left to Allah, their affair in this life is done.
So carry on with yours, your backs are filled with sin also, don't forget it.

I swear, I sometimes think that some of us will enter hell just for the crap we say online.
As if we're all good because we never said it with our tongues.

We talk of zina, drugs, alcohol and the minute it's about someone like this we're all proper sheikhs about it, haaye.

Watch out. That's my advice for myself and everyone else who believes in the last day.


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
You don't know what a person's fate is in Judgement day, Wallahi.
If a prostitute can enter Jannah because she fed a thirsty cat, and a believing woman entered hell for mistreating a creature of Allah.

Then it stands to reason that you CANNOT even presume the fates of those who died like this person, who was murdered in cold blood. The murderer is more likely to be condemned, no?
It's best for you to shut up and leave the matter, never speak confidently about those you "believe" are entering the hellfire, you might be among them but you don't know.
What if the kalimat was recited in their last breath? You don't know do you?
There are so many variables that the matter must be left to Allah, their affair in this life is done.
So carry on with yours, your backs are filled with sin also, don't forget it.

I swear, I sometimes think that some of us will enter hell just for the crap we say online.
As if we're all good because we never said it with our tongues.

We talk of zina, drugs, alcohol and the minute it's about someone like this we're all proper sheikhs about it, haaye.

Watch out. That's my advice for myself and everyone else who believes in the last day.


"Can you bring equilibrium?"
I just wanna know which Clan will take this L.

Let's be honest if anyone is taking the "L" it's Somalis. You think ajanabis give a damn about our clans? I don't think so...

Speaking of clans tho MJs don't take this :browtf:

On a serious note, even if you disagree with ones lifestyle we shouldn't wish death or ill upon them. They didn't do a thing to you and isn't your business. It's between them and Allah. AUN.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Somali Trannies look better than Nigeria's average women.

Pause. iistaag



Mudug menaces don't mince their words
let us be truthful once why do we condemn women for bleaching their skin if it makes them happy?

:yacadiim:I cannot respect someone who couldn't respect himself.
I just think it’s heart breaking how people go out of their way to kill transfolk.
like nobody said you have to agree with their lifestyle but to the point that you feel urged to kill them?
Reports say that black trans woman barely lived past 35.

Mali Mo

I still dont give a f*ck
Okay, I'm trying to make sense of this phenomenon, I understand it for cadaans but why is it so resurgent among Somalis, here is my analysis.

Preface by saying I dont really care how people live their lives im not the boss of anyone but I am a little confused about how Somali people who are known for being staunch conservatives are in 1 generation having kids who are totally living a 180 alternative lifestyle in the west.

These women cant get pregnant or bare children which is the most unique thing women are known for, assuming they toss their boy bits they have essentially ended their bloodline.. All that abtirsi 20 male forefathers remembered, noble clan history is sheeko gabaan now.

Which brings the question why? Well in the west politically we tend to be in the same tent as the LGBT people even though they are vastly different from out native culture they are the only ones who tolerate immigrants/muslims/africans so we rub shoulders with them politically our children foster some of their beliefs, the media is also influencing kids into supporting it and then boom little Farah is now LGBT.

The other end of the political spectrum in the west tends to really hate LGBT but they also hate Immigrants, Muslims, non whites *that would be us*. So even though they are more socially conservative they are also anti Somali so we have no choice but to ally with the pro Immigrant and subsequently pro LGBT camp.
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