Oromos marching towards Addis.

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Death Awaits You
can someone shed some light on why reer jigjiga support the tigrays and why liyyu police are committing genocide against their own clan.
Everyone in that vehicle and everyone clapping will die.
can someone shed some light on why reer jigjiga support the tigrays and why liyyu police are committing genocide against their own clan.
Somalis benefit by tplf being in power to be honest with you, the oromos have no clue of governing they will eventually bring the whole of horn of africa down and the amharas wants to rule over every other ethnic groups.

Sxb if oromos manages to topple tplf anagu xuduudena ayaanu goosanayna :samwelcome:
That is true but they can never rule forever and when TPLF goes so does everyone else that includes Somali. Man honestly Somalia should get revenge on Ethiopia for the invasion of Somalia in the first place and how they helped the west to divide us.
Marsin do you only travel in the Northern K5 area?

Liben Zone is one of the most populated regions in K5. Both the Degoodi and Garre that dominate Liben Zone are much more numerous than the Sheekhal who live in one of the smallest woredas in K5. Heck, Raaso is one of the smallest Woredas in K5 and they are becoming more alligned with Oromos due to the bad blood with the OG. You are also forgetting the three Woredas adjacent to Bale that are inhabited by the Gurre and Gariire. In the unlikely event of an ethnic war in Ethiopia, the front line in Southern K5 will pit Oromos against the subclans that immediately border them.

As for Dire Dawa, don't be fooled by appearances. Being the second Ethiopian city, there is no denying that it is a multi-ethnic city like Addis. Even the Amharas are well represented. However, the dominant group that surround the city are Gurgura as it is within their traditional clan territory. Due to the fact that the majority of them speak Oromo, it is easy to assume that the people that live in the Dire Dawa region are mainly Oromo. If shit hits the fan, the Ciise will need to form a good relationship with the Gurgura; they cannot afford to fall out with them like they did in the early 90's when the IGLF split.
I've been as far south as qalaafe zone but i have no knowledge on liban zone, all I knew was that liban zone is settled by three clans, those two you stated and marehans.
Don' underestimate sheekhals tho, yes they have raaso as a degmo for themselves after fighting for it but they are scattered all over the region, they live amongst every ogs in the region so count that in as well.
But who told you that they are getting more closer into the oromos? There have been fights between them and the oromos for lands, and the sheekhals have been gaining lands outside raaso.
My cousins who have been taking part of those wars have told me about it, and it was like back in the mid 2000's

The heat between sheekhals and ogadens is long gone, Mar hore ayaa la hishiiyey, i have no idea where you heard it from.
Sheekhals have big numbers in the liyu police.
@anonimo , I wondered too why @Marsin thought Sheekhal have large numbers in K5. I let that slide by. There is a huge Dir presence in southern K5.

Also, could you answer why Gurgura do not have their own zone? I believe they and Gadabursi should have their own zones as there are huge populations on both accounts. Better yet, we can form a super zone within K5; Isse, Gadabursi and Gurgura form a super northern zone, while Garre, Gadsen and other Dirs form super southern zone in K5. Your thoughts.
Isn't gurgura kind of oromos?
Gadabuursi already have a zone called harawo valley, I thought you already knew this.
Gadsan lives in souhern afdheer zone, majority second to cawlyahan in that region and as well they settle in nusdariiq
That is why in the post earlier i mentioned as long as they are not ethnocentric then i don't see why they should not lead the country. This applies to all groups not just them. I don't like the way you stated what you did. It did not sound like it came from a reasoned place but our of ignorance. You and I agree on the ethnic states but don't adopt the talking points of somalispot.

As for the land argument. That is why they should not pursue independence. All groups that borders them will claim historical rights and they will be fighting a war on all sides and they will never know peace. I hope people can see past the now and see the hellish future that will be for all concerned.
What You're saying is that oromos as a people should "lead" or essentially rule just because they are protesting. Sorry, but that's not how it works. It's either end ethnic states or tplf rules forever. Tigray will never be led by another people.

What you don't understand about oromos is that they will forever be crying because they know that we created the country. If they are allowed "freedom" to rule their region they will demand their language to be a national language, even though only they speak it. Then they will demand their holidays to be national holidays, they will then try to govern through their primitive gada system. What they are essentially trying to do is oromize the country. They have hive mentality and will die for what ever little cause their elites demand. Idk about you but I would rather have an independent tigray than have that occur to my country and people. You as an addis lij should understand this firsthand.
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Death Awaits You
That is true but they can never rule forever and when TPLF goes so does everyone else that includes Somali. Man honestly Somalia should get revenge on Ethiopia for the invasion of Somalia in the first place and how they helped the west to divide us.
Can you explain why some ogadenis (DDSI) support the Tigrays ?
I heard liyuu police are committing genocides against the Somalis in k5
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Menelik III isn't Ethiopian. He's a white European.
Why do you say that?
Can you explain why some Somalis mostly ogadenis support the Tigrays ?
I heard liyuu police are committing genocides against the Somalis in k5
The current gov somewhat favors them, well the liyu police at least. They let liyu essentially abuse their power, under their watchful eyes in order to have the region completely secure. The liyu then try to expand the Somali region into the Oromo region.


Death Awaits You
Why do you say that?

The current gov somewhat favors them, well the liyu police at least. They let liyu essentially abuse their power, under their watchful eyes in order to have the region completely secure. The liyu then try to expand the Somali region into the Oromo region.
So DDSI supporters are mostly ogaden ?
Tell me where the liyus are expanding to menilik?
Moyale, which is pretty far from the border. They hoisted a Somali regional flag there.

They also expanded into dir dawa adjacent areas, and east hararghe.
Menilik Moyale is Somali lands.
Dire dawa.and it's surrounding areas Is also Somali lands stolen by oromos.

So we're basically taking our lands back.

If you don't have a clue on what your talking about you shouldn't make yourself look like a fool. Especially being an amhara, if that'
What you claim to be

Don't do that to yourself. :gucciwhat:
So DDSI supporters are mostly ogaden ?
Idk, probably since they also expanded into Somalia and Somaliland. Theres also many Somali regional officers/workers who support the gov. The region also claim that oromos are trying to have access to Somalia's border in order to import heavy weapons for a civil war against the gov. Imagine the Somali region being a defender of unity, we are in different times.
Menilik Moyale is Somali lands.
Dire dawa.and it's surrounding areas Is also Somali lands stolen by oromos.

So we're basically taking our lands back.

If you don't have a clue on what your talking about you shouldn't make yourself look like a fool. Especially being an amhara, if that'
What you claim to be

Don't do that to yourself. :gucciwhat:
I support your cause, but Dire Dawa should remain federal.


Moyale, which is pretty far from the border. They hoisted a Somali regional flag there.

They also expanded into dir dawa adjacent areas, and east hararghe.
Moyale, East Hararghe and the surroundings of DD are all Somali regions, Liyuu Police are halting Oromo expansionism.

Moyale is the border between us and Oromos. The border extends into Kenya as well.



Death Awaits You
the fact that Somalis can't have peace in Somalia where they have full control of the land and are killing each other in k5 shows their true colors.
Soomaalidu waa bilaa dhiig

Claims by olf. It's pure bologna though. Funny to see onlf and olf "team" up.
Edit: just noticed they claim jijiga @Marsin
Moyale, East Hararghe and the surroundings of DD are all Somali regions, Liyuu Police are halting Oromo expansionism.

Moyale is the border between us and Oromos. The border extends into Kenya as well.

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