Oromos smell bad!!!

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That was mostly in jest. Though, I don't think a rare steak is remotely comparable to some of the dishes consumed over there. :childplease:Also, then why are the Europeans and especially the Americans universally cool with it? They're 70% Christian too. I've even been to bible classes for years, hell I had my own bible at some point and I had never ever even heard of compulsory fasting for example until I came here.
Ur an Ethiopian aren'tcha boy?
Not as familiar with Max B posts as I am with RM but...
Idk your acc on here just seemed more like the chill, nice, laid back type to me while Max B was more political, aggressive about SL, curses, and tbh, more Fboy-ish(no offense)...like I said more like Weekday, with the exception of the Anti-Ethiopia stuff lol. What's that about by the way?:sass1:

He is Max B
Haha yeah, he admitted about as much yesterday. I had him confused with RadaMillz for a while though...and Reiko (Chief queen) wouldn't confirm or deny. How did you know he's Max B though lol??

Bahal posted his comment there admitting that he is not Somali


Bahal posted his comment there admitting that he is not Somali
Do you know Bahal's username on theColi?
And how did Bahal know that the guy he was talking to on theColi (who admitted that "he is not Somali") was the same person as GucciM on sspot??


I will never ever in my life claim Ethiopian identity because I found it degrading
Well you didn't initially deny it when I asked...and your posting style is almost exactly the same as hers. Not to mention, she is not a pro-Ethiopia poster...she always defends Somalis and seems to insult Ethiopians. Ethiolady is definitely a sheegato.
Well you didn't initially deny it when I asked...and your posting style is almost exactly the same as hers. Not to mention, she is not a pro-Ethiopia poster...she always defends Somalis and seems to insult Ethiopians. Ethiolady is definitely a sheegato.

I don't care about her. As for me I never do double nicknames/ or deny my true identity. I even made member lady here in my FB friends.


live and let die.
I alluded to it in my last sentence but a wrong reason to attend would be to specifically meet or pander to white women (the race isn't necessarily relevant in its "wrongness" but I mention it because that's the likely case, given the context). Yh, it's not discussed/preached in a blatant manner; it usually comes in the form of abstinence talk, resisting temptation/desire sermons, or the Virgin Mariam being represented as the ideal/holiest of all women (as well as embodiment of the virtue of chastity). While it might've been a liberal place on the surface, your mentor having a boyfriend doesn't mean that she wasn't/they weren't celibate lol.
Quite young? Guess it's not a pawg obsession then. Now I'm even more confused, :ayaanswag:but you're right, that's the case with sermons/Sunday school when kids are involved. What kind of church was it and have you ever attended an Ethiopian Church before?? And why'd you stop attending (if you don't mind me asking)?

:dead::dead::dead: loool, you think I went to pick up White women? At a church of all places! I'm not saying it's not possible, but why not better your odds and go to a pub or a club. As for my mentor, she was definitely on the liberal side of things. She was more along the belief of 'God loves us all equally' & 'God loves you for who you are'. She always had a bible quote on the wall she would refer to, I can't quite remember what it was. Not to mention she was with her boyfriend for 3+ years. I obviously don't know, but she seemed like your typical cadaan girl so I wouldn't bet on things being limited to holding hands. If you've ever lived in a small town, you'll hear all sorts of rumours floating around who often turn out true sooner or later. An attractive woman in he late 20's engaging in premarital sex is very, very timid and believable by comparison. She was a very kind person though, so w/e imo.

I should probably stop baiting you further, I don't know why I'm being so ambiguous.:mjlol: My presence there was mostly compulsory. I needed to attend a school that offered a very specific curriculum. And of course, that school was the only (commutable) school that offered it. There were also a few other reasons we chose to go there (fiscal, convenience etc.). That school was found inside the church, until they expanded and built around the church few years prior to my parents and I moving there. It was run by literally the same group of people that run the church. But yeah, instead of offering general classes on RE and some other subjects they obviously only taught Christianity, specifically their own way. A lot of the non-default classes were often swapped out with literal lectures and sermons in the church. We also had to participate in 'voluntary' (you'd be fucked if you opted out) extra curricular that were centered around the church so I ended up spending a lot of time there outside of the 7-4:30 school period. As for the church, iirc it originally branched off from Catholicism (I might be wrong on this) but falls under and identifies more with protestant. I never ever participated in worship however.

