Rising exmuslims in community

Being ex-Muslim is not a personality trait:gucciwhat:

What ones?
Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

Keep in mind most of these are majority Muslim countries:camby:

Somalis are 99% Muslim and we're proud of that. Islam is what hold our culture together.
You’re stupid. Do you think it’s safe for people to come out as non-religious in countries like those? Of course they keep it hidden.


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
You’re stupid. Do you think it’s safe for people to come out as non-religious in countries like those? Of course they keep it hidden.
Number one we're having a debate so stop being butthurt and throwing insults around.

Number two is that these people will start harming society. They will try to do things haram or illogical which will haram those people.

Like preaching why Islam is bad or Sodomy is great.

We don't live in a globalist society.

