Professional Sister wondering if somali men are spoiled for choice are secretly gay [smh], since she can't find a compatible match?!

Its always ugly females that accuse men of being gay, she sounds like those obese AA females
There is a huge problem of professional gumeeys women in western society. A lot of these women don’t understand that most men don’t care about her degree, and it’s there manly attitudes that turn men off.

Majority will reach 30+ before realizing they’ve been wrong and by then they become desperate. The smart ones at that age will either be second or third wife or go to Africa to sponsor a man.
Truth is most successful guys will be taken out of the market by 30. My boys who are single between 24-27 are getting calls regularly about set ups. She isn’t wrong successful Somali guys are spoilt for choice since they are in demand.
Don't worry guys, yes, ethiopian women bash ethiopian men a lot on social media too. i think the men and women of every ethnic group or race, do this. lol?!

Interestingly enough... I had more Somali men interested in me when I was a poor 20-23 year old than I do now working as a professional lol.

The only guys that pursue me currently are mainly Cadaan, Ethiopian, or Mixed race (B/W) 🤷‍♀️
I'm probably going to settle down with one of these categories in the future.

I don't give West African/Jamaicans a chance (even though they try to talk to me) because I don't find them attractive nor can imagine having a stable home with them.
Truth is most successful guys will be taken out of the market by 30. My boys who are single between 24-27 are getting calls regularly about set ups. She isn’t wrong successful Somali guys are spoilt for choice since they are in demand.
You might be onto something.

I have younger brothers who are hardworking and on their deen. They don't actively go looking for women... One of my brothers in his mid 20's has had the brothers or fathers of other women inquiry on whether he would like an arranged marriage with their daughters after they worked with him and saw his manners.

Good Somali men get off the market quickly and usually meet their spouses through friends or coworker networking.
There is a huge problem of professional gumeeys women in western society. A lot of these women don’t understand that most men don’t care about her degree, and it’s there manly attitudes that turn men off.

Majority will reach 30+ before realizing they’ve been wrong and by then they become desperate. The smart ones at that age will either be second or third wife or go to Africa to sponsor a man.

it's true tho. we men look for different things, but they, or some women, think we look for what they look for. we just want a chaste woman, feminine, cooperative, who prays her daily 5 fasts ramadan etc, for the most part. some brothers want more, some don't.
Interestingly enough... I had more Somali men interested in me when I was a poor 20-23 year old than I do now working as a professional lol.

The only guys that pursue me currently are mainly Cadaan, Ethiopian, or Mixed race (B/W) 🤷‍♀️
I'm probably going to settle down with one of these categories in the future.

I don't give West African/Jamaicans a chance (even though they try to talk to me) because I don't find them attractive nor can imagine having a stable home with them.
Maybe those brothers are more traditional and want their wife at home, with the kids, as opposed to at work for 40 or more hours out of the week?


Staff Member
Lol @ gay. 90% of unmarried Somali men are straight. She should get out of her room and be social to find a Somali straight single man that is around every street corner.

"Successful" Somali men aren't going to go for her. She's just average. They're going to go for the top 1% of Somali women or an above average ajnabi woman.

She wants a "successful" Somali man but she won't get it. She is making fun of truck drivers but truck drivers make good money and are average hard working guys. She can marry an average guy easily but she doesn't want that. No wonder she can't find a man.

She's correct that Somali men, especially "successful" men are spoiled for choice. They're definently not going for her. Just her attitude alone is a turn off. Why would a "successful" Somali man settle for a spouse who looks down on people who work blue collar jobs when he can easily find a woman who doesn't look down on others and is a sweetheart?
Hey I understand, but it's on a public forum, and I do not like to see our sisters bashing our brothers, and vice-versa, I check my ethio/somali/eritrean brothers when and if I see them bashing our women folk. Sorry if this offends anyone. mods, can delete this if you want.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Lol @ gay. 90% of unmarried Somali men are straight. She should get out of her room and be social to find a Somali straight single man that is around every street corner.