I'm getting triggered just thinking back of that tuulo


:dead::dead::dead: loool, you think I went to pick up White women? At a church of all places! I'm not saying it's not possible, but why not better your odds and go to a pub or a club. As for my mentor, she was definitely on the liberal side of things. She was more along the belief of 'God loves us all equally' & 'God loves you for who you are'. She always had a bible quote on the wall she would refer to, I can't quite remember what it was. Not to mention she was with her boyfriend for 3+ years. I obviously don't know, but she seemed like your typical cadaan girl so I wouldn't bet on things being limited to holding hands. If you've ever lived in a small town, you'll hear all sorts of rumours floating around who often turn out true sooner or later. An attractive woman in he late 20's engaging in premarital sex is very, very timid and believable by comparison. She was a very kind person though, so w/e imo.

I should probably stop baiting you further, I don't know why I'm being so ambiguous.:mjlol: My presence there was mostly compulsory. I needed to attend a school that offered a very specific curriculum. And of course, that school was the only (commutable) school that offered it. There were also a few other reasons we chose to go there (fiscal, convenience etc.). That school was found inside the church, until they expanded and built around the church few years prior to my parents and I moving there. It was run by literally the same group of people that run the church. But yeah, instead of offering general classes on RE and some other subjects they obviously only taught Christianity, specifically their own way. A lot of the non-default classes were often swapped out with literal lectures and sermons in the church. We also had to participate in 'voluntary' (you'd be fucked if you opted out) extra curricular that were centered around the church so I ended up spending a lot of time there outside of the 7-4:30 school period. As for the church, iirc it originally branched off from Catholicism (I might be wrong on this) but falls under and identifies more with protestant. I never ever participated in worship however.

I'm getting triggered just thinking back of that tuulo
Haha, it's not my fault...you were being vague and I couldn't think of any other reason so I just assumed ^.^
I didn't know your age or where you resided so my mind wasn't going to the arena of pubs/clubs, etc. And yea, I know what kind of liberal types you're talking about; very bubbly and overly positive, more about acceptance/love/expression than discipline/fear/judgement. But a small town, attractive Christian white girl, in her late 20s, who has been with her bf for 3+ years,...and still unmarried? That seems out of the norm. It's true that they tend to be kind people though; with that said, I can't tolerate being around that kind of energy for too long tbh. Don't know what that says about me lol.

The story makes much more sense as I read further :ohhh:, that's a very unique/interesting experience I must say. Although I know a bit about Protestants, I'm not familiar with that iirc branch. It must've sucked to have your teachers also be the Church officials, especially if you're the type of person who likes to separate the personal from the public..or even if you just want to have a more secular education. What was wrong with the worship; were you either a Muslim or Atheist at the time? How did your parents feel about the whole Christian theme being tied to your education? What were the behavior of your colleagues like(I hear that most religious schools aren't filled with pious students) and lastly, what memories are so triggering about that place lol?


live and let die.
Haha, it's not my fault...you were being vague and I couldn't think of any other reason so I just assumed ^.^
I didn't know your age or where you resided so my mind wasn't going to the arena of pubs/clubs, etc. And yea, I know what kind of liberal types you're talking about; very bubbly and overly positive, more about acceptance/love/expression than discipline/fear/judgement. But a small town, attractive Christian white girl, in her late 20s, who has been with her bf for 3+ years,...and still unmarried? That seems out of the norm. It's true that they tend to be kind people though; with that said, I can't tolerate being around that kind of energy for too long tbh. Don't know what that says about me lol.

The story makes much more sense as I read further :ohhh:, that's a very unique/interesting experience I must say. Although I know a bit about Protestants, I'm not familiar with that iirc branch. It must've sucked to have your teachers also be the Church officials, especially if you're the type of person who likes to separate the personal from the public..or even if you just want to have a more secular education. What was wrong with the worship; were you either a Muslim or Atheist at the time? How did your parents feel about the whole Christian theme being tied to your education? What were the behavior of your colleagues like(I hear that most religious schools aren't filled with pious students) and lastly, what memories are so triggering about that place lol?

Yes, I was and still am a Muslim hence the reason I didn't participate in worship. My parents are straight-edge Muslims. I think that while it wasn't ideal, they were comfortable enough to let me attend a school like that because there was a level of trust. If I was ever unsure, confused and conflicted about something they said or taught in school I would let them know. I studied it (albeit more extensively) the same way all the other kids studied Judaism and other world religions in other schools. My dad would often ask me what I specifically learned that day or week and tell me what is Islamically correct, where they went wrong and why it is/isn't that way. He himself used to 'study' Christian and Jewish scriptures to find out what the locals believe in. There was a guy that lived 3 doors down, he used be a member of the other (Catholic) church in our town until he withdrew to agnosticism. I don't know what the English word for it is. I think it was the equivalent of 'Brother' without the honorific title. Him and my dad always used to debate in our back yard in English (I barely understood it at the time). He used give my dad religious (also Jewish) reading material until one day he reverted to Islam. I think in a way, my dad was supportive of learning from others as long as there was a hard line when it comes to practicing with them and you genuinely need know what you're doing. All the outside school activities were more so for external programs to pick up team building and those type of skills. I always opted for raising money for the local homeless people, natural disaster and generally poverty struck causes instead of fund raising for the church or preaching duties.

