Somali leftist, pro Palestine anti west, mocks the genocide against Uyghurs


She talk against the Zionist for committing a genocide, and them mocking it online, yet she does the same thing.

All the sources of the Uygher genocide are from Adrian Zenz, and have been debunked.

China has invited all the Muslim countries to Uygher to see first hand, and they have all said it's propoganda. They even invited the UN twice.

Turkish state media were accusing the Chinese of genocide a lot in 2019, but after being invited to the region, they stopped reporting about it all together.

Everyone can see the genocide in Palestine with their own eyes on the other hand. Are we supposed to just believe there is an Uygher genocide just because the ones committing genocide in Palestine say so?
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uyghurs themselves came out and are talking about their persecution. if you believe a kafir atheist over a muslim who is genuinely telling you he is being wiped out you have severe deficiency in iman and need to do more than most people.
We are believing the Muslim countries who all visited China Uygher and put out a statement debunking the propaganda.

The US actually vetoed the EU and UN officials from visiting China Uygher. Why would they do that unless they knew it was fake?


Prove from Quran and Sunnah that I have to believe bearded people who appear on my laptop screen. I have never met a Uyghur in real life. I have no idea what they say. How do I know some Uyghur who appears on BBC is really a representative of Uyghurs as a whole? I don't think I have an obligation either way, to believe or not to believe a bearded person who appears on a screen.

Also, I don't believe the Uyghurs are being genocided in the sense of what's happening in Gaza. I believe they're being massively subjected to brainwashing in Communist re-education camps as China has a history of doing to people.
We don't even know if they were created with AI and deepfake.

The people speaking on video may be computer generated.


All the sources of the Uygher genocide are from Adrian Zenz, and have been debunked.

China has invited all the Muslim countries to Uygher to see first hand, and they have all said it's propoganda. They even invited the UN twice.

Turkish state media were accusing the Chinese of genocide a lot in 2019, but after being invited to the region, they stopped reporting about it all together.

Everyone can see the genocide in Palestine with their own eyes on the other hand. Are we supposed to just believe there is an Uygher genocide just because the ones committing genocide in Palestine say so?
are you implying no one is forcing Imam to dance?


If the soviet occupation of Afghanistan happened today, the Leftist would call the Mujahideen zionist nato puppets hired to destroy "muh heckin progressive paradise".

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't deny that China has put Uyghurs in concentration camps on a mass scale and subjected them to communist brainwashing (which China pioneered btw) and committed atrocities against them. To force someone into a Communist re-education camp to try to make them apostate from Islam- that's extremely serious.

But at the same time... the West has lied and lied continuously about its rivals. I'm sure people know the story of the boy who cried wolf. When the boy is actually telling the truth, there really is a wolf this time- do you really blame the villagers for assuming he's lying to them again after he's lied to them repeatedly?

What I'm saying, as I said in my first post in this thread- is that I think some of the twitter users went too far in attacking this young Muslim woman.


here she made an innocent post about cooking butter chicken

underneath, some user called her a subhuman.


this account made takfir of her


this account wished for her to go in a concentration camp


I think she's mistaken on the issue. But just because of that- is how they've talked towards her justified? Would it be justified for people to talk about @World like that? I don't agree with them on the subject but I don't think it justifies talking about fellow Muslims like that- especially a Muslim woman. We should be gentle with women. A muslim's honor is sacred. I don't agree with people who hold hayat's view but I think some of how people have acted towards her is a wrong way to act towards those who have her view, who honestly believe it is propaganda. That's not to say I agree with them.


She is a Twitter leftist commie - probably a tanky, given that typical socialists don't use the hammer and sickle in their bio. You can't view their statement and opinions beyond mere aesthetics and identity attachments rather than serious reflections.

I went and checked the laws and regulations the CCP have of the Xinjiang region, and observing the evidence, it is clear that they, as it has been demonstrated before through various resourceful means, are actively trying to conform the Muslim practice of Islam in that region toward the Socialist ideals, enforcing this process within the "Sinification" of religious matters, basically, under the control and management of the gaal Chinese, promoting the molding of Muslims and their ways toward the domination of the "Chineseization," reducing religiosity, reducing a sense of community towards an irreligious Han-centric way of life, where you are not to hold a preference for your Muslims brethren and in-group community over some kafir Han Chinese who does not know your ways whatsoever.

