Oromos smell bad!!!

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
What can I say? I like it spelled out. :dabcasar:
And wow, I knew my first instincts were right but I really thought you were RM lately for some reason.
Speaking of which, who is RM then?? and does he have a ss account...?
Meh it was quite obvious lol ..

Also I don't think he's on this site tbh :hmm:


Meh it was quite obvious lol ..

Also I don't think he's on this site tbh :hmm:
You could've always been lying who knows, I like clear confirmations.
And it's so weird to think of you as Max B now after convincing myself you were Radamillz lately. :wow1:The vibes aren't the same.
Also, who's Codeine?

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
You could've always been lying who knows, I like clear confirmations.
And it's so weird to think of you as Max B now after convincing myself you were Radamillz lately. :wow1:The vibes aren't the same.
Also, who's Codeine?
What do you mean the vibes aren't the same ? Elaborate please.

Codeine is a lurker I think


What do you mean the vibes aren't the same ? Elaborate please.

Codeine is a lurker I think
Not as familiar with Max B posts as I am with RM but...
Idk your acc on here just seemed more like the chill, nice, laid back type to me while Max B was more political, aggressive about SL, curses, and tbh, more Fboy-ish(no offense)...like I said more like Weekday, with the exception of the Anti-Ethiopia stuff lol. What's that about by the way?:sass1:
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Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
My house smell like Cadar, my cloths smell like Cadar and also my body does it hasn't changed for 5 years


live and let die.
Wtf...I'm so confused rn. Do you go to a Catholic Church? Address all my questions pls, you've barely said anything. :rolleyes:
And no, while virginity and pre-marital concerns refers only to vaginal intercourse...any form of sodomy(even for heteros3xuals) is a sin-- so it's forbidden either way. Also, sleeping around is only "the norm" because we live in a degenerate society...and "neck" is worse than pre-marital s3x imo. You obviously haven't been paying attention in those bible classes. And why do you randomly attend Church anyways? (not that I'm discouraging it, I think it's great if you're doing it for the right reasons).
I have a feeling you're another one of those PAWG lovers though...:dabcasar:

What would be the wrong reasons to attend? Also they almost never explicitly discussed sex, hetero or otherwise. Might be because it was at least partly funded by the local council so they had to keep it pc. It was also a pretty liberal place, I know my mentor had a boyfriend so it'd be pretty hypocritical to shove chastity down our throat. Then again, we were quite young so they might've just avoided more mature topics and babied us with biblical stories, establishing good relations, inviting people to faith etc. And no, it wasn't a catholic church. Most, if not all churches around us (not many at all) were catholic and people drove for quite a while to show up at that specific church. I don't attend, and haven't seen the inside of a church in quite a few years.


What would be the wrong reasons to attend? Also they almost never explicitly discussed sex, hetero or otherwise. Might be because it was at least partly funded by the local council so they had to keep it pc. It was also a pretty liberal place, I know my mentor had a boyfriend so it'd be pretty hypocritical to shove chastity down our throat. Then again, we were quite young so they might've just avoided more mature topics and babied us with biblical stories, establishing good relations, inviting people to faith etc. And no, it wasn't a catholic church. Most, if not all churches around us (not many at all) were catholic and people drove for quite a while to show up at that specific church. I don't attend, and haven't seen the inside of a church in quite a few years.
I alluded to it in my last sentence but a wrong reason to attend would be to specifically meet or pander to white women (the race isn't necessarily relevant in its "wrongness" but I mention it because that's the likely case, given the context). Yh, it's not discussed/preached in a blatant manner; it usually comes in the form of abstinence talk, resisting temptation/desire sermons, or the Virgin Mariam being represented as the ideal/holiest of all women (as well as embodiment of the virtue of chastity). While it might've been a liberal place on the surface, your mentor having a boyfriend doesn't mean that she wasn't/they weren't celibate lol.
Quite young? Guess it's not a pawg obsession then. Now I'm even more confused, :ayaanswag:but you're right, that's the case with sermons/Sunday school when kids are involved. What kind of church was it and have you ever attended an Ethiopian Church before?? And why'd you stop attending (if you don't mind me asking)?
I alluded to it in my last sentence but a wrong reason to attend would be to specifically meet or pander to white women (the race isn't necessarily relevant in its "wrongness" but I mention it because that's the likely case, given the context). Yh, it's not discussed/preached in a blatant manner; it usually comes in the form of abstinence talk, resisting temptation/desire sermons, or the Virgin Mariam being represented as the ideal/holiest of all women (as well as embodiment of the virtue of chastity). While it might've been a liberal place on the surface, your mentor having a boyfriend doesn't mean that she wasn't/they weren't celibate lol.
Quite young? Guess it's not a pawg obsession then. Now I'm even more confused, :ayaanswag:but you're right, that's the case with sermons/Sunday school when kids are involved. What kind of church was it and have you ever attended an Ethiopian Church before?? And why'd you stop attending (if you don't mind me asking)?
Nayaa stop trying to convert the man :birdman:


Nayaa stop trying to convert the man :birdman:
Lol, who said anything about converting? I was just asking innocent questions ^.^...if he wants to return to the Church, that's a decision he'd have to make on his own. Plus, what's it to you if he chooses to be Christian? We are people of the book you know :icon lol::icon lol:
Lol, who said anything about converting? I was just asking innocent questions ^.^...if he wants to return to the Church, that's a decision he'd have to make on his own. Plus, what's it to you if he chooses to be Christian? We are people of the book you know :icon lol::icon lol:
:bell: don't lie to me I've met many Jehovah witnesses I know your tactics:pachah1:


:bell: don't lie to me I've met many Jehovah witnesses I know your tactics:pachah1:
Haha, but I'm not a Jehovah witness though...they are on a whole other level; it's like me calling you an Ahmadi Muslim. I have to salute them(JW) for their dedication and effort though.:wow:
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Ahmadiyya sect
That's debatable though...there are some who would also label the JW sect (or also the Mormon sect, for example) as a "cult". At the end of the day, they are both marginalized denominations which are rejected by the mainstream version of their religion.
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