As for students being pious, I can't speak for other schools but our school was split in two categories with me and a few more kids being the anomaly. 1 side literally lived for the church and on the far end of this crowd you have the more 'militant' types. Vocally racist and sexist. I specifically remember this one kid asking the teacher if they're allowed to join the pope temporarily if he calls for a crusade against the Arabs. :deadosama:
And on the other end you had the live and let live types. Super liberal people and on the extreme end of it you had a few suspect kids. I remember there were these two boys, ultra suspect. I don't know if it was just kids being dicks, but there was a rumor going around of them getting caught giving each other blows during lunch. They didn't show up after. Right when the rumors started circulating they both stopped showing up. They got pulled out for 'unknown' reasons. The teachers never told us why they left the school. Other than that, on the student end of things it was your average school, some drugs, bullying and a few teen pregnancies. The other school was a Catholic state school, that was the 'bad' school. I would always hear of the craziest coming from there. But state schools universally perform worse than public schools. But overall in their respective categories, they're both 'average' schools I reckon.

But a small town, attractive Christian white girl, in her late 20s, who has been with her bf for 3+ years,...and still unmarried? That seems out of the norm.
I wouldn't say that's out of the norm at all. The mean marriage rate is in the early 30's. Do you not live around White people?


Yes, I was and still am a Muslim hence the reason I didn't participate in worship. My parents are straight-edge Muslims. I think that while it wasn't ideal, they were comfortable enough to let me attend a school like that because there was a level of trust. If I was ever unsure, confused and conflicted about something they said or taught in school I would let them know. I studied it (albeit more extensively) the same way all the other kids studied Judaism and other world religions in other schools. My dad would often ask me what I specifically learned that day or week and tell me what is Islamically correct, where they went wrong and why it is/isn't that way. He himself used to 'study' Christian and Jewish scriptures to find out what the locals believe in. There was a guy that lived 3 doors down, he used be a member of the other (Catholic) church in our town until he withdrew to agnosticism. I don't know what the English word for it is. I think it was the equivalent of 'Brother' without the honorific title. Him and my dad always used to debate in our back yard in English (I barely understood it at the time). He used give my dad religious (also Jewish) reading material until one day he reverted to Islam. I think in a way, my dad was supportive of learning from others as long as there was a hard line when it comes to practicing with them and you genuinely need know what you're doing. All the outside school activities were more so for external programs to pick up team building and those type of skills. I always opted for raising money for the local homeless people, natural disaster and generally poverty struck causes instead of fund raising for the church or preaching duties.

As for students being pious, I can't speak for other schools but our school was split in two categories with me and a few more kids being the anomaly. 1 side literally lived for the church and on the far end of this crowd you have the more 'militant' types. Vocally racist and sexist. I specifically remember this one kid asking the teacher if they're allowed to join the pope temporarily if he calls for a crusade against the Arabs. :deadosama:
And on the other end you had the live and let live types. Super liberal people and on the extreme end of it you had a few suspect kids. I remember there were these two boys, ultra suspect. I don't know if it was just kids being dicks, but there was a rumor going around of them getting caught giving each other blows during lunch. They didn't show up after. Right when the rumors started circulating they both stopped showing up. They got pulled out for 'unknown' reasons. The teachers never told us why they left the school. Other than that, on the student end of things it was your average school, some drugs, bullying and a few teen pregnancies. The other school was a Catholic state school, that was the 'bad' school. I would always hear of the craziest coming from there. But state schools universally perform worse than public schools. But overall in their respective categories, they're both 'average' schools I reckon.

I wouldn't say that's out of the norm at all. The mean marriage rate is in the early 30's. Do you not live around White people?
So I can't convert you after all, huh?:bell:That's pretty cool about your parents; most religious parents aren't that chill (or secure enough in their teaching/parenting) when it comes to exposing their children to other faiths, let alone actually encouraging them to explore in depth. Not to sound like a c00n but were your parents raised in the West?

Lol, it always amazes me how some white Christians turn Christianity into a racial thing:mjlol:...I still don't get where that comes from. I know that Christianity, crusades, and Europe are linked together but all Abrahamic faiths are still from the ME(where a lot of Arab Christians currently reside) and practiced by many non-whites in general. Gay rumors are never in shortage during secondary schooling(?), but if it the guys disappeared...it was probably more than rumors. Why teens are so dumb to do these kind of things in school settings, I'll never know tbh...it's also pretty sad to hear "drugs and teen pregnancies" described as "average" but it's the unfortunate truth.

