somali chick blocks me for defending somali men

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Knowles is overcompensating as repentance for her past man-bashing ways

@VixR you know you could be wrong. You’ve accused everyone else disagreeing with you of being racist. And because I’m not racist you’re accusing me of other motives. This is not about Somali men, this is about people going on camera and calling the entire Somali race ugly and undesirable. If you think I’m going to laugh a long with them and defend them then you’re in for a shock. I would never accept humiliation to protect another community. You have severe issues, go and deal with them.


@VixR you know you could be wrong. You’ve accused everyone else disagreeing with you of being racist. And because I’m not racist you’re accusing me of other motives. This is not about Somali men, this is about people going on camera and calling the entire Somali race ugly and undesirable. If you think I’m going to laugh a long with them and defend them then you’re in for a shock. I would never accept humiliation to protect another community.
I did not laugh along with anyone and I’m not protecting anyone. I’m just stating a reality.

So far you’ve managed to attribute several views to me that I did not express. I can’t take you seriously at this point.
I did not laugh along with anyone and I’m not protecting anyone. I’m just stating a reality.

So far you’ve managed to attribute several views to me that I did not express. I can’t take you seriously at this point.

Reality she says. You're going off of what YOU know. That doesn't make it objective truth.

What' is actually wrong with you??? There's nothing wrong with being wrong from time to time. I don't know you, but you make it glaringly obvious you don't know the Somali community as well as you seem to think.


Reality she says. You're going off of what YOU know. That doesn't make it objective truth.

What' is actually wrong with you??? There's nothing wrong with being wrong from time to time. I don't know you, but you make it glaringly obvious you don't know the Somali community as well as you seem to think.
Why can’t you accept that we disagree?


:chrisfreshhah:the last paragraph killed me, for sure.

What’s racism to do with Islam?

It’s tough to take the victimhood of constant shit-stirrers seriously. Are there casualties to their attitudes? Yes. But you’re fueling your own problem.

Here’s you saying Somalis are fueling racism
I’m not from the U.K. I barely know any jarers, but to be asked by one stranger in the sticks here in the US where there’s barely any black people around why Somalis hate black people is something that stood out to me. He was part Mexican but looked black and introduced himself as Sixto, and we met him when my brother and I were out grabbing a few things for a get-together. All he knew about our background is that we hate him lol.

Somalis are busy ruining their reputation in every way possible. The fact that you don’t care how people perceive you is not a good thing. It’s a bad thing. Just know there are casualties to your internet stupidity, and that includes internet backlash.

And here you are admiting not knowing many madows in real life but basing this whole situation on an encounter with a Mexican lol.

Vixr your arguments change depending on what day I am talking to you. I think when you initially made this comment you though you would have the support of the liberals on this forum. But no decent minded liberal would come out here and make excuses for someone who is dehuminizing them.
Why can’t you accept that we disagree?

Because you're categorically wrong, and it evidently doesn't stop you from arguing. And then you're straight faced saying everyone else is wrong. Are you a meme?


But I digress. I was going to leave it at the first reply, but you triggered me. That was the last of it. You may continue without further interruption


Here’s you saying Somalis are fueling racism

And here you are admiting not knowing many madows in real life but basing this whole situation on an encounter with a Mexican lol.

Vixr your arguments change depending on what day I am talking to you. I think when you initially made this comment you though you would have the support of the liberals on this forum. But no decent minded liberal would come out here and make excuses for someone who is dehuminizing them.
You’re pulling all the stops. Invoking my being ex Muslim (which everyone knows I am), and now liberal (which I’m not) lol.

Yes, I said I said Somalis fuel the anti-Somali views towards them, and I stand by that 100% The black kid was a recent anecdote. I did not laugh at anyone nor did I protect anyone, nor are any of your many other allegations against me of any weight :manny:
Because you're categorically wrong, and it evidently doesn't stop you from arguing. And then you're straight faced saying everyone else is wrong. Are you a meme?


But I digress. I was going to leave it at the first reply, but you triggered me. That was the last of it. You may continue without further interruption
“You’re wrong” isn’t an argument. I told you to be objective about all the qashin Somalis post online and see it for what it is. I’ve never seen the level of hatred these trolls invoke for no reason, unbidden, and on every platform you can imagine carrying with them the Somali name from any single other nationality.
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Men are better than Women.
@VixR you know you could be wrong. You’ve accused everyone else disagreeing with you of being racist. And because I’m not racist you’re accusing me of other motives. This is not about Somali men, this is about people going on camera and calling the entire Somali race ugly and undesirable. If you think I’m going to laugh a long with them and defend them then you’re in for a shock. I would never accept humiliation to protect another community. You have severe issues, go and deal with them.

Lets be honest you are only pissed at the fact that blacks called Somali girls ugly and undateable :pachah1:


You’re pulling all the stops. Invoking my being ex Muslim (which everyone knows I am), and now liberal (which I’m not) lol.

