Oromos smell bad!!!

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Didn't seem like trolling to me but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.:notsureif::notsureif:
And lol, I said ish...and I have reasons for my claims, just too lazy to pull out receipts rn.
You clearly aren't familiar with me to be honest. Probably seen few of my posts here and there chill.:pachah1:


live and let die.
Well, I can say I semi-tried.:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

:bell: Next time bring one of your cadaan friends :mjlol:

As for the end of marriage, the culture(hookup culture, lack of emphasis on the family, divorce rates, delayed education, etc.) definitely seems to be heading that way. I think it'll be a good thing in terms of reviving the real meaning of marriage, which has been lost due to the legalities and gov interference.

What do you mean by this? As in only people that took marriage serious or married for the right reasons will get married? Government interference? :patrice:


You clearly aren't familiar with me to be honest. Probably seen few of my posts here and there chill.:pachah1:
Hey, I said I'd give you the benefit of the doubt didn't I?? And I tried looking for your old posts during my investigation but they must've been pretty buried because I didn't find a lot. :zhqjlmx:


:bell: Next time bring one of your cadaan friends :mjlol:
If "Ms. Yacquet, Bianka, Katja and Mr. Cyril"(cadaans, I'm assuming) didn't convince you, I doubt my friends will. :manny:

What do you mean by this? As in only people that took marriage serious or married for the right reasons will get married? Government interference? :patrice:
Well, lots of people get married nowadays just to say they're married, for the ring/wedding, tradition's sake, or more artificial things rather than the vows (which is the most significant thing). Most of the aforementioned, among other things, has led to high divorce rates(cash cow for lawyers) and also has caused marriage to be cheapened. I think that most of this comes from the lack of religious emphasis in marriage; people may get married in Churches for example, but it's not really a "holy matrimony" because they don't fear God and they'll easily throw their vows out like it's not sacred. I personally believe this stems from how government involvement and social conditioning has diluted marriage into a legal/materialistic event-- rather than about a life long promise that partners trade. If legal marriage was to be abolished or even just not practiced on a large scale (with all it's legal "perks"), I think the role of vows could have an opportunity to become more central to this union.

Another thing about government interference, the initial excuse to register marriage as an institution under the government was the idea of "nuclear family" and using legal means to keep it together but due to the cultural shift, that's not the case anymore. (As a matter of principle, I also stand by the belief that government has no business in marriage).
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