Somali culture should allow dating and boyfriends/girlfriends

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I think Somali culture should change to allow for dating and boyfriends and girlfriends. Relationships and feelings for someone are natural. Relationships build confidence and self awareness. We learn our tastes and desires and it will give the necessary experience for marriage or long term arrangements. I think the divorce rate would not be as high if relationships were encouraged. It will also allow women to know if their husbands will be able to provide sensually instead of being unhappy for years.

we already doin that even in Somalia.its people just look the otha way.
The Sheikh here would kudhufo and kadhaqaq her malab my nigga. That is all. :russ:
Waar abaaha waas u could atleast tagged me
I personally don’t approve of boyfriend and girlfriends. Because of religion and my take on this. In my opinion female and male friendship isn’t so innocent and may likely lead to desire for intimacy. From a religious standing for a man and a woman to be alone together isn’t permissible.
However you have a point with the divorce rate and such.
I think Somali culture should change to allow for dating and boyfriends and girlfriends. Relationships and feelings for someone are natural. Relationships build confidence and self awareness. We learn our tastes and desires and it will give the necessary experience for marriage or long term arrangements. I think the divorce rate would not be as high if relationships were encouraged. It will also allow women to know if their husbands will be able to provide sensually instead of being unhappy for years.
sbx somali culture? It's islam that forbbids having realtionships befor marriage. I feel like a lot of somali teens who grow up in the west don't no the differents of deen and dhaaqan.. and it is sometimes blurry but sbx go study your deen cuz it's the only things that really matters in the after life
I think Somali culture should change to allow for dating and boyfriends and girlfriends. Relationships and feelings for someone are natural. Relationships build confidence and self awareness. We learn our tastes and desires and it will give the necessary experience for marriage or long term arrangements. I think the divorce rate would not be as high if relationships were encouraged. It will also allow women to know if their husbands will be able to provide sensually instead of being unhappy for years.
Noooo there is a reason why premarital relationships are Haram. Relationships build confidence kulaha, what about the unnecessary heartbreaks? Or people coping with trust issues due to previous experiences. Nahh fam, do not promote this type of foolery.

Getting to know a person is okay, but no boyfriend/girlfriend stuff.
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