Yes, I said I said Somalis fuel the anti-Somali views towards them, and I stand by that 100% The black kid was a recent anecdote. I did not laugh at anyone nor did I protect anyone, nor are any of your many other allegations against me of any weight :manny:

Madows have been insulting Somalis for over a decade, even other madows have started talking about this. When @sigmund has made countless threads about it you always dismiss them as being ‘old’ tweets- but doesn’t the age of these tweets prove that Somalis were provoked? When the Somalis responded to the hate on twitter, the madows flipped the script and said that we were anti-black. You clearly don’t know Many West-Africans but they themselves harbour racist views that would make the average Somalispot troll blush. You were wrong and instead of reading what people had to say who live with them, your first reaction was to blame Somalis for ‘fueling’ the problem. Everyone can see you have a bias. Racism is wrong no ifs and no buts.


Madows have been insulting Somalis for over a decade, even other madows have started talking about this. When @sigmund has made countless threads about it you always dismiss them as being ‘old’ tweets- but doesn’t the age of these tweets prove that Somalis were provoked? When the Somalis responded to the hate on twitter, the madows flipped the script and said that we were anti-black. You clearly don’t know Many West-Africans but they themselves harbour racist views that would make the average Somalispot troll blush. You were wrong and instead of reading what people had to say who live with them, your first reaction was to blame Somalis for ‘fueling’ the problem. Everyone can see you have a bias. Racism is wrong no ifs and no buts.
Racism is wrong. But it exists and Somalis are not shy about displaying it for all and sundry. I’m not saying all Somalis are like this, I’m saying we have an extremely loud and active voice online that likes to pop off about jarers, etc.

Unfortunately, based on what I’ve seen, what those tweets readily indicate to me is that they were beefing Somalis, not necessarily that they baited Somalis from their end. That’s how bad our online presence is as I’ve observed it. So no, it does not prove they were provoked. I’m reasonably sure that if I searched those tweets we’d find a twitter Somali-jarer battle of some kind. That is my impression of our troll antics. As I mentioned earlier, I used to watch my older sister on these Twitter wars.
Madows have been insulting Somalis for over a decade, even other madows have started talking about this. When @sigmund has made countless threads about it you always dismiss them as being ‘old’ tweets- but doesn’t the age of these tweets prove that Somalis were provoked? When the Somalis responded to the hate on twitter, the madows flipped the script and said that we were anti-black. You clearly don’t know Many West-Africans but they themselves harbour racist views that would make the average Somalispot troll blush. You were wrong and instead of reading what people had to say who live with them, your first reaction was to blame Somalis for ‘fueling’ the problem. Everyone can see you have a bias. Racism is wrong no ifs and no buts.

Cmon knowles you serious with that BS!? somalis didn't even register with the vast majority of black people in the west, including me, as of a few years ago. somalis have been going hard at blacks it seems from the time they came off the boat 20 years ago. Its only lately that more and more black people are becoming aware of them. These people join black forums to stir up sh*t and have been doing it for years. Even today you won't see many black people joining somali forums...i'm the exception to the rule.

Listen i respect both you and Vikr but it can be easily documented who started this.....and when you think about the culture its logical. What's not logical and is still a head-scratcher is the loudness and the openess of it...even as somalis struggle to get their act together in cities all over the world. Its one thing to not like AAs and other western blacks..nothing new there, but to publicly do so when you are still under refugee status all over the world is just really really strange...but it explains the mindset of a people that have the capacity to destroy their country the way somalis have. That's why i call them rachet. It fits.

Cmon knowles you serious with that BS!? ..but it explains the mindset of a people that have the capacity to destroy their country the way somalis have. That's why i call them rachet. It fits.


you still spewing nonsense,same could be said about you,,,people enslaved for 500yrs and still cant put their shit together,escape goating and hating on everyone else and no responsibility on their shoulders except playing victim card round the clock.... its not us ,its not us, its my dark shadow behind me. stop and take it!!

and how many nations went thru destructive cycles beginning with the slave trade,the biggest human cargo blacks done in part to their own,,and how are your meat grinding ghettos where millions live in the worst crime ridden areas and way below the poverty line but with a keyboard to trash every otha human.
you must be trying to convince aliens!
yee and you dealing with recent refugees!! you don't know whats lurking around you ,that Somalis been in Africa,asia and Europe for 1000s of yrs and thou all of these become others they now finding out their lineage,dna and r online whipping your black ass real good.
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you still spewing nonsense,same could be said about you,,,people enslaved for 500yrs and still cant put their shit together,escape goating and hating on everyone else and no responsibility on their shoulders except playing victim card round the clock.... its not us ,its not us, its my dark shadow behind me. stop and take it!!

and how many nations went thru destructive cycles beginning with the slave trade,the biggest human cargo blacks done in part to their own,,and how are your meat grinding ghettos where millions live in the worst crime ridden areas and way below the poverty line but with a keyboard to trash every otha human.
you must be trying to convince aliens!
yee and you dealing with recent refugees!! you don't know whats lurking around you ,that Somalis been in Africa,asia and Europe for 1000s of yrs and thou all of these become others they now finding out their lineage,dna and r online whipping your black ass real good.

phuck nigga....what is it a chromosome in you phuckers that the more you write the less sense you make. English is not your first language so i get it. You and that other email nigga need to get to remedial english class and learn how to make a point. I can't make heads or tails of what the phuck you just wrote. Is there an idea hidden in that mess? At least you tried formating with paragraph and sh*t unlike that email nigga who was just dribbling all over himself like a newborn....but still it nah make it....complete writing 101 and try again.