"Successful" Somali men aren't going to go for her. She's just average. They're going to go for the top 1% of Somali women or an above average ajnabi woman.

She wants a "successful" Somali man but she won't get it. She is making fun of truck drivers but truck drivers make good money and are average hard working guys. She can marry an average guy easily but she doesn't want that. No wonder she can't find a man.

She's correct that Somali men, especially "successful" men are spoiled for choice. They're definently not going for her. Just her attitude alone is a turn off. Why would a "successful" Somali man settle for a spouse who looks down on people who work blue collar jobs when he can easily find a woman who doesn't look down on others and is a sweetheart?
I keep hearing this rhetoric. Not that the nimaan are gay but that 'good' Somali men are hard to find. I really don't think they are. I have turned down many respectable guys (6 figure earners that could more than off-set my income even in my 30s). And I'm far from young. :lol: Judging by the numbers (25+) there are plenty of Abdis in that age group and older.

Also, if she is religious why doesn't she look to her family networks to find a good brother. That appears to be a viable alternative if she's into Somali guys.
Somali women do fight off foreign men because they are holding out for Somali men, so I think Somalis need to start professional match-making services for those who are too busy or shy to socialise. Not every woman or man has a vast social or family network, so there are brothers and sisters out there who are decent but find it hard to find SOMALI spouses.
Maybe those brothers are more traditional and want their wife at home, with the kids, as opposed to at work for 40 or more hours out of the week?
Could be . I used to be hellbent on only marrying Somali but as time passes, I'm starting to realize that a good man is a good man regardless of his background.

Unfortunately, in the United States, crackers are the majority and it's the main dating pool many of us have. Statistically, I'll probably settle down with some professional white in the future, they really have a thing for Somali women and are a bit more submissive 🤷‍♀️
White women have really done a number on them and trained them well

The thing is, let's be honest, most women, regardless of ethnicity, aren't naturally desirious of ''marrying down,'' socio economically.
what if this sister, who mashaaAllaah, makes 83K a year, meets a nice somali brother, who fits all her criteria, but he makes 70K a year? or 60?
it's true tho. we men look for different things, but they, or some women, think we look for what they look for. we just want a chaste woman, feminine, cooperative, who prays her daily 5 fasts ramadan etc, for the most part. some brothers want more, some don't.
I don’t find this issue with Ethiopian women. They are very friendly and feminine.


Staff Member
I keep hearing this rhetoric. Not that the nimaan are gay but that 'good' Somali men are hard to find. I really don't think they are. I have turned down many respectable guys (6 figure earners that could more than off-set my income even in my 30s). And I'm far from young. :lol: Judging by the numbers there are plenty of Abdis (even more) in that age group and older.

Also, if she is religious why doesn't she look to her family networks to find a good brother.

Well you're not average.


Good men are definently not hard to find. They are the overwhelming majority of Somali men. Successful ones are hide to find which is what she wants.

Religious men are not "successful" from what I have seen. They are typically average guys. Successful Somalis tend to be less religious or culturally Muslim and that kind of guy isn't what she wants. She's looking for the perfect package as an average woman. Successful religious Somalis are even harder to find. Get real Reddit lady. As you said, she can easily get an average decent man who is religious by asking her family.
I don’t find this issue with Ethiopian women. They are very friendly and feminine.

the ones raised back home, or in Africa in general, are as you said and submissive. I see it in my female cousins. submissive, friendly, can cook like a professional chef, etc.
the ones raised in the diaspora, are different. lol.
Could be . I used to be hellbent on only marrying Somali but as time passes, I'm starting to realize that a good man is a good man regardless of his background.

Unfortunately, in the United States, crackers are the majority and it's the main dating pool many of us have. Statistically, I'll probably settle down with some professional white in the future, they really have a thing for Somali women and are a bit more submissive 🤷‍♀️
White women have really done a number on them and trained them well


Well, I don't want to be the dude that's seen as encouraging sisters to go out of their culture, so I'd say, maybe try the heavily somali populated areas? atl/clarkston/stone mountain, GA, Minnesots, Seattle, etc?