Siyaad Barre.

Was Siyad Barre a good leader?

  • YES

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 20 62.5%

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  1. Lool we will never unify because of baree waaah, he destroyed the country waah he killed a lot of isaaqs waah, news flash a lot of people died not only isaaqs sounding like a buncha kot damn immature cry babies stuck in time, just because the spanking every body got still reverberates through the air till now shit happens get over it, how many times has Germany been in a major war ? and that whole country got destroyed too many times, but still every time they rebuild it again coming out stronger then before, how come we can't do it ?.

I'm slowly starting to understand why when we mix with other races their genetics in the child comes on top.


Siyaad Barre was brutal dictator BUT:

- No elections were held after he was ousted
- Everyone went apeshit on each other and killed more people than he did
- Still no elections and its 2015 (barr Somaliland)
- Foreigners air raid Somalia today
- Foreigners get away with rape and murder in Somalia today and the Somali government give the green light
- Massive amounts of land is given to foreigners but people don't care because its not a Somali clan this time (even though he gave jobs, not land to his relatives)
- Siad Barre killed wadaads - today they're hunted by Kabaab (one set) and the Somali government (the other set) and no one cares

Yawn Yawn Yawn - none of you are patriots, you're holding on to a hate figure who died in 1991 and overlooking what other non elected presidents have been doing since.
I don't care or know anything about him but no way did he create the destructive Somali mentality all on his own. I think its feeble to blame one guy for an entire nation failure. Even the people who ousted him did had their own tribal objectives. Why did they not just get together and make an election after he left? Nah - they decided to kill each other instead.

You can't deny his significance when being pro or anti Barre can cause dispute/conflict. And like I said before he isn't the only one to blame.

  1. Lool we will never unify because of baree waaah, he destroyed the country waah he killed a lot of isaaqs waah, news flash a lot of people died not only isaaqs sounding like a buncha kot damn immature cry babies stuck in time, just because the spanking every body got still reverberates through the air till now shit happens get over it, how many times has Germany been in a major war ? and that whole country got destroyed too many times, but still every time they rebuild it again coming out stronger then before, how come we can't do it ?.
I'm slowly starting to understand why when we mix with other races their genetics in the child comes on top.

We were unifed during his time yes? Will we be unifed after him? No. Why, because his actions caused hatred some cannot get over and this hatred is being taught to kids who didn't even experience Barre's reign.

Germany is different, they fought with one another against outsiders. A common enemy brings people together. Plus Germany is in Europe and not in the easily corruptable Africa.


No - I'm a grumpy cat in real life, the permanent scowl type person lol

Jimca wanaagsan xxx
Siad Barre brought destruction and pain to somalis, many somalis suffered death and hunger under his regime but he was not the only responsible for Somalia tragedy.

A somali author wrote this abook about Barre life:

Somali President Mohammed Siad Barre, His Life and Legacy (Inglés) 2011
de Mohammed Ibrahim Shire
Whatever need to be said has been said, I think its time to move on and forgive each other without forgetting the past. I also hope we find indigenous solutions to our problems. Siad Barre is with his maker now and I can only say may allah forgive him for his sins ameen.


I think Siad Barre gets blamed for what essentially a Somali failure. If you people weren't so tribalistic you would never have had a dictator in the first place, you would never have bombed your own people, you would never have killed each other over clan for 30 years, you would never have created tribal states for security reasons, you would never have supported terror groups who don't operate in your tribal regions, you would have gotten together and sorted your country out a long time ago. You people have never been together, you've never liked each other and I guess it must be nice to have one hate figure to bring you all together.

How is Siad Barre different to the recent presidents (TFG, SFG) who brought all manner of safari animals (Kenyans, Ethiopians, Ugandans, Burundians etc) in to kill your people?

30 years later, and there isn't a man that can unify Somalia (North and South) like Siyad Barre.
30 YEARS later, and there is not a single being capable of leading the Somalis to success.
Siyad Barre didn't ruin Somalia, in fact he want to war to unify Somalis outside of Somalia.
You have nothing that can compare to the Barre government. Whether it be through economically or militarily.
He was a great leader, with faults and flaws. The only leader that has never committed faults was the prophet (SCW)
Were human at the end of the day, and of course we'll have our flaws. BUT has there been someone whos wadani enough to take the title,
"aabo siyaad?" Anyone brave enough to bring North and South Somalia together?
Were being divided by Ethiopians and Kenyans.
Do you think if Barre was alive we'd be divided by these people?
Let's be honest. He was a wadani. He turned us into an African superpower and a role model of the continent.
We've lost that respect the moment he left the seat, and 30 years later. Ain't no one tryna respect us.
We had unity. From Hargeisa to Muqdisho. Kismaayo to Garoowe. You name it.
Today, what are we? No one is any longer Somali, qaar waa Itoopiyaan, qaarne waa kenyaati. SMH.
Scrutinise away but most countries have or have had a centralised system and it didn't turn them into savages.

