Please answer this question with honesty (Only male)

I was there too man. My lowest ever was around 88 lbs but now I'm at 176 lbs.
Instead of eating heavy meals try to research a bit. I'd suggest you start with these. I've done these personally so I know they work
88 lbs? how old were you?
I am 5'9" and 147 lbs right now but I have low body fat helps me look like I have some muscles. I don't lift either.
I was 5'6 and 88 lbs that's severe thinness. Now I'm 6'3 and 176.
If you eat the right food and at least take a good 20-30 min walk you'll be fine in a few weeks.
I used to lift, and I know a lot about nutrition, believe me I can gain weight if I want but I just find it exhausting. I can't keep up with that everyday.