I usually notice that whites, especially from small towns, tend to marry pretty early but it could be the influence of media on me (I'm imagining those "the Duggars" type families who marry their daughters off all before 25). And lol, do I live around whites? The area I'm in (although not really a village, but a small "city" I guess) is at least 90% white (and mostly older whites too). I don't know what the mean marriage rate though, I'll see if I can look it up.


live and let die.
So I can't convert you after all, huh?:bell:

:lolbron: I already told Ms. Yacquet, Bianka, Katja and Mr. Cyril when they tried hit me up with private 1-on-1's
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That's pretty cool about your parents; most religious parents aren't that chill (or secure enough in their teaching/parenting) when it comes to exposing their children to other faiths, let alone actually encouraging them to explore in depth. Not to sound like a c00n but were your parents raised in the West?

Raised in the West? Couldn't be further from correct. My dad was actually born in miyi, many, many decades ago and grew up there until he turned 7. He only left cause both his parents passed away at that point. Although he was young at the time, the old man remembers pre-independence Somalia. And when I say miyi, I mean really out there. He doesn't know his exact date of birth lol only the season and year. :dead:
He's from a completely different world. Now he's out here, probably watching some random documentaries on his ipad and complaining about how cold it is. :rejoice: My mum's folk are conservative city people though, but also raised in Somalia.

I usually notice that whites, especially from small towns, tend to marry pretty early but it could be the influence of media on me (I'm imagining those "the Duggars" type families who marry their daughters off all before 25). And lol, do I live around whites? The area I'm in (although not really a village, but a small "city" I guess) is at least 90% white (and mostly older whites too). I don't know what the mean marriage rate though, I'll see if I can look it up.

They probably marry earlier but only by a year or so. I think it also depends on how religious the place is, America is far more religious than certain other Western countries. In fact, I think atheists outnumber theists in countries like the Netherlands. Pretty sure not marrying at all is going to be the norm there in a few decades.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Not as familiar with Max B posts as I am with RM but...
Idk your acc on here just seemed more like the chill, nice, laid back type to me while Max B was more political, aggressive about SL, curses, and tbh, more Fboy-ish(no offense)...like I said more like Weekday, with the exception of the Anti-Ethiopia stuff lol. What's that about by the way?:sass1:
I mainly troll on that site don't take me seriously on there please and I ain't no fuckboi chill with that word.:birdman:


:lolbron: I already told Ms. Yacquet, Bianka, Katja and Mr. Cyril when they tried hit me up with private 1-on-1's
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Well, I can say I semi-tried.:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

Raised in the West? Couldn't be further from correct. My dad was actually born in miyi, many, many decades ago and grew up there until he turned 7. He only left cause both his parents passed away at that point. Although he was young at the time, the old man remembers pre-independence Somalia. And when I say miyi, I mean really out there. He doesn't know his exact date of birth lol only the season and year. :dead:
He's from a completely different world. Now he's out here, probably watching some random documentaries on his ipad and complaining about how cold it is. :rejoice: My mum's folk are conservative city people though, but also raised in Somalia.
The only reason I mentioned the West is because your dad seems to have a pretty liberal attitude(the healthy kind), most parents from Eastern societies tend to be more authoritarian("do what I say", "don't question", "obedience is best", etc) in their approach than open-minded...from my experience/what I've generally witnessed anyways. I like the part about taking the time to break down and explain why something is wrong/incorrect rather than just proclaiming it's wrong, end of. Seems like the best parenting style; both in terms of helping children develop critical thinking as well as fostering trust and a good parent/child bond. I know a lot of EA parents who would be better off adopting some of those methods lol.

They probably marry earlier but only by a year or so. I think it also depends on how religious the place is, America is far more religious than certain other Western countries. In fact, I think atheists outnumber theists in countries like the Netherlands. Pretty sure not marrying at all is going to be the norm there in a few decades.
Yes, America and the legend of the Puritans; the usa is an interesting case because the religious foundation is still pretty strong although the nation also seems to host a lot of moral indecency at the same time. Canada's supposedly more religious than non-religious(in similar numbers to America) according to stats but I think it's more in name/culture than anything. Anecdotal evidence isn't the best measure but people seem to be more liberal leaning than conservative where I'm at. As for the end of marriage, the culture(hookup culture, lack of emphasis on the family, divorce rates, delayed education, etc.) definitely seems to be heading that way. I think it'll be a good thing in terms of reviving the real meaning of marriage, which has been lost due to the legalities and gov interference.


I mainly troll on that site don't take me seriously on there please and I ain't no fuckboi chill with that word.:birdman:
Didn't seem like trolling to me but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.:notsureif::notsureif:
And lol, I said ish...and I have reasons for my claims, just too lazy to pull out receipts rn.
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