Somali atheism on the rise

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Pepe Trump
Cosmos, I am the wrong person to discuss with you about rationality and evidence of what you are looking for. This thread was stated to be yours and it carries your allegiance in the title. It is all yours. others who want to join you and address your questions will be able to join.

I am done with this.

Alrighty then.
Spinning ball Earth??? Are you denying that the Earth is a sphere which rotates on its own axis?

Evolution is a scientific fact by the way, humanity isn't a result of a single couple who populated the Earth as a result of their children fucking each other.

You are proving my statement of blind conformity to whatever society you happened to dwell in perfectly.

Forget this endless back and forth polemics never-ending cheap diatribe, there is a tiny-chat link, I will make a separate thread and challenge you to a moderated discussion regarding the garbage you just defecated and promise to humiliate you into submission.

I will expose you for the uneducated, blind conformist charlatan that you really are, you don't even know 1% of the stuff you claim to believe in, that has been handed down to you blindly, in your unquestioned indoctrination.

In fact your not alone in this, 99% of those who believe in the spinning ball earth myth, evolution or dinosaurs know only 1% of the dogmatic believes handed down to them as part of their miseducation to serve a global wicked agenda

Just the basic questions I will ask you alone will expose and make a mockery out of you. This is contrary to those who follow Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and even the Pagan's, it's followers at least know far more then the 1% that you do about your believes. The joke is really you.

If your too cowardice, sign up to this forum that I moderate in fact every single refutation on the spinning ball earth is already there.
:mjlol: Muslims calling anyone conformist when they only follow the religion because that's what's expected of them, if you were born hindu you'd be outside worshiping cows.

A Muslim is nothing more then one that submits to his lord as per meaning, before this we referred to that absolute all powerful creator as Waaq and before that it was Eebow in the now dead Egyptian hieroglyphics, a word which until very day we still use to refer to him.

This is at least 5000 years of history of monotheistic conformity which our forefathers were at the forefronts, the only challenge were polytheistic believes.

Your polytheistic God's of Dawkins, Hawkins, Darwin, Newton and Copernicus with his spinning ball earth myth, are recent new additions to the long tradition of polytheistic believes whose birth was in homosexual inclined ultra barbaric, genocidal loving, albanoid devils in Europe.

Before this, the European masters you have submitted yourself towards followed the infamous polytheistic cult known as odinism, whom the trio Bermuda death cult of the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, which your self-hate, and desire for conformity has lead you towards.

The same odinism that white supermacist are now embracing, moving away from Christianity and the other polytheistic Gods you now worship, because they see them for what they truly are, a bunch of satanic, Zionist, demonic, masonic demagogues.

Your forefathers went with the monotheistic believes for centuries, but you have embraced the European polytheistic believes and the sad thing is that you are trying to pass it off as some form of enlightenment.

The truth is that you are suffering from the European version of toxoplasma gondi brain parasite, there is no diagnosis for this, in the ancient times you would be left with some bread and water, in a deep dungeon until the madness subsides.

This is the result of weak lineage, debased loin and a cursed progeny, don't take this as an insult, I am sympathetic to your case, it's a sickness, a mental illness, a europhile brain parasite, I am just letting the people know and warn others from safeguarding themselves from these conditions.


Pepe Trump
You are proving my statement of blind conformity to whatever society you happened to dwell in perfectly.

Forget this endless back and forth polemics never-ending cheap diatribe, there is a tiny-chat link, I will make a separate thread and challenge you to a moderated discussion regarding the garbage you just defecated and promise to humiliate you into submission.

I will expose you for the uneducated, blind conformist charlatan that you really are, you don't even know 1% of the stuff you claim to believe in, that has been handed down to you blindly, in your unquestioned indoctrination.

In fact your not alone in this, 99% of those who believe in the spinning ball earth myth, evolution or dinosaurs know only 1% of the dogmatic believes handed down to them as part of their miseducation to serve a global wicked agenda

Just the basic questions I will ask you alone will expose and make a mockery out of you. This is contrary to those who follow Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and even the Pagan's, it's followers at least know far more then the 1% that you do about your believes. The joke is really you.

If your too cowardice, sign up to this forum that I moderate in fact every single refutation on the spinning ball earth is already there.


OH MY DAYS!!! It seems we have another flat earth advocate!!!


It seems you're one of those "I'm Woke!" Sort of people.

Listen, I don't have time to debate basic scientific understandings so do us all a favour and go to the edge of the world.


Pepe Trump

Are you even Somali?

Haa Sxb, Soomaalinimada ma layska saaraa haddii aadan diin lahayn?


Sxb, you can't convince a theist and in particular a Muslim what you believe or don't believe and they can't convince you subscribe or worship to a cruel Monster that punishes "his creation" because they refused to bow for him. Agree to disagree with them.
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