Protests In Iran after Woman is Beat To Death by police for Improper Hijab.

It is reported that in Tehran the situation is getting out of control of the security forces. The crowd moves towards the residence of Iran's supreme leader Khamnei.

Some Chinese tiananmen square level crackdown from the Iranian government is needed to quench these protests.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
@Roorigeg just a side note, al-Azhar is a university and not a theological school. I think you’re mistaking it for the Ash’ari theological school.
Al-Azhar is synonymous with the ashari theology, just like umm al qura is synonymous with the najdi theology. So on that note he’s definitely correct, the problem lies with his claim that twelver theology is considered to be among the correct schools of theology in islam.

Notice how he has problems with khawarij groups among sunnis yet says nothing when it comes twelver Shias where their theology is based on mass takfir of not only sunnis but also non- twelver shias as well.

Outside their circles twelver shias practise taqiyyah so as to not draw attention to their extreme takfir. Even najdi takfir doesn’t even come close to that of twelvers as the latter include majority of sahabah in their takfir. Just like najdi theology the common twelver shia laymen aren’t aware of this and many other misguided beliefs inherent in their theology.

That’s why it’s completely unjustified to make blanket takfir on them, so on this point roorigeg is correct while hamza & sajid are wrong. It’s better to error on the side of caution than vice-versa as invalid takfir has dire consequences for a muslim in the hereafter as we will be judged by Allah.


f*ck these Neo-Safavids. These guys spread their Twelver qashin all across the Muslim world while their people are barely religous
Al-Azhar is synonymous with the ashari theology, just like umm al qura is synonymous with the najdi theology. So on that note he’s definitely correct, the problem lies with his claim that twelver theology is considered to be among the correct schools of theology in islam.

Notice how he has problems with khawarij groups among sunnis yet says nothing when it comes twelver Shias where their theology is based on mass takfir of not only sunnis but also non- twelver shias as well.

Outside their circles twelver shias practise taqiyyah so as to not draw attention to their extreme takfir. Even najdi takfir doesn’t even come close to that of twelvers as the latter include majority of sahabah in their takfir. Just like najdi theology the common twelver shia laymen aren’t aware of this and many other misguided beliefs inherent in their theology.

That’s why it’s completely unjustified to make blanket takfir on them, so on this point roorigeg is correct while hamza & sajid are wrong. It’s better to error on the side of caution than vice-versa as invalid takfir has dire consequences for a muslim in the hereafter as we will be judged by Allah.
They also teach the Hanbali methodology at al-Azhar university hence why I made the comment
I’m conflicted. In one sense the poisonous majoos regime is getting a bloody nose.

In the other, this is yet another vehicle by the empirialist scum who’ve been drooling over Iran for decades.

Let them fight.



East Africa UNUKA LEH
I mean the country isnt even religious anyway, if u dont practice the deen except forcing women to wear hijab I understand why women would hate hijab, i dont really blame the women
I don’t either but it still bothers me because at the end of the day most of these people will claim to be Muslim and Muslims are the ones who will get the backlash.
I don’t either but it still bothers me because at the end of the day most of these people will claim to be Muslim and Muslims are the ones who will get the backlash.
True but I feel for these women I mean when I here some of the stuff they go through I have sympathy for them I hope they find true Islam then embrace it fully instead of the cultural practices of the country

uff iranians, they are stifling women and it turns into this. Imagine being killed over some of your hair showing.
Now men and women alike are protesting and women are throwing their “hijabs” off. It’s the 21st century and this heathen shias can’t get a grip. Ayatollah, warya there is no such a thing as ordained. Fix up or find out.
First of all, Ii must say that the murders or arrests of women not wearing their hijab properly is unfair. Yes, this is what our religion says, but killing someone over what they WEAR OUTSIDE? There are rapists, thieves and every other oppressor on the face of the earth and you don't want ro deal with that. A lot of these "hijab police" as well are just dickless men who are sad that no one wants to f*ck them. So they take it out on women, who have nothing to do with them, whose actions are accountable (at the end of the day) only to Allah, and abuse them for something that wasn't even that deep if you think abt it. But the women taking off their hijabs in protest??? BIG NO NO. We shouldn't be doing this, sure this is oppression, but how are you solving it by angering Allah even more than you were before when it was just not wearing a hijab outside? Let's be sensible, and let's also deal with these sickening quite unecessary police, who are nothing other than misogynists and murderers.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
They are dickriding gaalo. That won’t happen.
True but I feel for these women I mean when I here some of the stuff they go through I have sympathy for them I hope they find true Islam then embrace it fully instead of the cultural practices of the country
Shia this, Shia that. The people with 68 IQ have the audacity to open their mouth against people who are more resilient and more advanced than them.

What you see below are the missile and drone development of Shia Zaydi Muslim Yemenis (aka Houthis) - of course assisted by Jafari Shia Muslim Iran. 👇👇

Can the people with 68 IQ please try 1 day to keep their mouth shut? I am getting sick to my stomach every time I read the verbal diarrhea from the 68tians.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Sorry I don’t know. I just remember reading on a website that sheikh Yusuf bin Sadiq al Hanbali had studied there
No worries I don’t know the shaykh tbh laakin I believe perhaps that he studied something else other than hanbali aqeedah.

A lot of asharis study in saudi as well learning other aspects of the deen other than aqeedah etc. Know a couple of somalis students & shaykhs who’ve done it as well.
No worries I don’t know the shaykh tbh laakin I believe perhaps that he studied something else other than hanbali aqeedah.

A lot of asharis study in saudi as well learning other aspects of the deen other than aqeedah etc. Know a couple of somalis students & shaykhs who’ve done it as well.
Do they study at the Madina university or under specific scholars?
Situation in Iran is taking a dangerous turn, IRGC reports dead and injured amongst its troops & reportedly control of the authorities was lost in some areas.

Iran claims the unrest is typical western playbook colour revolution attempt & that Saudi and Israeli backed forces are behind the riots.

It’s worth nothing that Iran has contained multiple such situations in the last 5 years, so we don’t expect a different outcome this time. But it might get bloody as the rioters are literally killing the troops

--ASB military news