Potential war coming soon in Buulo mareer. HG Vs Biimaal.

kkkk if you acknowledged us being behind this you are good boy. Do you know how Abdi Caynte got the Al Jaseera job? Through professor Afyare. His father asked him to find for him job in Qatar and before he was HOL editor in Minnesota. Later Afyare gave him the idea of opening the think tanker HIPS bc he is busy with the university. That is how we produced for you great intelectual after being Xer 🤣🤣

As for the opportunist Kheyre i dont see him as president but he can be king maker for Daarood president. Yes you have big influence in the elections and you have money but you will diasapear after the elections you dont have some thing on your own.
This guy is professor afyare product from HOL to al jazeera. Every murusade roots goes back to Hawadle. 🤣🤣

Abdi Aynte is now a UN Ambassador in New York. He is still young fish in a sea of old guards like General Gaafoow, Jacfar or Kheyre with his CRD Reer Cibaar and Habr Cayno brokers that ran his campaign. I'm not here to discuss Daljir only or some job at Aljazeera, i can list you 64 Murusade national reporters from known channels kkkk, you are talking about Warfaafinta our known industry when HSM's Government Speaker first appointed was a Hard Talk Murusade reporter Ali Kaar who was his opposition. This is normal. Jaahwayn was the last Warfaafin Minister under Farmaajo another Abakar and he nominated himself for President in 2022 before tanaasuling for Kheyre. What you seem to not realising is Murusade plays a dual track policy in every quarter. You have some legs with HG and Sheikhal in historically promoting political hardline doctrine like Islamism and USC Iririrsm while Murusade is the cultural voice of Hawiye reason. CRD was the peace warrior movement that engaged in the clan system to challenge the warlordism of the Kacaan rebels and the extremism of religious rebels. Our CRD links with the CIA were more crucial to America in the Afar Bilood than anyone else and who was protecting the ministers of the Ali Mahdi recognised Government in Xamar at this time? Gaafow Milita! Today the voice of reason comes in the form of Hawiye Elders led by Xaad and Afrah Garuun (Abgaal) who put in line the Badbaado Qaran with the assistance of Kheyre and Mahad Salaad. These men are all related and go back to the days when they were clan parties in Xamar, Cabdale Sabti especially Reer Cibaar and Habr Cayno the oldest Murusade communities of Xamar held their own Murusade political party called Blocco Murosade (Murusade Block), Afrah Garuun was related to Haji Baraako of the Abgaal and Mahad Salaad is a relative of Ilmundo an Cayr Ayaanle figure with his own clan party. Ex PM Mohamed Hussein Rooble from UPD and another Simad think tank associate is a direct relative of Hirsi Gurey the main HG Territorial Council's member that sat alongside Aden Abdulle, Muse Boqor and other clan elders representing the different regions in the country.

Stop trying to mix ideologies with clan, you might aswell call Macawisley a Murusade movement because Qanyare declared the Anti Terror alliance in 2001 smh.
Abdi Aynte is now a UN Ambassador in New York. He is still young fish in a sea of old guards like General Gaafoow, Jacfar or Kheyre with his CRD Reer Cibaar and Habr Cayno brokers that ran his campaign. I'm not here to discuss Daljir only or some job at Aljazeera, i can list you 64 Murusade national reporters from known channels kkkk, you are talking about Warfaafinta our known industry when HSM's Government Speaker first appointed was a Hard Talk Murusade reporter Ali Kaar who was his opposition. This is normal. Jaahwayn was the last Warfaafin Minister under Farmaajo another Abakar and he nominated himself for President in 2022 before tanaasuling for Kheyre. What you seem to not realising is Murusade plays a dual track policy in every quarter. You have some legs with HG and Sheikhal in historically promoting political hardline doctrine like Islamism and USC Iririrsm while Murusade is the cultural voice of Hawiye reason. CRD was the peace warrior movement that engaged in the clan system to challenge the warlordism of the Kacaan rebels and the extremism of religious rebels. Our CRD links with the CIA were more crucial to America in the Afar Bilood than anyone else and who was protecting the ministers of the Ali Mahdi recognised Government in Xamar at this time? Gaafow Milita! Today the voice of reason comes in the form of Hawiye Elders led by Xaad and Afrah Garuun (Abgaal) who put in line the Badbaado Qaran with the assistance of Kheyre and Mahad Salaad. These men are all related and go back to the days when they were clan parties in Xamar, Cabdale Sabti especially Reer Cibaar and Habr Cayno the oldest Murusade communities of Xamar held their own Murusade political party called Blocco Murosade (Murusade Block), Afrah Garuun was related to Haji Baraako of the Abgaal and Mahad Salaad is a relative of Ilmundo an Cayr Ayaanle figure with his own clan party. Ex PM Mohamed Hussein Rooble from UPD and another Simad think tank associate is a direct relative of Hirsi Gurey the main HG Territorial Council's member that sat alongside Aden Abdulle, Muse Boqor and other clan elders representing the different regions in the country.

