Osama Bin Laden Fascinating

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Morality is just an opinion, and serves a particular utilitarian need. The same can be said of "human value" or "human rights". These are just popularized ideas of how to think about life.
You are not obligated to think about life in a particular way, or apply the beliefs of one system of philosophy or spirituality instead of another. If you do choose a popular conceptualization, you are furthermore not obligated to apply it as it is popularly understood.

Animals don't just kill other animals for fun or some twisted agenda as your arguing I think. Evolution teaches it's about needs, if your belly is rumbling, yes u will kill an animal to survive but that isn't against morality. Morality is basically you got a home, food on your table, and surviving quite well, do you need anything beyond that? if you do then it's for SELFISH REASONS.

It's quite clear lions don't just kill other lions for the fun of it, only if there is a threat. You must assume people do things just because they feel like it or it's coooolllllllll, it's not like that at all. If there no need to do something people don't do it, but if there is no need and u still do it that is immoral.

For example me, if I had 60-70k a year in cash for life, I wouldn't really care to seek billions and millions, it will achieve my ultimate goal to pack up n travel. I am not here to prove myself and put on a show as it's not my passion anyways, I know what matters to me and I know what I need to realize it. But there are some who do need put on a show and live life with an IMAGE and that's cool too I guess. Each to his own!!!
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If morality was real psychopaths and sociopaths would not exist.

That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. That's like saying visible light doesn't exist because there are people who are blind. Or reality doesn't exist because schizophrenics exist.

Psychopaths exist because of abusive childhoods and brain damage.
"Antisocial personality disorder is defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others.[1] Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a facade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.[9] They may display arrogance, think lowly and negatively of others, and lack remorse for their harmful actions and have a callous attitude to those they have harmed.[1][2] "


@DaMan you did raise a powerful question though!!! Would you kill someone for 50k if you knew u wouldn't get caught. I think it boils down to circumstances for me. If that 50k is gonna keep my family alive, I wouldn't hesitate as there is a need that is more important to me that outweighs that man's life. Would I do it just for the thrill of it and fun of it? no. Their has to be some real solid justification. Will killing that person mean saving thousands from his filthy idealogy, I would.

It's a full loaded question that can change depending on the circumstance, I would even check out his family and see what their like and picture how my family would react if that was me on the other end. Their wud be some serious evaluation before I made my decision.
@DaMan you did raise a powerful question though!!! Would you kill someone for 50k if you knew u wouldn't get caught. I think it boils down to circumstances for me. If that 50k is gonna keep my family alive, I wouldn't hesitate as there is a need that is more important to me that outweighs that man's life. Would I do it just for the thrill of it and fun of it? no. Their has to be some real solid justification. Will killing that person mean saving thousands from his filthy idealogy, I would.

It's a full loaded question that can change depending on the circumstance, I would even check out his family and see what their like and picture how my family would react if that was me on the other end. Their wud be some serious evaluation before I made my decision.

The simple fact that you're putting thought into it and considering the consequences means that you passed the test. It's about the process.

Like you, I would do it under certain circumstances.


You got burned by a broad and so you turned evil... c'mon, son.

I've got a question for you? go check out people who are poor and imagine yourself in that situation and how you will react. A man who is hungry will tell you who that person really is. If you see their violent and shit, you know what that person is like if he ever gets rich(anti social) basically, then their are the ones who just raise the hand and given up and want u to rescue them(those are the types who need to be guided in life and cant do something on their own), then you got the scavengers(who will use every muscle in their body to change their situation) you know the ones scavenging thru bins.

I am that type of homeless person, I am not risking my body and health and making my situation worse like the violent type, and I am not going to sit there waiting for something that isn't coming with my hands raised, I won't die in that state.

I relate to the scavenger type or the thief looooooool, doing it on the sly and achieving his goal while maintaining his safety. I usually give them spare change if I see them cause it reminds me what I would be doing and I connect, it's my personality type.


@DR OSMAN an @DaMan will forever be slaves of society if you do not free yourselves from the chains of morality.

@DaMan n me are basically saying lie, cheat, steal, decieve among those types and win, were not saying being saints, as that is the rule there and the rules are set. But drop that shit when u meet a moral person and adapt and grow, don't stay stuck in that shitty existence.
I've got a question for you? go check out people who are poor and imagine yourself in that situation and how you will react. A man who is hungry will tell you who that person really is. If you see their violent and shit, you know what that person is like if he ever gets rich(anti social) basically, then their are the ones who just raise the hand and given up and want u to rescue them(those are the types who need to be guided in life and cant do something on their own), then you got the scavengers(who will use every muscle in their body to change their situation) you know the ones scavenging thru bins.

I am that type of homeless person, I am not risking my body and health and making my situation worse like the violent type, and I am not going to sit there waiting for something that isn't coming with my hands raised, I won't die in that state.

I relate to the scavenger type or the thief looooooool, doing it on the sly and achieving his goal while maintaining his safety. I usually give them spare change if I see them cause it reminds me what I would be doing and I connect, it's my personality type.

We're all mostly products of our environment. Under the right (wrong) circumstances, you could be just about anything. I honestly couldn't tell you what type of impoverished person I'd be.

Most homeless people in the west have serious addiction issues. I give them change or a fiver if i have it but they're not buying food with it lol.


We're all mostly products of our environment. Under the right (wrong) circumstances, you could be just about anything. I honestly couldn't tell you what type of impoverished person I'd be.

Most homeless people in the west have serious addiction issues. I give them change or a fiver if i have it but they're not buying food with it lol.

Just look at a homeless person forget what he will do with his money, but if he is showing traits that you would be doing in his situation, relate and show empathy and give the brother a hand. That is you basically in another shape or form basically and you would be best friends in the homeless world.


@DaMan you should picture yourself in different settings and what you do, not just homeless but everywhere really. But I know if I was homeless, I would be outside bars n pubs n clubs, cause their usually drunk and easier to steal from, I would keep that as my pay-day friday-saturday. I would work damn hard here, as it can hold me over the week.

In between those days though, I would go and scavenge but not from bins but I would go to hospitals and stuff as their usually more caring. I also feel it's a good area to steal from as people are sick and could care less about their wallets hence not on watch as much. I would also set up a network among the poor and the ones I relate too who have the same principles and give them a share so when I need it, they got my back. I would also drop my hat on the ground and ask for change like the ones who do that, to keep the money coming in. I would also look to sleep in safe areas, I am really big about that, I can't sleep in unknown areas or where I don't feel safe. I would assess my options but hospital grounds and undercover car parks would be ideal for me, I don't wanna be around the city areas.

Opening my options basically, violence though I don't think so cause I am already in pain, I dont need to risk it with more. I am pretty damn cunning myself when it's survival situation for me.
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@DaMan thinking about it further, I would even go to a car junk-yard and ask if I can take the cushioned seats looooool and create a little bed out of it. I'd probably collect mattresses and find out how I can and sell that to homeless people loooooool shrewd capitalism.

Id also get a dog also I must admit to watch out for me when I am sleeping
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