Seriously i would like to answer the post but i don't know what i would be responding to since there is no cohesive thought but a bunch of mumbo jumbo wallahi prawn gibberish.

@onlyme ...that's what you dwell on deflecting,flipping and cruising back thru your black hole. you have nothing to rebut except rubbish.
@onlyme ...that's what you dwell on deflecting,flipping and cruising back thru your black hole. you have nothing to rebut except rubbish.

see even that sentence made absolutely no sense.....truly that previous post was a jumbled mess prawn. And so to was the one above. Here is what you said "you have nothing to rebut except rubbish". Now does that make sense to you? In fact if anything you are classifying your own contribution as rubbish. I don't know how to respond to a conglomerate of words with no real focus or direction.

If you really want to engage let's do it one point at a time. I have some free time today and i don't mind schooling you and the other prawns here.

Keep your content concise and cogent and give me a chance to address your points. Ok let's go.

Having read through this thread I have to say wooow. Knowles calling out VixR on her bullshit loool. As have other more liberals in this forum. I have always felt VixR was different from other posters in here in that she was 100% genuine in her dislike for somalis. Most people troll in here about everything. But its never that deep. We dont think about other races all day as she seem to think we do.

But as Knowles said you use racism as a stick to beat somalis with and your dislike for your own trumps any fairness to look at situations. The fact that she has made every excuse for the black people who dont like somalis and say we have triggered it so tough luck is an insult not only to somalis, but other blacks. You have been given several great reasonable posts about the reality from knowles, kodeen and goldmansachs, but you dismissed each one. The combination of ignorance and arrogance you are showing is extraordinary. Even the blacks you are defending have not used the excuse you are giving them, hence why you cant show it.

And before you say we are all wrong and extremists. Lets go back on other things you said. You constantly attacked posters in here in the thread about the chef who said horrible things about Somalis. How pathetic and sad we were for going after him and how long it ago it was. We needed to get a life. Which funny enough proves you wrong on how recent social media is behind this. I remember specifically asking you as a Somali woman dont you feel anything when he was posting things like somalis are rats, genetically mutants and how if a Somali girl tried to kiss him he would punch her. You said no, not at all. Yet you constantly call people out here for saying things about maddows. You are not objective. You use racism as a stick to beat Somalis with.

But the worst thing of all is how dismissive you are about the experience of Somalis. I have lived in Uk since 2002 and seen first hand how Somalis been treated by blacks. I have lived in the blackest area in birmingham where you have large jamaican community. Do you have any idea the amount of shit somalis went through when they came here? A new low class comes to the community and the already established low class who has been here for generations targets them. Knowles calmly explained to you how trickle down racism and fear of not being bottom of the food chain works. But it flew past you. The biggest insult is your know it all attitude. You said you dont live amongst Somalis, you dont hang out with Somalis or date Somalis. Thats all fine as its your choice. But dont come here and act like you know whats going on in Somali community and what we experience when you made it clear Somali suffering dont even touch you emotionally one bit. You also said you hardly know any blacks in real life and keep using what a mexican guy asked you once. Basically telling us with great confidence about two communities you know very little about. And when your every respond has been debunked you say why cant we just disagree. I swear it would not surprise me if you are in black forums and talking about how you are Somali and how much Somalis hate them and look down on them. And how jealous we are of them. Actually spreading hatred on Somalis to people who already feel victimized while somehow thinking you are doing something good. You can hide behind your fancy words and act first ll calm. But it Im glad people can finally see the self hater you are.

Your story aint unique. You already told us enough about you for us to have a good idea who you are. You said you were very religious at the age of 16-17 wearing hijab and was an extremist, your parents were proud. Then you took of the hijab and they were extremely disappointed and critical. This pushed you further away to where you are today. You have clear anger towards your parents and is rebelling against them and their culture. But let me give you one thing that I believe you will learn the hard way in life. No one respect an ass kisser or a person with no convictions. You may think if you defend their every step. They will accept you as one. But the day you stop being a doormat and an ass kisser is the day you will be called out for being just another Somali. You remind me of my cousin Jane lol. Sorry for the long post everyone. I havent posted in a week and had some shit I wanted to get off my chest.
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