Stop trying to mix ideologies with clan, you might aswell call Macawisley a Murusade movement because Qanyare declared the Anti Terror alliance in 2001 smh.
Sxb Murusade have benefited from being a native clan of Mogadishu they had access to university that was only based in Mogadishu, living in south and west Xamar better than the Abgaal side wich is why they inherited political Islam. Murusade were like the Gadabursi of Hawiye. Gadabursi led Djibouti before Issa even IOG mother is Gadabursi and in Somaliland they hosted Isaaq reconciliation in boorama wich led to Dahir riyaale becoming the president for 8 years due to Isaaq infighting

Now things have changed as the new Isaaq generation came from the diaspora and are more educated

HG are now more educated than Murusade and are top of the Mogadishu society

Bc of the FMS, Hawadle have more opportunities than Murusade. All hawadle allagumar came back from Kenya during waare time and moved to Baladweyne they have all the NGOs

Too much Hawadle diaspora are going back to Baladweyne. Too much hawadle business in diaspora i think you watched the Hawadle guy who owns $25m business intervied by Harari
Hawadle businesses now in Xamar is getting big we have one of the 4 tallest buildings in Xamar

I have today two senators and you have 1 you know why? Each 3 mps equals one senator you can have two as you have 7 mps but bc you have no FMS others will decide for you while i decided for myself having 8 mps

Somalia is heading to strong federalism and confederalism no one will need to go to Xamar anymore so all the opportunities you had in Xamar we will have it in the FMS..

Hawadle hotels will be given contracts by the FMS that is enough to surpass your Xamar hotels.

$25 million hawadle business owner. We gonna buy Somalia soon 🤣

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Man you guys hate each other!
You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in any of this God forsaken hell hole towns that you guys are all claiming. Anytime I see someone post a picture of one of these towns, I can count the amount of Jiingad in one hand. :mjkkk: I would never claim to own any town in Somalia. It's like admitting to the most embarrassing shit ever.
Sxb Murusade have benefited from being a native clan of Mogadishu they had access to university that was only based in Mogadishu, living in south and west Xamar better than the Abgaal side wich is why they inherited political Islam. Murusade were like the Gadabursi of Hawiye. Gadabursi led Djibouti before Issa even IOG mother is Gadabursi and in Somaliland they hosted Isaaq reconciliation in boorama wich led to Dahir riyaale becoming the president for 8 years due to Isaaq infighting

Now things have changed as the new Isaaq generation came from the diaspora and are more educated

HG are now more educated than Murusade and are top of the Mogadishu society

Bc of the FMS, Hawadle have more opportunities than Murusade. All hawadle allagumar came back from Kenya during waare time and moved to Baladweyne they have all the NGOs

Too much Hawadle diaspora are going back to Baladweyne. Too much hawadle business in diaspora i think you watched the Hawadle guy who owns $25m business intervied by Harari
Hawadle businesses now in Xamar is getting big we have one of the 4 tallest buildings in Xamar

I have today two senators and you have 1 you know why? Each 3 mps equals one senator you can have two as you have 7 mps but bc you have no FMS others will decide for you while i decided for myself having 8 mps

Somalia is heading to strong federalism and confederalism no one will need to go to Xamar anymore so all the opportunities you had in Xamar we will have it in the FMS..