I have found Chinese regulations, laws, and policies on Xinjang, where Islam is stringently controlled and formed under the conditions of socialist values and Sinifications, under this trope of "Chinese characteristics."

Here is the source, and anyone can read the material through translation:

The source is a China government website. It is as legit as it gets.

Thus it is not right to call Ughuyr separatists, "terrorists" (the Chinese often associate separatists with Islamic terrorists to defame them), for merely wanting to practice their deen in the right way, instead of having an anti-Islamic government that wants you to imbue flawed and kafir socialism within the teachings of Islam while selectively sanctioning certain parts of the deen and denying other parts, and impair the Muslim minds through indoctrination where the practice of the deen, as understood by later generations, turns into an unlawful innovation toward this obsessive "Chinese characteristic" - an active policy stated in the texts of the CCP in their vision of the region, to homogenize all its citizens. But some are more than others since some are the general, while others are different and need to gravitate toward the majority. This goes perfectly with the truth of Islam; they will never accept you unless you become like them. Muslims merely existing in that region is a problem. The government then has to change its ways because it is a threat to these socialist, Chinese characteristics grand plan.

This is demographic collective engineering, where every part of the life of the Muslim is systematically controlled, and the people such as the Uguyurs face the worst brunt of this.

Here are some quotes:

"Actively guiding religions to adapt to socialist society is our Party's basic policy on religious work, which is both a requirement of socialism for religions and a requirement of religions themselves. General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out that an important task in actively guiding religions to adapt to socialist society is to support the direction of the Chineseization of religions in China, and to use socialist core values to lead and educate religious figures and believers. Therefore, Article 5 of the regulations makes it clear that the autonomous region protects normal religious activities in accordance with the law, actively guides religions to be compatible with socialist society, and safeguards the lawful rights and interests of religious groups, religious colleges and universities, places of religious activity, religious clergy, and believing citizens. Religious groups, religious colleges and universities, places of religious activity, religious clergy and believing citizens shall abide by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations, practice socialist core values, adhere to the direction of the Chineseization of our country's religions, and safeguard national unity, national unity, religious harmony and social stability. No organization or individual may use religion to carry out activities that split the State, spread religious extremist ideology, incite ethnic hatred, commit acts of violence and terrorism, undermine national unity, disrupt social order, or harm the physical or mental health of citizens; they may not use religion to impede the implementation of the State's administrative, judicial, educational, cultural, marital, family planning, inheritance, and other systems; and they may not use religion to carry out activities that jeopardize the security and interests of the State, the public interests of society, or the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. public interests and the lawful rights and interests of citizens."

It even mentions how minors are not allowed to participate in religious activities:

"The fourth is to stipulate that no organization or individual may organize, induce, or force minors to participate in religious activities..."

Want to control what Muslims wear - probably puts the niqaab under the fanaticism category:

"...and they must not use appearance, clothing, signs, logos, etc. to exaggerate religious fanaticism."

What I wrote here is only what they say themselves in Chinese ink, none of it is made up:

General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out that the essence of the Party's religious work is mass work, that both the religious and non-religious masses are the mass base of the Party's rule, and that good religious work should adhere to and develop the theory of religion with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the Party's basic policy on religious work, and adhere to the direction of Chineseization of China's religions.

@Reformed J

I remember you showed how mosques were changed to look like Chinese temples. Well here is the rule that shows the precedent for such actions, encoded in their written policies:

Places of religious activity are legally registered monasteries, churches and other fixed premises for religious activities. Articles 20 to 25 of the Regulations stipulate the conditions that should be met and the approval procedures that need to be fulfilled in order to prepare for the establishment of places of religious activity and the alteration or construction of new buildings in places of religious activity, while article 26 clearly stipulates that newly constructed or altered, expanded or reconstructed places of religious activity should reflect Chinese characteristics and style in terms of architecture, sculpture, painting, decoration and so on.

