Professional Sister wondering if somali men are spoiled for choice are secretly gay [smh], since she can't find a compatible match?!

Very rarely do you see men with masters and phds married to a woman that hasn't even finished high school.

Also I know education and money isn't a deciding factor for men as it is for women, but generally people marry like for like.

I once had this financially comfortable guy (millionaire) try to talk to me. He asked me what I did for a living and what my GPA was

Weirdest question I was asked to this day lol...
Don't worry guys, yes, ethiopian women bash ethiopian men a lot on social media too. i think the men and women of every ethnic group or race, do this. lol?!

Ethiopian women especially Oromo are prostitutes in Arab and African countries and your worried about a Somali girl that is struggling to find a husband. Fix your priorities orom.
honestly i don’t even want to marry my race, and i might be the average somali guy…

only a smoking hot very desirable somali girl will be an option, by thats my choice
i think many somali guys just don’t want to get married, they marry in somalia but never intend to bring the wife, they go there twice a year to make a few babies only to have some legacy, and some of them have sex with other women where they live becau they don’t want the commitment, and every guy knows there’s some appear to this

traditional marriage is declining
Ethiopian women especially Oromo are prostitutes in Arab and African countries and your worried about a Somali girl that is struggling to find a husband. Fix your priorities orom.
Seems like you're mad. Sorry man. There are prostitutes among every people's women, you're not exactly doing anything but stating the obvious dude.
You should get your degree because have to earn a living not to get a husband. for that you need to be charismatic and look attractive. Doesn’t he want you? Aim lower or aim for a different guy.
Not necessarily. Historically, rich men married the daughters of rich men. Look at history, the lineage and the prestige of a woman's family mattered. We even know this as the Prophet S.A.W tells us that women are married for four things.

So calling everything 'liberal' and 'cadaan' is silly.
Whilst I do agree that the education of a women will have some degree of appeal to educated men, the reason why most educated men will marry educated women is proximity.

If there's a man who is a doctor for example he is much more likely to come across a female doctor than an uneducated women.So he will have to go out of his way to find an uneducated women if he wants to marry one.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I go my first offer for married just months after turning 20.

I much as we like to talk about Deen, education, femininity and the other comments from this post. My second oldest sister who won the genetics lottery. Had more marriage of thrown her way in one year compared to all my sister combined.

Even though she be married for a few years. People still ask me of she's single lol

I'm the only male sibling of 5 sisters
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I said it in this forum the longest so many educated somali sisters over 25 unmarried but they will never get the memo guys majority of them dont see eduation and career minded women as a good thing actually its a negative thing they would much from are under 25 girl who has basic education
Somali women do fight off foreign men because they are holding out for Somali men, so I think Somalis need to start professional match-making services for those who are too busy or shy to socialise. Not every woman or man has a vast social or family network, so there are brothers and sisters out there who are decent but find it hard to find SOMALI spouses.
Lol thats not true foreign men only would use them as gf and one nights stands only minority of them will actually marry them
It's good for a woman to have an education and be successful in what ever she's doing, but she also needs other characteristics/qualities in order to attract a good husband.. Honestly I would love to have a woman who's ambitious with a degree but if she's not feminine, sweet, caring and someone who's down to earth, I won't even bother to use 5 minutes of my time on her.. Some women expect men to come crawling to them and they think being nice and pleasing is a one way street, I generally stay away from those kind of women.
Personally for me and all my friends and i say you in the minority of male thinking if a girl is highly educated and earing good i dont see that as a attractive trait its masculine if im actually going to marry her i prefer someone with basic education is young beautiful and can hold a house down and is caring

Girls like a guy who is working got a good job and is masculine thats attractive to them whats attractive to a woman isnt the same as whats attractive to man
I said it in this forum the longest so many educated somali sisters over 25 unmarried but they will never get the memo guys majority of them dont see eduation and career minded women as a good thing actually its a negative thing they would much from are under 25 girl who has basic education
Speak for yourself sxb. Education and ambition are qualities I value highly.
Lol @ gay. 90% of unmarried Somali men are straight. She should get out of her room and be social to find a Somali straight single man that is around every street corner.

"Successful" Somali men aren't going to go for her. She's just average. They're going to go for the top 1% of Somali women or an above average ajnabi woman.

She wants a "successful" Somali man but she won't get it. She is making fun of truck drivers but truck drivers make good money and are average hard working guys. She can marry an average guy easily but she doesn't want that. No wonder she can't find a man.

She's correct that Somali men, especially "successful" men are spoiled for choice. They're definently not going for her. Just her attitude alone is a turn off. Why would a "successful" Somali man settle for a spouse who looks down on people who work blue collar jobs when he can easily find a woman who doesn't look down on others and is a sweetheart?
First time I agree with you.



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