Osama Bin Laden Fascinating

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This is the life of Osama Bin Laden according to Americans.

I have a bit of unusual respect for Osama believe it or not, not that I agree with his jihad but the fact he left billions of dollars and a pretty influential life to sleep in caves for decades plus he dumped his money into his cause which is more proof it's not empty words but real actions. That is someone with some serious principles and belief in his ideology. I don't think this guy was putting on a show or seeking some ulterior or personal agenda for himself. He was the real deal.

I am kinda of suprised why it took America so long to capture him. The guy was publishing to Al jazeera, they could've of followed the reporters of al-jazeera till they take them to him or if he was using a middle man to pass on tapes they could of followed the middle man and worked their way up the chain.

It's very difficult to stay hiding if you still need contact with the world which he did to give his soldiers morale, because that will involve people and they will be tagged and followed till it all leads back to you.


Osama could get around the technology part. You can buy a camcorder but from somewhere else and preferrably outside his location, I suspect they can figure out what camcorder your using and where those types are sold so if you buy it from somewhere further away like different country, they will assume your in that country. That part and doing the videoing is workable. You will need to set up the room to resemble conditions in the country u want to target. If it's saudi arabia you study how their homes r built inside, get a heater and make it so hot like your in some desert of saudi arabia and they see the sweat dropping from u u will need to follow saudi weather and mimick it. Make sure the material clothing u wearing is saudi based or whatever country u r mimicking, they will study the materials im sure.

The hard part would be getting it to the media. He would have either 3 options. Mail and if he uses that, they will find out where the package was sent from and go back to the post office and wait for you there.

Now the question is to get past this you will need to use a really busy post office where they won't have the time to search each and every parcel and the town he was in looks small so their isn't that much mailing happening so they could ask the post office to open each package or begin a system where each person needs to provide a name, address, phone number on the package(which could be faked also). The problem with mailing part is you can conceal where you are but they will know where it was sent from and if it matches where your trying to decieve where u r in your videos.

The other option is a courier, now this is where it can get messy. Their is a person involved and usually a courier will be low level and considering he is most likely a third worlder, money and his stomach can be used against him by the west, they will bribe him as they know his hungry plus osama has millions on his heads. That's the only time u can't trust people especially hungry ppl is when money is shown or they will threaten to harm his family or himself or jail him to speak.

This part needs working out if u use the courier, you gotta plan it for him so he doesnt ever caught in the first place and is comprised. Plus u dont want to many couriers, the risk goes up with more ppl involved, it may look random with more and they wont know on face value who is behind delivering the tape of osama, but the fact it has many ppl has just sent the risks higher.

The best option with a courier would be to get him to travel outside the country u r, a quick transit u want the courier to be there for maybe a few hours and just buy a cellphone a cheap one with a untraceable sim-card and call al jazeera or arabia tv and say pick up osama tape by dropping it in different parts of the city or areas, while concealing the voice as much as possible and accents and so forth. Basically keep dropping the tapes randomly in different locations of the city so their is no pattern for the arab intelligence or cia to follow.

Al jazeera guys or arabia tv will just go to location and pick it up and ur in a transit area ready to depart again lol plus make sure he actually went there for a reason set up a fake doctor appointment or whatever lol.

U can bring the media to your location but that will give away your location and country, once they know where to start looking, it's a matter of time now and adding up each little piece osama gives away.


You’re a terrorist sympathiser im gonna report you to the authorities. Do you also support al shabab ?

I never said I agree with osama idealogy, at least you can talk to that man about his idealogy and be real about it and get religious and the significance of what he is promoting and what it can lead to in the end. The guy actually has principles, u don't need to second guess what his agenda is or try to use ineffective ways like money bribing or harming his family or what's important to him, he won't care the man has an idealogy, if he abadoned a billion dollar lifestyle for a cave, come on what else you need to know he is THE REAL DEAL.

You either talk to him about his idealogy or kill him, there is no other way around it. All other measures are impossible. I think you buy into the media hype too much and governments interpretations, they call anyone a terrorist that is against them.