I can go on and on, but you get the basic understanding that discrimination towards Muslims is not some imagined thing, the CCP themselves have these laws, regulations, and policies written down in their legal framework for you to inspect it.
In France, the abaya is banned and you cant go school with one on. If you wear a niqab, you are required to take a citzenship test. A woman who didn't shake a male's hand had her citizenship revoked. The Muslims are being persecuted in France and are being forced to assimilate.

It does not mean they are going through a genocide. Both the Uyghers in China and Muslims in Europe are going through struggles unfortunately.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
In France, the abaya is banned and you cant go school with one on. If you wear a niqab, you are required to take a citzenship test. A woman who didn't shake a male's hand had her citizenship revoked. The Muslims are being persecuted in France and are being forced to assimilate.

It does not mean they are going through a genocide. Both the Uyghers in China and Muslims in China are going through struggles unfortunately.

yeah this is a real hypocrisy. I think China has gone more extreme than the West but... the West has the same underlying goal. the West is out to forcibly Westernize Muslims (although without the mass internment camps).... China is out to forcibly sinicize Muslims... and the West screams about China doing so, meanwhile they want to do the same to Muslims in the West... the West just has a sneakier, Brave New World type approach whereas China is more an overt authoritarian 1984 type approach.


If the soviet occupation of Afghanistan happened today, the Leftist would call the Mujahideen zionist nato puppets hired to destroy "muh heckin progressive paradise".
atheists controlling a muslim people is itself wrong. atheists controlling the uyghurs is an occupation itself.
the government in kabul wanted soviet troops. so i guess the likes of @Omar del Sur would say "well...i dont know...the official government want soviet troops...and the imperialist west is supporting the rebels... so..."

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
the government in kabul wanted soviet troops. so i guess the likes of @Omar del Sur would say "well...i dont know...the official government want soviet troops...and the imperialist west is supporting the rebels... so..."

this is just a nonsense slander of me. if I was really like that, I would be pro-Assad. as it is, I've been calling him a kaffir for years. further, if people have read what I've said about communism and communists, I am very clearly anti-communist.

I appreciate the CIA helping anti-Communists deal with commies during the Cold War. I think Pinochet was right to deal with the Communists. The CIA did good things during the Cold War. I feel nothing for all those commies that got sent to jahannam with the help of the CIA. Imo those commies deserved it.

is this something a Communist, pro-Soviet says? show one post I've made that is pro Soviet.


I think it's a part of a judeoCommunist conspiracy against religion, obviously

Goebbels in his speech Communism with the Mask Off, which I really recommend and which is easily available for free online, said: "Bolshevism, which is in reality an attack on the world of the spirit"

and that is absolutely correct

what kind of communist says things like that? and I do agree with what Goebbels said about communism.
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If the soviet occupation of Afghanistan happened today, the Leftist would call the Mujahideen zionist nato puppets hired to destroy "muh heckin progressive paradise".
Theres no need to make up a hypothetical situation. We are skeptical of believing propaganda because we are using our brains, but when there is overwhelming evidence we would never deny it. Youll find a lot of "anti imperialists" who'll support Bashar al Assad solely because hes against America. I support the USA in Syria against Iran, Russia and Bashar al Assad who have committed genocide, no one with a rational mind could deny that. The USA were on the right side of history there.


Theres no need to make up a hypothetical situation. We are skeptical of believing propaganda because we are using our brains, but when there is overwhelming evidence we would never deny it. Youll find a lot of "anti imperialists" who'll support Bashar al Assad solely because hes against America.
it's not hypothetical when the people justify every act against the Muslims by Russia or China.
I support the USA in Syria against Iran, Russia and Bashar al Assad who have committed genocide, no one with a rational mind could deny that. The USA were on the right side of history there.
The USA isn't even anti-Assad anymore and they're planning to make their little Kurdish proxy militia join up with Assad.
In France, the abaya is banned and you cant go school with one on. If you wear a niqab, you are required to take a citzenship test. A woman who didn't shake a male's hand had her citizenship revoked. The Muslims are being persecuted in France and are being forced to assimilate.