Hawadle hotels will be given contracts by the FMS that is enough to surpass your Xamar hotels.

$25 million hawadle business owner. We gonna buy Somalia soon 🤣

Xamar is Xamar. You are trying to divide the city while you also come from a greenline capital in Hiiraan kkkk. Abgaal are to Banaadir what Karanle is to Harar, they surround Xamar and have Sheikhs and educated people going back centuries in Warsheekh and Xamar, the last Somali mosque destroyed by Meneliks army in Harar was also founded by a Harti Reer Imaam. We are collectively the wealthier side of Hawiye and culturally more representative. Daarood work with us because there is a safer mutual interest. You, along with HG and Sheekhaal have direct long borders with them and that creates a conflict of interest. That's why you have always led hardline elements. That's why you are all Aaqiro Moog, Bambalaayo, Salbalaar, Irirism, and ultra Religious Sects. Your Cali Jimcaale worked with Darmaan (Habargidir) and the Elmi brothers (Sheekhaal) all from Abdullahi Issa's ex foreign ministry office that started the Irir movement while Abgaal (Max'ud Axmed Kutuboxoor) and Murusade (Osoble Adde) led the Neutral clan parties to Speaker Aden Abdulle and proposed reinstating the coalition of Darod and RX members who were sacked. When Sh Sharif formed the ARS unity government in 2009 from Djibouti, his regime was held back by Hisbul Islam another extreme element that had support from Dahir Aways (HG) and support in Beledweyne for nearly 2 years after they killed Omar Hashi and 70 of your figures and Dabageed's troops numerous times. All this time the deputy was even a Reer Hiiraan Badicade. It was not until the civic figures of leadership in Xamar achieved a defeat over AS in Xamar 2011 with peacekeepers and clan forces that the drive to eradicate AS followed after with Jajeele fighting them while the rest of the region was occupied.

Now if the countryside clans want to pick up our city markets and hotel trade you are welcome. I am not sure how you calculated potential earnings when you don't factor in the cost of the land you are sitting on. In any case we will turn inwards to focusing on military and our countryside post AS. Ex Danab commander Ismail Abdimalik is in charge of the best trained SNA batallion right now. It's places like Ceelbuur and Ceeldheer that boast of household names who won War Medals that need our attention today. If you decide to drop your hardline political elements and work with your real historical enemy (Daarood) against us it will just empower a HAG resurgence from Abgaal and Murusade, you will still need to get HG on your side and that's why you have been making talk of Qoorqoor working with Deni kkkk. We will always checkmate you. When you switched sides to Mahdi we gave our support to Caydiid, Qanyare pushed his faction for an interim rival presidency that really put Mahdi under pressure to accept the future Cairo agreements. That's what a real Kingmaker looks like.

No Senator or MP can override the collective clan interests of Murusade because there is a clear division of labour among our different sub sub clans. Dhagdheer has been our senator since the House was formed and he has a limp after leading the war in Bermuda against HG under the Cadaala militia while representing Galmudug state today. You have Cali Madaxwayne as your crop of elite representing XL interests and at the same people it's Cali Madaxwayne politicians fighting against Hiiraan state?

