Somali Founder Effect & Genetic Diversity

Actually that one was probably just an outlier, considering it was just one ROH.

"Previous studies have found that, in outbred individuals, short ROH that measure tens of kb—the typical range of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the human genome, and the typical length of a common haplotype that could be paired to form an ROH—are present at high frequencies.19 Furthermore, ROH of intermediate sizes, measuring hundreds of kb to several Mb, also occur frequently,5–7,20–29 probably as a result of background relatedness—recent but unknown kinship among the parents of sampled individuals. Extremely long ROH, measuring tens of Mb, have been observed in as many as 28%–90% of individuals from populations with higher levels of background relatedness;4–7,12,24,27 surprisingly, they have also been observed in 2%–26% of individuals in ostensibly outbred populations.4,6,7,19–22,24–31 Although some of these long ROH probably reflect recent parental relatedness, others potentially result from a lack of recombination that allows unusually long ancestral segments to persist in the general population. "



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Apollo I have 2 ROH of greater than 8 Mbs. One is 8.39 Mbs and another is 23.25 Mbs for a combined total of 31.6 Mbs.
My position at greater than 8 Mbs is actually:

If you have no ROH greater than 8 you would not show up on the graph at all. In the supplement they show that there are no Amhara with ROH of greater than 4.
amhara 2.png
The take away from this is that Somalis are not inbred but have greater background relatedness than other populations in the region.

But everyone should probably marry outside their clan just in case.
Not true most somalis in baadiye look outside their subclan for marriage, even historically. My great grandmothers are a mix of Isaaq and Majerteen. Marrying outside your sub clan was more beneficial as it brought alliances and ended conflict, I don't know about other clans but the Dhulbahante disliked marrying within.
Yeah thats the first thing that came to mind when I read this, but maybe it doesn't happen in some regions, or as much? Idk,
I am assuming most of those people are Absame? Don't they mostly stick together? How do they represent the rest of Somalis?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
It seems that the average Somali is more inbred than the product of a normal second cousin marriage, and FROH (measure of inbreeding) of 0.015 for children of second cousins and a higher higher 0.018 for the average Somali. This is apparently due to present day preference for consanguineous marriage among Somali because we have many long runs of homozygous DNA. Very shocking news to me because inbreeding lower intelligence by quite a lot. Children of first cousin marriages have iqs about 10 points lower than average. Our neighbors the Oromo and and Amhara have extremely low rates of inbreeding by world standards.

Somalis being a small ethnic group originally does not explain this outcome btw.
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The 52.28 number is how many long runs of homozygosity (more than 1.5 Megabases) the average Somali has. Compare this figure to the Amhara and Oromo at 7.55 and 9.7.

The average Somalia has an FROH (measure of inbreeding) of 0.018 which is higher than children of second cousins, while the Amhara have levels 7x lower and the Oromo about 5.5x lower.

Almost half of all Somalis, 48.7%, are products of either first cousin marriage or second cousin marriage. Compare this to 0% of Oromo and Amhara!
This statistic blew my mind.


I don't care how many test u make, u r not going to tell me amhara & oromos are smarter than Somalis. Thats just not happening.


Stop getting butthurt. I wasn't taking shots lol. I thought you guys mostly married each other.
I wasn’t even mad :ayaanswag:

regardless its hard to say who marries out more or less between clans everyone marries their neighbors. The only neighbor we dont marry from is probably Raxanweyn and Garre.


Make Hobyo Great Again
I don't think it makes sense to compare Somalis to Semites who have recent ancestry from Arabia. Also, it doesn't make sense to take a random sample of all Oromos, a random sample of all Amharas and compare them with a random sample of reer Galbeed, many of who may have been from one subclan.

A random sample from Somaliweyn compared to random samples of other Cushitic groups would give us a clearer picture.

