President Deni's speech: Fears Somalia is headed for civil war, urges Somalis to reject dictatorship


Bantu Liberation Movement
When your leaders resort to "Oh boy I got some tea for you, coming in like a high school teenager high on hormones when every political encounter fails", I understand why everybody would seem to be a bot for y'all.

"Boasted", what is this, a political speaking or a kid speaking. "Money, Troops and forces, is this a President speaking or a high school boy boasting :damedamn:

You would have been screaming "Faqash and genocide" if Barre made you somewhat relevant after your cuqdad got a hold of you and killed your own tribesmen President in cold blooded dhulmi. But alas, don't mind me, everybody is a bot here, and its all a conspiracy, everything is a cult when your knocking outside, singing gossips like some kid :mjlol:
You are a loser who got his certificate in Puntland but try and advocate for or undermine the very fabric we built. You are a prime example of why we we will make sure Farmaajo does not rule arbitrarily and defend the importance of federalism. There's no Somalinimo here, the cuqdad and xaasidnimo is in people like you but we will not repeat the mistakes of the past.

I have yet to see an argument against Deni's statements which correlate to the timeline of events but I see a lot of hubris about dismantling this and that as if you got power. The ciil you boons must be feeling knowing Farmaajo is not going to survive this is sweeter than anything imaginable right now.



Veni Vidi Vici
You are a loser who got his certificate in Puntland but try and advocate for or undermine the very fabric we built. You are a prime example of why we we will make sure Farmaajo does not rule arbitrarily and defend the importance of federalism. There's no Somalinimo here, the cuqdad and xaasidnimo is in people like you but we will not repeat the mistakes of the past.

I have yet to see an argument against Deni's statements which correlate to the timeline of events but I see a lot of hubris about dismantling this and that as if you got power. The ciil you boons must be feeling knowing Farmaajo is not going to survive this is sweeter than anything imaginable right now.

Brave coming from a Shaqolaan gangbanger Dhabyaco, horta, do you always jump to stupid conclusions and inference. When your own President gives a hour speech, contradicts himself countless times, and you still have Farmajo in your mouth, miyaadan ogeyn goorta la joojinayo hadalka qashinka? You didn't come with one point, talking shit, from the SNA to some fantasy about Janan . Not a single point, instead you started ing like some teenage girl and started gossiping about "Oh Farmajo said this and that". You have cuqdad for the kursi and it pains you to see Farmajo, a Marehan sitting there, in every step to undermine him, you failed and flopped miserable. Even your latest stunt, which didn't help your plight at all. Who spoke about Somalinimo here, the quicker you realize that your the problem, the better is it for all. At least Deni showed the true face, instead of hiding the wajiga qabyaaladda.

You talk about the fabric of Federalism and yet you don't conduct in it, acting like a fiefdom. Your a living contradiction, just like your "president", dad xirfadlayaal ah oo ku sugan magaalada cuqdad iyo xaasidnimo marka shitku jidkaaga ma maro. Go along, do what you do best, "cut the ties" or keep the cacalal up.

This is a longing out process for the inevitable, Farmajo will return, cry all you want, shout all you want, say whatever you want, call it "whataboutitism or denialism" but the reality on the ground is more truthful then some online bullshit. And the sooner you smell the coffee, read the room and understand the inevitable, the better is for all. :mjlol:


Bantu Liberation Movement
Brave coming from a Shaqolaan gangbanger Dhabyaco, horta, do you always jump to stupid conclusions and inference. When your own President gives a hour speech, contradicts himself countless times, and you still have Farmajo in your mouth, miyaadan ogeyn goorta la joojinayo hadalka qashinka? You didn't come with one point, talking shit, from the SNA to some fantasy about Janan . Not a single point, instead you started b*tching like some teenage girl and started gossiping about "Oh Farmajo said this and that". You have cuqdad for the kursi and it pains you to see Farmajo, a Marehan sitting there, in every step to undermine him, you failed and flopped miserable. Even your latest stunt, which didn't help your plight at all. Who spoke about Somalinimo here, the quicker you realize that your the problem, the better is it for all. At least Deni showed the true face, instead of hiding the wajiga qabyaaladda.

You talk about the fabric of Federalism and yet you don't conduct in it, acting like a fiefdom. Your a living contradiction, just like your "president", dad xirfadlayaal ah oo ku sugan magaalada cuqdad iyo xaasidnimo marka shitku jidkaaga ma maro. Go along, do what you do best, "cut the ties" or keep the cacalal up.