UPD have proposed moving to the 92 total districts based election model under a 1M1V since 2016, 4.5 is unpopular and Murusade were the first to reject it of all clans in Arta 2000 when Abdiqasim wanted legitimacy. We had a dual track policy that meant Qanyare and his G8 faction played hard ball in embracing the 4.5 system that meant distributing the clan seats, determining the size of parliament and the duration of the Governments term. It's going to be a long road if you think you can count on an FMS when Xamar is 17 districts and not merely the 4 districts of Jalalaqsi, Beledweyne, Buulo Burde and Moqokori. You can find the district power sharing formula online proposed by the then Ministry of Home Affairs and Aynte with the Ministry of Planning.
According to you a PM is useless because a Dhulbahante and Awrtable became PM? You got the power structure among Hawiye mixed up it's different to Darod, Dir and Raxanwayn. You are a Gobol clan, like the Samaroon of Awdal and Ciise Maxamuud of Nugaal. Those subclans have representation in their Federal States of Somaliland and Puntland but are yet to become a President or Prime Minister of Somalia. Atleast Aaran Jaan produced a PM (Hassan Abshir) and had power brokers in the regime. What XL has ever been a power broker or PM or President in Somalia? What lacag and connections did you bring to Midowga Murashaxiinta, the ICU or even USC? Murusade are on the way to a historic two PMs at this rate don't get left behind 🤣
Warya, we also live in Maroodi Jeex/Waqooyi Galbeed. Don't disrepect us like that.

You Konfurians should keep the Fkd to yourselves and not bring others up
Xamar is Xamar. You are trying to divide the city while you also come from a greenline capital in Hiiraan kkkk. Abgaal are to Banaadir what Karanle is to Harar, they surround Xamar and have Sheikhs and educated people going back centuries in Warsheekh and Xamar, the last Somali mosque destroyed by Meneliks army in Harar was also founded by a Harti Reer Imaam. We are collectively the wealthier side of Hawiye and culturally more representative. Daarood work with us because there is a safer mutual interest. You, along with HG and Sheekhaal have direct long borders with them and that creates a conflict of interest. That's why you have always led hardline elements. That's why you are all Aaqiro Moog, Bambalaayo, Salbalaar, Irirism, and ultra Religious Sects. Your Cali Jimcaale worked with Darmaan (Habargidir) and the Elmi brothers (Sheekhaal) all from Abdullahi Issa's ex foreign ministry office that started the Irir movement while Abgaal (Max'ud Axmed Kutuboxoor) and Murusade (Osoble Adde) led the Neutral clan parties to Speaker Aden Abdulle and proposed reinstating the coalition of Darod and RX members who were sacked. When Sh Sharif formed the ARS unity government in 2009 from Djibouti, his regime was held back by Hisbul Islam another extreme element that had support from Dahir Aways (HG) and support in Beledweyne for nearly 2 years after they killed Omar Hashi and 70 of your figures and Dabageed's troops numerous times. All this time the deputy was even a Reer Hiiraan Badicade. It was not until the civic figures of leadership in Xamar achieved a defeat over AS in Xamar 2011 with peacekeepers and clan forces that the drive to eradicate AS followed after with Jajeele fighting them while the rest of the region was occupied.

Now if the countryside clans want to pick up our city markets and hotel trade you are welcome. I am not sure how you calculated potential earnings when you don't factor in the cost of the land you are sitting on. In any case we will turn inwards to focusing on military and our countryside post AS. Ex Danab commander Ismail Abdimalik is in charge of the best trained SNA batallion right now. It's places like Ceelbuur and Ceeldheer that boast of household names who won War Medals that need our attention today. If you decide to drop your hardline political elements and work with your real historical enemy (Daarood) against us it will just empower a HAG resurgence from Abgaal and Murusade, you will still need to get HG on your side and that's why you have been making talk of Qoorqoor working with Deni kkkk. We will always checkmate you. When you switched sides to Mahdi we gave our support to Caydiid, Qanyare pushed his faction for an interim rival presidency that really put Mahdi under pressure to accept the future Cairo agreements. That's what a real Kingmaker looks like.
View attachment 285138

No Senator or MP can override the collective clan interests of Murusade because there is a clear division of labour among our different sub sub clans. Dhagdheer has been our senator since the House was formed and he has a limp after leading the war in Bermuda against HG under the Cadaala militia while representing Galmudug state today. You have Cali Madaxwayne as your crop of elite representing XL interests and at the same people it's Cali Madaxwayne politicians fighting against Hiiraan state?