What most countries? Many Countries have Federal States , Decentralized Govt. Why? because these political systems are compatible to their social & political/societal structure. You cannot compare Apples with Oranges. Everyone has to implement systems that fit with them and go their own path.

In Norway they have something Called ''Fylker'' and ''Kommuner'' which are Administrative regions and counties with their share of power that inhabitants elect their own representatives and governed by their own.
Norway is divided into 19 administrative regions, called counties (singular Norwegian: fylke, plural Norwegian: fylker (Bokmål) / fylke (Nynorsk)); until 1918, they were known as amter. The counties form the first-level subdivisions of Norway and are further divided into 428 municipalities (kommune, pl. kommuner / kommunar). Svalbard and Jan Mayen are outside the county division and ruled directly on national level. The capital Oslo is considered both a county and a municipality.

  1. The county municipality (no: Fylkeskommune) has a county council (Norwegian: Fylkesting), whose members are elected by the inhabitants. The county municipality is responsible mainly for some medium level schools, public transport organisation, regional road planning, culture and some more areas.
  2. The county governor (no: Fylkesmannen) is an authority directly overseen by the Norwegian government. It surveills the municipalities and receive complaints from people over their actions. It also controls areas where the government needs local direct ruling outside the municipalities.

Here is a key example of people like many other countries implementing power sharing and political systems compatible to their social structure and inhabitants.

I have no hatred towards Siad Barre im sure he at one point had good intentions.
But We need to be able to learn from our past mistakes to be able to move forward. What does not work should not be repeated.
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That's about as centralised as it gets - with their main base being the capital. In fact those monarchies heavily resembled dictatorships.
That's about as centralised as it gets - with their main base being the capital. In fact those monarchies heavily resembled dictatorships.
What does this have anything to do with what i and you are discussing? :lebronwtf:

Most of these monarchies were several and divided within the countries you call today.
Barre had several opportunities to change Somalia history. He could create Greater Somalia in 1977 but he made some political and military mistakes which brought misery and chaos for his countrymen. He promised a glorious future for somali people, but at the end of the day, Somalia had become in a failed state.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Eeebe ayaan u mahad celiyay
Isn't that Somali pagan religion of waaq & eebe, the bull & cow? War meesha maxa ka buuxo qashin hala buufiyo :)

To answer your question said barre was an evil & despicable dictator who had no compassion for his fellow man.


Isn't that Somali pagan religion of waaq & eebe, the bull & cow? War meesha maxa ka buuxo qashin hala buufiyo :)

To answer your question said barre was an evil & despicable dictator who had no compassion for his fellow man.

Pagan name? Are you fucking with me?
The word, "Eebe" is the Somali word for God. The word, "Allah" is the Arabic word for God.
Arabs before the arrival of Islam worshiped idols and referred to their idols as, "Allah"
You want to disown your Somali heritage by disowning indigenous Somali names.
You probably don't enjoy names such as, "Samatar" and, "Gulled"

As for your Siyad Barre comment. Thanks for the opinion.Every is entitled to one.
But i believe overall, generally speakig. Barre was the best thing for Somalia. Just look at us today.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Pagan name? Are you fucking with me?
The word, "Eebe" is the Somali word for God. The word, "Allah" is the Arabic word for God.
Arabs before the arrival of Islam worshiped idols and referred to their idols as, "Allah"
You want to disown your Somali heritage by disowning indigenous Somali names.
You probably don't enjoy names such as, "Samatar" and, "Gulled"

As for your Siyad Barre comment. Thanks for the opinion.Every is entitled to one.
But i believe overall, generally speakig. Barre was the best thing for Somalia. Just look at us today.
That is paganism that you speak of, it had nothing to do with Islam. Personally prefer Mohammad over samater any day, I have no allegiance towards Somali culture or waaqism my only allegiance is to Allah.

Said barre was the best thing for who? Mareexans, most certainly but as an mj we're better off Alhamdulillah.
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