If I disagree with you right now, I will call u a terrorist to de-legitimaize you in the eyes of the people, they do the same thing, they try make u into some common thug so your not picking up ground. If you really think the rest of the world are perfect u got something else coming.

U respect obama or western leaders because he has legitimacy if he was de-legitimized like they do with terrorists, u wouldn't. It's all man made crap in the end and purely about agendas.

How can u respect obama or hilary who were dirt poor and rode on the democrat back to get into office and now are pulling in 100 million dollar in net-worth, doesnt that tell u they have no real principles and it's all about getting rich for themselves while feeding ur ass what u wanna hear so they can get there? The reality is most western leaders have no principles, very few do my brother. It's all about their self image and wealth gains.

A person with an idealogy dont need more then a house, money to live on, and taking care of his family and kids. U don't need 100 million into yourself, if these ppl were real they would donate it to the cause and idealogy they believe in. Gandhi died with 1000 dollars, its obvious he redirected it to his cause which bigger to him then living in some mansion and driving a lamborghini and saying look at me guys. MLK was the same died with 250k, he redirected the money to his cause or idealogy. All the religious figures died dirt poor and redirected it all towards their cause and idealogy.

So there are people with principles and idealogy and there are those who dont have it and u can tell by where he sleeps and puts his money into it, that says enuff and over-rides all their empty words. Now at least you know if you should talk to him on his ego, material gains, etc to achieve ur objectiv, u know what this f*ck is about. Some ppl i've noticed really wanna leave a better world to their kids well better then the one that was given to them and there is some who dont care about that and care more about their ownselves and material gains.

I am fascinated nowadays with people with principles and some sort of idealogy that is proven and they put their money where there mouth is, because I have wondered to myself, i dont want my kids entering the same world I entered sxb and that can be very comprising about choosing what's good for you or what world your kids enter.
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Dr Terror

No I am not a terrorist, but I am fascinated by people nowadays with principles and idealogy. It's not just osama but MLK, GANDHI, etc. I agree there is no point handing the same world u were given to your kids and have them enter the misery. It's a very strong point that has left me wondering.
Osama Bin Laden was a good man, he supported Ogadenia and funded terror groups to karbash the habashis. No other Arab leader would do that for us.


Osama Bin Laden was a good man, he supported Ogadenia and funded terror groups to karbash the habashis. No other Arab leader would do that for us.

He surely believed in what he preached, that's why it's fascinating, the liklihood of someone actually believing what they preach nowaday is around the 10% mark and probably less. Their individual agendas, status, wealth are usually more important to them what their preaching.

Example Khayre bought 2 million shares into Soma-oil, clear evidence where his priorities are. But Abdillahi yusuf died with debt and didn't invest into businesses, mansions, and 'look at me' crap, he gave it to his soldiers. Mad respect to the old-man. I think farmajo is the same also. But they are very few nowadays.
Alexander the Great was a genocidal egomaniac. So was Julius Caesar. They weren't good men but they were certainly impressive. Same thing with more modern figures like Hitler and Bin Ladin. Virtually all of the most notable historical figures are morally ambiguous at best. George Washington, Columbus, Genghis Khan, etc.


Alexander the Great was a genocidal egomaniac. So was Julius Caesar. They weren't good men but they were certainly impressive. Same thing with more modern figures like Hitler and Bin Ladin. Virtually all of the most notable historical figures are morally ambiguous at best. George Washington, Columbus, Genghis Khan, etc.

I'll study washington and columbus but I'll first see where they were sleeping as that indicates everything about where their priorities are. If your sleeping in a mansion bro and extravagant things, clearly that is proof what your priorities are and your preaching is just to achieve that ultimate aim. A normal person can just do well with a home and food and if his morals, principles, idealogy is more important to him he will dump all he has into there. Bin laden did this. Hitler, I am just watching now and his life. I know Gandi was amazing only had $1000 to his name in net worth, can you believe that, only a meager $1000 now that's insane shit and proof he spent indian money on indian causes.