It does not mean they are going through a genocide. Both the Uyghers in China and Muslims in Europe are going through struggles unfortunately.
I have talked about the niqaab and the targeting of Muslims in France at length which is a liberal hypocracy issue that is especially discriminatory.

Chinese laws, as I posted from their laws and I am only picking at the tip of the iceberg, are to a degree that far exceeds anything you see in any Western nation and their aims are also totally different because we're not talking about the West. It's not even comparable. You took one thing and drew equivalence, ignoring the rest which tells me what wavelength you quoted me on.

Genocide has a wider definition than actually only being physically annihilated as you see in Palestine.

I frankly don't think you are the right person to talk to about this matter, but if anyone else asks, then I will expand upon it. No problem.
No one has characterized the Uyghur as being genocided in a similar way as Palestinians, so anyone making that claim is only responding to a strawman. Genocide is a very wide term. Mere repopulation without killing is genocide, as happened to the Armenians (although I figure some got killed).

Forced cultural removal and removal of uniquely formed social characteristics take place, with enforcement of anti-Islamic policies. The mere social engineering of family planning, foreign to the people in question, removes all the collective abilities for these people to have the social will of their own -- if you combine all those things, the bedrock of their ways is being disintegrated and it is a genocide. It's like assimilating one set of people by changing who they are.

This, "I have been to North Korea and Kim Jong-un showed me great things so all is good there" is naive it is pathetic. We don't need a snapshot of anything, read their laws. Mass killings are not the method or the crime here. But they do mass jailing of the Yughur population and we all know the CCP even did that with the Han, imagine what they do to those peripheral peoples.

This is a conversation that needs basic intellectual honesty and the charitability of investment of the mind. Not where is the death toll or mention how some diplomat took a picture somewhere in Xinjiang and it looked perfect. I have categorically shown how the consequences of their laws will automatically lead to what they say, "Chineseization" - they outwardly say what's on the agenda. When someone is still denying what comes from the horse's mouth I automatically know they are full of ish or have agendas themselves.

But hey, I guess evidence is not enough anymore. To those guys, I say, that arguing with people in denial is not my style. I will exit the conversation once I realize the person on the other side does not embody the basic qualities of decorum where the rational sense of common ground cannot force some reason. There is nothing beyond showing facts. How people take it is how they will take it.
The thing is, I don't have a history of favoring an anti-China image for the sake of it based on a Western disposition. I just don't like when people downplay Muslim suffering or make light of the slow demise of Muslim people. Period. China is a complex country, and besides the Yughur problem, it is not a total force for evil. In fact, one can say they have better foreign policy and longer diplomatic memory retention than the majority of the Western world and often keep their word when making collaborations, superior to America in most ways in this specific topic. China is fundamentally a practical country that has its ups and downs. The nonsense about it being a total dystopia or on the other side better than it is are both wrong. Most of what the American public discourse about China is wrong but China is not the opposite of that either. It's not true that Chinese citizens are waiting for a democratic revolution and that the CCP is on its last legs. The reality is, that the growth of China is superior to the West in many regards. There are a lot of positive things to say about that country but it has extreme downsides, some of which I mentioned on this thread.

China does carry some dystopian-like characteristics though which are fundamentally the issue about its demographic policies and why the Yughurs are really getting forced towards that general, something that will remove their collective essence, starting with the root that is the deen. People are really questioning the capabilities of a country that forced the 1-child policy, that venerates an ideology like it is a religion. Guys, they really want the deen to be taught with socialism according to their public policies, lol.

I also have a suspicion that Han people are migrating to Xinjang to shift the makeup of that region. But I have not looked into it, so don't quote me on this.
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btw Pakistan was way better off with the more Russia-China leaning Imran Khan than the colonial Western stooge government he's been replaced with.
I always liked Imran Khan, even before he became a famous politician, very decent character. Pakistan took a big loss with whatever shambolic nonsense that removed him. He has wide popularity among the people, still.

That case was a low-key depressing reality, to be honest. When you have a good leader at the helm, the established political entities will go against you because they love the status quo too much. The other people in power colluded against him and he was isolated.

Those actors who went against him claimed he mismanaged the economy, but the economy became worse once they came into power. It was never about the economy.