UPD have proposed moving to the 92 total districts based election model under a 1M1V since 2016, 4.5 is unpopular and Murusade were the first to reject it of all clans in Arta 2000 when Abdiqasim wanted legitimacy. We had a dual track policy that meant Qanyare and his G8 faction played hard ball in embracing the 4.5 system that meant distributing the clan seats, determining the size of parliament and the duration of the Governments term. It's going to be a long road if you think you can count on an FMS when Xamar is 17 districts and not merely the 4 districts of Jalalaqsi, Beledweyne, Buulo Burde and Moqokori. You can find the district power sharing formula online proposed by the then Ministry of Home Affairs and Aynte with the Ministry of Planning.
Bla bla bla bla all you do is just talk when reality you are in Calool hiraab boty in Galgaduud ahd Banaadir. Warniyahow ileen laangaab looma camiro🤣🤣

What baaducade deputy in Hiiraan you are talking about?

Hiiraan had pro TFG admin from Jalalaqsi to Baladweyne from 2008 to 2010 There was no Amisom when Al shabaab was controlling middle shabeele Xamar including your dayniile.

When Shiikh macow dissolved pro TFG maamul he handed over to Shuuriye xaruun Cali madaxweyne guy who was adopted by Hisbulislam even when Shabaab later took over Hiiraan their waali was Yuusuf ugaas(reer ugaas) al Shabaab was welcomed by Hawadle who were against HG hisbul islam and in 2011 we kick al Shabaab out

Another BS you mentioned is Jijeele just like murusade they were isxambaaar part of Dooxada Shabeele . We brought them to Galbeedka against Gaaljece. Ciidanka maamulka reached farlibaax from Baladweyne that is how they got liberated

In this thread i posted the links. They were led by Col isaaq ali abdulle and Ahmed inji

Hawadle use Jijeeele against Gaaljecel. Waare was using first Jijeele deputy speaker against Gaaljecel speaker he was doing motion against the speaker until he left alone waare so if You see waare and Isoble oo u camiraya Jijeele its bc they use them. 🤣🤣

Westland was hawadle initiative to deal with Gaajecel al shabaab 🤣🤣

Ali osoble i was among the founders of westland. Baadweyne, maxaas iyo matabaan were free from shabaab in 2012 without ethipoia being in maxaas and matabaan. Jijeele were not free then except in Baladweyne oon keenay.

War Xawaadle waa dawlad ma taqaanid we had jijeele and Madow proxy militias adinkana dhexdiina isma habeen harteen 🤣🤣

Isxambaarkii jijeele 2011


Gaaljecel attacks Hawadle and Jijeele u jawaabaya 2011

Jijeele deputy speaker who was used by Waare against the gaaljecel speaker. This why waare ugu camiro jijeelaha 🤣🤣

Lastly as Long Xamar somalia capital it will not be State kkkk

Xamar will only have elected mayor and DC aka golo deegaan under the SFG.
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Sxb Murusade have benefited from being a native clan of Mogadishu they had access to university that was only based in Mogadishu, living in south and west Xamar better than the Abgaal side wich is why they inherited political Islam. Murusade were like the Gadabursi of Hawiye. Gadabursi led Djibouti before Issa even IOG mother is Gadabursi and in Somaliland they hosted Isaaq reconciliation in boorama wich led to Dahir riyaale becoming the president for 8 years due to Isaaq infighting

Now things have changed as the new Isaaq generation came from the diaspora and are more educated

HG are now more educated than Murusade and are top of the Mogadishu society

Bc of the FMS, Hawadle have more opportunities than Murusade. All hawadle allagumar came back from Kenya during waare time and moved to Baladweyne they have all the NGOs