I've watched Genghis Khan many times, he slept like a peasant also among his soldiers and put it all towards the cause, his kids though are a different story. MLK is another one, died with 250k to his name, all went to the black cause. The religious founders are another shining example, they were living like peasants and dumping their money into their cause.


Adolf Hitler, dictator of Nazi Germany and at the center of World War II in Europe, earned millions of Reichsmarks throughout his political career, mainly through sales of his book Mein Kampf ("My Struggle") and his combined Chancellor and President salaries. After coming to power, Hitler moved to make himself tax-exempt.

The Berghof, Hitler's private retreat, was renovated at a massive cost, all of it paid for with Nazi Party donations

Nah, I don't believe in hitler. There was heaps of movies done about him and his missing millions like the monument men movie. The guy dumped all his funds into his home, extravagant living, status, and even licensed his own name and made money of his books. f*ck him, I put him in the 90% category who used the 'aryan' crap to further his own wealth.
I'll study washington and columbus but I'll first see where they were sleeping as that indicates everything about where their priorities are. If your sleeping in a mansion bro and extravagant things, clearly that is proof what your priorities are and your preaching is just to achieve that ultimate aim. A normal person can just do well with a home and food and if his morals, principles, idealogy is more important to him he will dump all he has into there. Bin laden did this. Hitler, I am just watching now and his life. I know Gandi was amazing only had $1000 to his name in net worth, can you believe that, only a meager $1000 now that's insane shit and proof he spent indian money on indian causes.

I've watched Genghis Khan many times, he slept like a peasant also among his soldiers and put it all towards the cause, his kids though are a different story. MLK is another one, died with 250k to his name, all went to the black cause. The religious founders are another shining example, they were living like peasants and dumping their money into their cause.

Washington went from sleeping in a mansion to accepting a commission to lead undertrained, under-equipped men fight a losing war against damn near impossible odds. Being financially successful in times of peace shouldn't be something to be held against a man. FYI, Genghis Khan was wildly prosperous and lived a life of unimaginable luxury after his conquests.

MLK is actually another example of an imperfect man that was extremely impressive despite his flaws. He was a known philanderer despite being a so-called "man of religion."


Washington went from sleeping in a mansion to accepting a commission to lead undertrained, under-equipped men fight a losing war against damn near impossible odds. Being financially successful in times of peace shouldn't be something to be held against a man. FYI, Genghis Khan was wildly prosperous and lived a life of unimaginable luxury after his conquests.

MLK is actually another example of an imperfect man that was extremely impressive despite his flaws. He was a known philanderer despite being a so-called "man of religion."

Genghis Khan i'll go and check back on but I am sure it was his kids Kublai who lived lavishly. MLK nah simply and totally crappppppppppppp. He went from a rich well to do family and lived a life just preaching what he believed. He didn't buy mansions sxb that's a fact or shares in a business.

It's fine you have money im not saying you can't just tell people that is your main priority and don't come to the table with some fake ideology crap where you are not investing a cent into, surely if you have the money and believe in it, we will see abadon all u have like bin laden did and live in the caves, sleep rough, dump money into the cause. The old saying goes put ya money where ya mouth is rings true.

I mean look at this guy, australia prime minister right now turnbull he has 100 million or something. Dumps 1.75 million into his party, but when? when he WAS RUNNING for re-election. He never donated a cent to that party when others were running it, clearly the man is about his own agendas and priorities. Are you telling me I have to buy into his crap and what his preaching?

Genghis Khan i'll go and check back on but I am sure it was his kids Kublai who lived lavishly. MLK nah simply and totally crappppppppppppp. He went from a rich well to do family and lived a life just preaching what he believed. He didn't buy mansions sxb that's a fact or shares in a business.

It's fine you have money im not saying you can't just tell people that is your main priority and don't come to the table with some fake ideology crap where you are not investing a cent into, surely if you have the money and believe in it, we will see abadon all u have like bin laden did and live in the caves, sleep rough, dump money into the cause. The old saying goes put ya money where ya mouth is rings true.