This is a longing out process for the inevitable, Farmajo will return, cry all you want, shout all you want, say whatever you want, call it "whataboutitism or denialism" but the reality on the ground is more truthful then some online bullshit. And the sooner you smell the coffee, read the room and understand the inevitable, the better is for all. :mjlol:
I feel the pain in your post so I'll add to it. Doing our best is developing, it's the reason you got your certificate in Puntland and not Gedo. Our political positions is the advantage and privilege we have due to over 20 years of progress.

Getting rid of Farmaajo who has been an obstacle not only to Puntland but Somalia's development is something we are in the position of doing. We will still continue to build our roads, schools, hospitals, airports and ports regardless of the outcome but you will remain like this forever.



Apparently, replacing corrupt and ineffective regional officials somehow constitutes an "attack".
Farmaajo appointed Ali Mahdi's Lieutenant as Governor of the biggest Somali city in 2019 ffs, this isn't a joke.

Then he tried to place Guudlawe in Hirshabelle who used to work for Mohamed Dheere, adiga do you even know what these guys were doing in the 90's and early 2000's? And you're talking about Farmaajo reducing corruption with a straight face :drakekidding:
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Veni Vidi Vici
I feel the pain in your post so I'll add to it. Doing our best is developing, it's the reason you got your certificate in Puntland and not Gedo. Our political positions is the advantage and privilege we have of working.

Getting rid of Farmaajo who has been an obstacle not only to Puntland but Somalia's development is something we can afford to do. We will still continue to build our roads, schools, hospitals, airports and ports but you will remain like this forever.

Gedo produced THE smartest kids in Somalia, 6 years in a row, on a national scale. It would have been a honor to take my high school diploma there, but alas, its a pity that as a ciyaal qurbajoog, the only Western English curriculum school in the whole of Somalia was, well used to, be based in PL. My money and academic achievement spoke, not my tribe. I know your salty that the GED diploma didn't take you far in life, but hey!, I feel your pain too.

If your going to do your job, at least do it correctly. Getting rid of a popular president takes more then a gossip and a protest, Farmajo was clearly lenient with y'all, and let you do your own thing. Waxaan u maleynayaa in Xasan Shiekh iyo dhibaatadiisii gaalkacyo madaxaaga laga tirtiray, sometimes cuqdad can make you forget history, I understand that. Somalia has became more developed during his tenure, but hey, lets ignore that. Nobody is stopping you from building and developing your region, but I can make my cake and also eat it. Your political position and greed for that PM kursi won't change the reality on the ground, and that is Farmajo wuu soo noqonayaa, and only god knows how long will we have this status quo :mjlol:


Bantu Liberation Movement
Gedo produced THE smartest kids in Somalia, 6 years in a row, it would have been a honor to take my high school diploma there, its a pity that as a ciyaal qurbajoog, the only UK curriculum school in the whole of Somalia was, well used to, be based in PL. My money and academic achievement spoke, not my tribe. I know your salty that the GED diploma didn't take you far in life, but hey!, I feel your pain too.

If your going to do your job, at least do it correctly. Getting rid of a popular president takes more then a gossip and a protest, Farmajo was clearly lenient with y'all, and let you do your own thing. Somalia has became more developed during his tenure, but hey, lets ignore that. Nobody is stopping you from building your region, but I can make my cake and also eat it. Your political position and greed for that PM kursi won't change the reality on the ground, and that is Farmajo wuu soo noqonayaa, and only god knows how long will we have this status quo :mjlol:
Nobody gives a damn about a PM, that's the whole purpose of federalism. What matters is the constitution and the power sharing between FMS and FGS. What Farmaajo did was confirm the suspicions we had of him, he didn't need to do that but he did it anyway.

Somalia has not developed more during his tenure, economically and politically there was a larger leap during HSM term. If you care to doubt it, I'll drop the figures for you.

Your messiah has failed to defeat Shabaab, he has failed to build a cohesive army, FMS' are in more chaos today than when he took over, corruption remains at the same level.

But N&N bots such as yourself will post videos of him walking into a room, Allah what did we do to be cursed with such people.

AMISOM is useless and true to their nature, they are supporting and enabling a dictator.

I hope the West gets involved and removes this tyrant from office. It's bad enough there is no 1 person 1 vote in place yet.


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
Gedo produced THE smartest kids in Somalia, 6 years in a row, on a national scale. It would have been a honor to take my high school diploma there, but alas, its a pity that as a ciyaal qurbajoog, the only Western English curriculum school in the whole of Somalia was, well used to, be based in PL. My money and academic achievement spoke, not my tribe. I know your salty that the GED diploma didn't take you far in life, but hey!, I feel your pain too.