Too much Hawadle diaspora are going back to Baladweyne. Too much hawadle business in diaspora i think you watched the Hawadle guy who owns $25m business intervied by Harari
Hawadle businesses now in Xamar is getting big we have one of the 4 tallest buildings in Xamar

I have today two senators and you have 1 you know why? Each 3 mps equals one senator you can have two as you have 7 mps but bc you have no FMS others will decide for you while i decided for myself having 8 mps

Somalia is heading to strong federalism and confederalism no one will need to go to Xamar anymore so all the opportunities you had in Xamar we will have it in the FMS..

Hawadle hotels will be given contracts by the FMS that is enough to surpass your Xamar hotels.

$25 million hawadle business owner. We gonna buy Somalia soon 🤣

You have skewed understanding of how things went down in Somaliland.

Borama conference was not an Isaaq reconciliation conference. It included all Northern clans and was a "nation building" conference and Dahir Riyaale didn't become president because of the Isaaq civil war. He replaced Ina Egal in 2002 and was re-elected. That was long after the Isaaq wars which relatively ended with their own conferences.


Bla bla bla bla all you do is just talk when reality you are in Calool hiraab boty in Galgaduud ahd Banaadir. Warniyahow ileen laangaab looma camiro🤣🤣

What baaducade deputy in Hiiraan you are talking about?

Hiiraan had pro TFG admin from Jalalaqsi to Baladweyne from 2008 to 2010 There was no Amisom when Al shabaab was controlling middle shabeele Xamar including your dayniile.

When Shiikh macow dissolved pro TFG maamul he handed over to Shuuriye xaruun Cali madaxweyne guy who was adopted by Hisbulislam even when Shabaab later took over Hiiraan their waali was Yuusuf ugaas(reer ugaas) al Shabaab was welcomed by Hawadle who were against HG hisbul islam and in 2011 we kick al Shabaab out

Another BS you mentioned is Jijeele just like murusade they were isxambaaar part of Dooxada Shabeele . We brought them to Galbeedka against Gaaljece. Ciidanka maamulka reached farlibaax from Baladweyne that is how they got liberated

In this thread i posted the links. They were led by Col isaaq ali abdulle and Ahmed inji

Hawadle use Jijeeele against Gaaljecel. Waare was using first Jijeele deputy speaker against Gaaljecel speaker he was doing motion against the speaker until he left alone waare so if You see waare and Isoble oo u camiraya Jijeele its bc they use them. 🤣🤣

Westland was hawadle initiative to deal with Gaajecel al shabaab 🤣🤣

Ali osoble i was among the founders of westland. Baadweyne, maxaas iyo matabaan were free from shabaab in 2012 without ethipoia being in maxaas and matabaan. Jijeele were not free then except in Baladweyne oon keenay.

War Xawaadle waa dawlad ma taqaanid we had jijeele and Madow proxy militias adinkana dhexdiina isma habeen harteen 🤣🤣

Isxambaarkii jijeele 2011

Your laangaab clan are unable to use another to their advantage lol the only clan you have some sort of an understanding with are Madow makane and even them you don't fully control :drakelaugh:

Had your aqli 6 saac clan actually worked on a united hiraan led by yourselves the past 30 years instead of being envious of hiraab you wouldn't be treated like .5 in somali politics:francis:
According to you a PM is useless because a Dhulbahante and Awrtable became PM? You got the power structure among Hawiye mixed up it's different to Darod, Dir and Raxanwayn. You are a Gobol clan, like the Samaroon of Awdal and Ciise Maxamuud of Nugaal. Those subclans have representation in their Federal States of Somaliland and Puntland but are yet to become a President or Prime Minister of Somalia. Atleast Aaran Jaan produced a PM (Hassan Abshir) and had power brokers in the regime. What XL has ever been a power broker or PM or President in Somalia? What lacag and connections did you bring to Midowga Murashaxiinta, the ICU or even USC? Murusade are on the way to a historic two PMs at this rate don't get left behind 🤣
Cisse Maxamuud never held the PM position, instead Aran Jan (which didn't even exist at the time) somehow produced Xasan Abshir who is Cisse Maxamuud himself. :wtfdis:

Now I know why I never read your posts kkkkk.:mjkkk:
Your laangaab clan are unable to use another to their advantage lol the only clan you have some sort of an understanding with are Madow makane and even them you don't fully control :drakelaugh:

Had your aqli 6 saac clan actually worked on a united hiraan led by yourselves the past 30 years instead of being envious of hiraab you wouldn't be treated like .5 in somali politics:francis:
i was told the resson you are Sharanshuur Shaneeye bc jiidle are your abtiyaal 🤣🤣

Jijeele who are gugundhabe are Hawadle proxy militias against Gaaljecel. In 2005 Hawadle armed Jijeele until they removed them from Howlwadaag then Hawadle come in and stoped the war. Gaaljec thanked Hawadle 🤣🤣

This is Gaaljecel runkiinet and CRD

This video is Hawadle dooxada Shabelle attacking hawlwadaag after Omar dheere AUN arrived from Xamar after the liberation of Baladweyne claiming he was recruiting ciidamo dawlo. Dooxada attacked him and handever howlwadaag to Jijeele. Proof is Col isaaq cau cabdulle holding press conference in howlwadaag when gaaljecel are attacking Hawadle 🤣🤣

Jijeele are 100% Hawaadle proxy militias. We will expand to Galmaax and arm them after Abdirizaq Omar becomes the president in a year 🤣🤣




Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Inshallah this doesnt turn into something big. It’s not in HG or Dir interests to kill eachother in a state that hates them both.

Why do the fatherless bantu bastards have to insert themselves into every thread tho.

@Macawisley Your trying too hard now. Kulaha Wadajir is Xawaadle. Daud used to kill every new Xawaadle VP of Wadajir and all they could do was keep replacing them quicker than Daud could gun em down.

And what’s this North Muqdisho nonsense? Is Dharkeenley in north muqdisho now? There isn’t a Xaafad in Xamar you wouldn’t find an Abgaal living in


i was told the resson you are Sharanshuur Shaneeye bc jiidle are your abtiyaal 🤣🤣

Jijeele who are gugundhabe are Hawadle proxy militias against Gaaljecel. In 2005 Hawadle armed Jijeele until they removed them from Howlwadaag then Hawadle come in and stoped the war. Gaaljec thanked Hawadle 🤣🤣

This is Gaaljecel runkiinet and CRD

This video is Hawadle dooxada Shabelle attacking hawlwadaag after Omar dheere AUN arrived from Xamar after the liberation of Baladweyne claiming he was recruiting ciidamo dawlo. Dooxada attacked him and handever howlwadaag to Jijeele. Proof is Col isaaq cau cabdulle holding press conference in howlwadaag when gaaljecel are attacking Hawadle 🤣🤣

Jijeele are 100% Hawaadle proxy militias. We will expand to Galmaax and arm them after Abdirizaq Omar becomes the president in a year 🤣🤣
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Geel aa lahaan jiray dooro aan lee ahay aa ka roon. If they are your proxy militia Col. Isaaq would of joined qaran dumis 'Hiraan State' instead here he is at sufurow recent meeting


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Geel aa lahaan jiray dooro aan lee ahay aa ka roon. If they are your proxy militia Col. Isaaq would of joined qaran dumis 'Hiraan State' instead here he is at sufurow recent meeting

View attachment 285156

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Nin odaya ah markaad la sheekeysatid waa is qarxinee ileen 2011 teenager baa aheed. Im talking about Xawaadle not Hiiraan State is not Dabageed Xawaadle?
This is Isaaq Cali Cabdulle vice President of Abdi yuusuf led hiiraan state before he jouned cali madaxweyne dooxada shabelle. Ahmed inji current Jijeele vice president is with him in this video. Why both hiiraan state and Dooxada had jijeele vice presidents and not Gaaljecel? Bc Jijeeele used to be our proxy militias in howlwadaag. Hussein Caydiid would meet Gaaljecel in Xamar against Xawaadle, in response hawadle would use Jijeele against Gaaljecel until they stay away from HG like 2005 war.