MLK's sacrifice is magnitudes smaller than past great historical figures. He was quite comfortable actually. Relatively speaking, of course.


MLK's sacrifice is magnitudes smaller than past great historical figures. He was quite comfortable actually. Relatively speaking, of course.

He could've allocated all those funds to himself that he collected from blacks and bought nice lavish homes. He could've of enriched himself quite easily and no-one would've said anything. The fact of the matter is he had $250k that is a million dollar in our time, that's a standard home nowaday value. He lived a normal life sxb just a house and food on the table, he didn't seek to buy lamborghinis and prostitutes, and huge gold platted mansions like your saudi royalty. Ok. Give the man his dues, he was about his principles. Guess what, the CIA n FBI or watever could BRIBE him, cause they know he was about his principles, you can only kill that person, there is nothing else u can do. Same with Osama.
He could've allocated all those funds to himself that he collected from blacks and bought nice lavish homes. He could've of enriched himself quite easily and no-one would've said anything. The fact of the matter is he had $250k that is a million dollar in our time, that's a standard home nowaday value. He lived a normal life sxb just a house and food on the table, he didn't seek to buy lamborghinis and prostitutes, and huge gold platted mansions like your saudi royalty. Ok. Give the man his dues, he was about his principles.

Yo, don't get me wrong. I'm talking about the man in terms of the most exceptional among us and historically. He's 10x the man I am. I'd have lived a comfortable life of obscurity if I were in his position. I'm just saying, compared to people like Hitler and Washington he was pretty darn comfortable. Not worrying about directly leading men in a despearate struggle in the case of the former and war on an unimagineable scale - literally the greatest conflict - in the case of the latter.
Alexander the Great was a genocidal egomaniac. So was Julius Caesar. They weren't good men but they were certainly impressive. Same thing with more modern figures like Hitler and Bin Ladin. Virtually all of the most notable historical figures are morally ambiguous at best. George Washington, Columbus, Genghis Khan, etc.
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority."


Yo, don't get me wrong. I'm talking about the man in terms of the most exceptional among us and historically. He's 10x the man I am. I'd have lived a comfortable life of obscurity if I were in his position. I'm just saying, compared to people like Hitler and Washington he was pretty darn comfortable. Not worrying about directly leading men in a despearate struggle in the case of the former and war on an unimagineable scale - literally the greatest conflict - in the case of the latter.

Yeah there is a reason why his bust is in the white house lol. He is definitely 10 times the man I am, not to long ago I would've done what you just said and enjoyed myself, but now I am contending with the fact do I want my kids to enter the same world I did and the nonsense I see, your talking your future kids sxb. Plus remember your descendants won't be as equipped as you are to handle life, so it could be real rough and them cursing you for not doing something to change the world when you had the power.

The pains you went thru in this corrupt society, are u willingly to let your selfishness and your me attitude and personal ambitions let u overlook the fact in probably a few generations after you, your kids are going to be in much worse world then you were given. Look at Genghis kids descendants, their roughing it out, all that grandeur of genghis khan lasted for a few centuries till the wheel of life spins again and your descendants are back into the peasant pool and roughing it out. Just imagine how you are now, they could be in a far worse situation as the world morally becomes bankrupt. Hence why it makes you think twice I guess. Some men live in their 'times' like the trumps, clintons, obamas, turnbulls, saudi royal family, the kheyres, the sharmarkes. But there are others who are in a different time state and talking about how their actions today translates into the world in 10 generations time. Some are simply ahead of their time.

Do you want that for your kids? It's just made me think lately that's all and definitely will make me think twice in future choices. Do I think principles and morality and idealogy are all that important today and in the real world? nope not really, as 90% of the pool are corrupt and about themselves but now I know when to distinguish myself and re-adapt when I am talking to a real person who is about principles, morality, idealogy, and so forth. I am just making sure I don't say stupid shit to the wrong people that's all.
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