Somali culture should allow dating and boyfriends/girlfriends

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Sex before marriage is okay as long as you love eachother <3



Oh so Somalis don’t date..
I didn’t know that...:mjlol:
So who are all these Somali couples I’m seeing..
And I suppose it was love at first sight for all these Somali couples who are getting married


Mudug menaces don't mince their words
Dating doesn’t automatically mean being sexually active. Do you honestly think people are choosing their potential spouses through their families :drakekidding:

Better to date around first then to be on a 4th divorce wondering where it went wrong
Date around and bring a misfit stranger which of course people got to know off the streets independently with no parents interfering it and you wonder why you have a high divorce rate:childplease:


That isn’t love. That’s siil power :westbrookwtf:

As long as you love each other kulaha. Why would you put yourself in a situation that a guy can take advantage of you :wtf:
Wow didn’t know sex was one way thing
Y’all Somalians are funny lol

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019

Jerome - theirs no coming back from this. Hence forth you shall be known as a fudge packer.

Theirs no coming back from this.

Exhibit A.
Approves of having sex with trannies.

Exhibit B.
Unhealthy booty obsession.

Does your father know this?
Who says I'm trying to have sex with trannies?

I only like to have sex with women.
What is unhealthy about liking booty


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
Wow didn’t know sex was one way thing
Y’all Somalians are funny lol

I never said that, but as a Muslim female you’re putting yourself in a tough spot by having sex before marriage. You won’t understand. Your illiterate self even uses me the words Somalian.
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