If your going to do your job, at least do it correctly. Getting rid of a popular president takes more then a gossip and a protest, Farmajo was clearly lenient with y'all, and let you do your own thing. Waxaan u maleynayaa in Xasan Shiekh iyo dhibaatadiisii gaalkacyo madaxaaga laga tirtiray, sometimes cuqdad can make you forget history, I understand that. Somalia has became more developed during his tenure, but hey, lets ignore that. Nobody is stopping you from building and developing your region, but I can make my cake and also eat it. Your political position and greed for that PM kursi won't change the reality on the ground, and that is Farmajo wuu soo noqonayaa, and only god knows how long will we have this status quo :mjlol:
Greed is the only reason why they wanna replace Roble so they can eventually become PM. Its crazy they're not even thriving to become president anymore. Laangaab laangaab dhalay. They wanna bootyclapp for HSM just so he can make them Prime minister. I would debate with any man that tells me, "I want your seat" balse waligey ismaanan oron I would see a Somali qabiil that's willing to fight for second best just so they can be named Prime Minister.
Kursigaba iguma heysto:dead:
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To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Somalia has not developed more during his tenure, economically and politically there was a larger leap during HSM term.

Your messiah has failed to defeat Shabaab, he has failed to build a cohesive army, FMS' are in more chaos today than when he took over, corruption remains at the same level.
Nevertheless Somalia is moving in the positive direction in development under Farmaajo. I mean the private sector.

I agree with you that today Al-Shabab is as strong as ever. Farmaajo has failed in this regard. His influence is mainly limited to his compound.

@Calaf I don't view Farmaajo as a managerial material. How many roads he fixed/upgraded within the capital city of Mogadishu? They look neglected and busted. Was any of the districts rebuilt by the state? I mean buildings. Did he even hustle investors internationally to bring capital to Somalia? I know I am asking simplistic questions, but change starts with simple steps and then snowballs.
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MT Foxtrot

Farmaajo appointed Ali Mahdi's Lieutenant as Governor of the biggest Somali city in 2019 ffs, this isn't a joke.

Then he tried to place Guudlawe in Hirshabelle who used to work for Mohamed Dheere, adiga do you even know what these guys were doing in the 90's and early 2000's?

I like how you side-stepped my other qualifier of "ineffective" and thus completely missed my point. Farmaajo replacing obstinate, and often corrupt, regional officials with people more amenable to his political programme does not constitute an "attack". This is simply politics and it is highly irresponsible to frame his political maneuvering as some sort of violent action. It is his prerogative to operate in the manner of his choosing provided he does so within the confines of the law.

And you're talking about Farmaajo reducing corruption with a straight face :drakekidding:

Farmaajo is the only post-TGS leader to complete a four year term without being indicted on corruption. He also established the Office of the Auditor General (OAGS) in 2017 to annually audit all federal institutions. We have a level of insight into government affairs unprecedented in Somali politics. You can read their reports here. In light of these fact, I can say that Farmaajo is reducing corruption with a straight face.
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Ahmed Mohamed Islam and Deni seem like really well trained speakers

Farmajo, Marehan and hawiye leaders do not seem this gift. At least hawiye keeps it cool. Marehan seem to throw cheap insults


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Xarmaajo ally start to leave him.

I see you are employing the same tactics as @PuntiteQueen

It's amazing the amount of lies Somalis are prepared to propagate to promote their agenda.

The tweet is from the opposition "Future party" in Turkey (formed in 2019), not Erdogan's ruling AKP. It has zero say in Turkey's policies.



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Bantu Liberation Movement
Nevertheless Somalia is moving in the positive direction in development under Farmaajo. I mean the private sector.

I agree with you that today Al-Shabab is as strong as ever. Farmaajo has failed in this regard. His influence is mainly limited to his compound.

@Calaf I don't view Farmaajo as a managerial material. How many roads he fixed/upgraded within the capital city of Mogadishu? They look neglected and busted. Was any of the districts rebuilt by the state? I mean buildings. Did he even hustle investors internationally to bring capital to Somalia? I know I am asking simplistic questions, but change starts with simple steps and then snowballs.
You are repeating slogans. Business remains unchanged in Somalia and there's little to no security outside the capital. The military is a glorified militia unable to hold any territory without AMISOM. The capital itself faces weekly bombings.



True Puntlander
I see you are employing the same tactics as @PuntiteQueen

It's amazing the amount of lies Somalis are prepared to propagate to promote their agenda.

The tweet is from the opposition "Future party" in Turkey (formed in 2019), not Erdogan's ruling AKP. It has zero say in Turkey's policies.

View attachment 172251

View attachment 172252

They have seats in the parliament and Istanbul city.

Yes they represent Turkey view in Somalia.


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