Westland was hawadle initiative we had a meeting with Jijeele siyaasiyiin and suggested it to them. Gaaljecel guy said "Xawadle u doonta diyadiina dadkii idinkaga dhintay dagaalkii westland iyo gaaljecel" 🤣🤣

View attachment 285173
Jijeele Axmed inji dooxada and now hiiraan state
View attachment 285179

Hiiraan state. 2011 Cali Mahdi AUN.

Gen Xuud was part of it he is in the video.

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Nin odaya ah markaad la sheekeysatid waa is qarxinee ileen 2011 teenager baa aheed. Im talking about Xawaadle not Hiiraan State is not Dabageed Xawaadle?
This is Isaaq Cali Cabdulle vice President of Abdi yuusuf led hiiraan state before he jouned cali madaxweyne dooxada shabelle. Ahmed inji current Jijeele vice president is with him in this video. Why both hiiraan state and Dooxada had jijeele vice presidents and not Gaaljecel? Bc Jijeeele used to be our proxy militias in howlwadaag. Hussein Caydiid would meet Gaaljecel in Xamar against Xawaadle, in response hawadle would use Jijeele against Gaaljecel until they stay away from HG like 2005 war.

Westland was hawadle initiative we had a meeting with Jijeele siyaasiyiin and suggested it to them. Gaaljecel guy said "Xawadle u doonta diyadiina dadkii idinkaga dhintay dagaalkii westland iyo gaaljecel" 🤣🤣

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Dameer aad tahay with zero brain talking to dameer is wasting your time. Xoolo you was talking about jijeele not being hawaadle proxy militias now after i showed you the evidecce from the videos you started speaking like the typical dameer you are i will come back to karbashing you the only way you understand since you your philosophy is areey mineey bir tahay waa ka beereynaa mineey bac tahayna waa bujiheynaa like i reduced to you to a bisad in ceelbaraf 🤣🤣

The point was jijeele and isaaq abdulle dameer kaa tahay was xoolo 🤣🤣
Jijeele part of dooxada

Isaaq cabdulle former hiirasn state vice prez

Another Jijeele who replaced him right

Now f*ck of Dameer 🤣🤣


Dameer aad tahay with zero brain talking to dameer is wasting your time. Xoolo you was talking about jijeele not being hawaadle proxy militias now after i showed you the evidecce from the videos you started speaking like the typical dameer you are i will come back to karbashing you the only way you understand since you your philosophy is areey mineey bir tahay waa ka beereynaa mineey bac tahayna waa bujiheynaa like i reduced to you to a bisad in ceelbaraf 🤣🤣

The point was jijeele and isaaq abdulle dameer kaa tahay was xoolo 🤣🤣
Jijeele part of dooxada
View attachment 285187
Isaaq cabdulle former hiirasn state vice prez
View attachment 285188

Another Jijeele who replaced him right
View attachment 285189

Now f*ck of Dameer 🤣🤣
Ok sixiroole. Btw I will be passing through Beledweyne omw to the beautiful and vast farmland of Mustaxiil on my next trip to dalka :rejoice:

Mx vs OG is over precisely because MX is defeated. Most of the MX guys have vanished over the past yr.

XL vs Abgaal will continue till Hirshabelle election.

That’s my analysis on this phenomenon
People shouldn't say Abgaal. Wacbuudhan from Balcad to Warsheikh have nothing to do with this and neither do Waceysle from Galgaduud.