Older women

Samaalic Era

@Samaalic Era
That kind of mix of young and old xalimos is like having a car park with a mix of new fast cars and older cars.. Depending on your mood you can either take a ride on the fast or the slow car :ahh::rejoice::denzelnigga:
Its like you said sxb, some days you want spicy food, other days your craving for Sonkor.

I have to somehow get myself one but as a 3rd. 2nd spot is reserved for another gazelle when I go back home In'sha'Allah :rejoice:


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
Older women are expired products, no offense. Above 30 is a No-Go-Zone for me.
Horta Karim aren’t you one of the older heads on this site. Why discriminate against your fellow age mates :browtf:

Samaalic Era

Avoid at all cost.

They were never really interested in marriage for the most part until the biological clock forced their hands, despite the fact that unlike male's they get countless offers on an almost daily basis without having to do anything.

You want a female whose primarily interest in life was child-rearing as opposed to one who prioritised being a slave to a cooperation and gave the best of her prime fertile years to enrich her boss.

The prime years of a male is 30-45, while hers is 15-25, follow this simple rule in life, never give your prime years to a female that didn't give you hers.

The other angle you need think off is relationship/hookup mileage with respect to age.

It's almost impossible for a female in her late 20's in this shameless hyper sexualised society were she is constantly bombarded on a daily basis, to safe guard her chastity, the older the age, the higher the mileage.

There is a reason why our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged early marriage, and disliked societies were you had a lot of singletons.

The difference between the male and female 30+ is that the male even throughout his teens regardless if he was a thug, wadaad or professional was ALWAYS PRO marriage and wanted to get married but circumstances prevented him (ridiculous high costs and demands)

However the spinster females in there late 20's or 30+ never really had any interest in early marriage despite the fact it's 1000x easier for them and nothing is expected from them unlike the male.

Never ever feel sorry or sympathetic for them, because you will never ever have the abundance of choices and ease that they had, but kibir and wordily pursuits deluded them.

As for divorced female's, you should only marry those that married early preferably when they were under 21, the younger the better.

Reason being that females like these who married early as per sunnah, were always interested in being a wife and raising children as there prime goals and ambitions in life, which is what you want in a wife.

Never ever! select a divorcee that married in her late 20's.
Where talking about divorcee back home. No sane man will marry 30 something westernised feminist who knows her time is up
True, a xalimo reaching 25 back home unmarried is considered old. The average age back home of sought after xalimos are max 21. They can still get married after and many do but the most desired age range is 15-20 back home
What’s the life expectancy? That’s why the move everything faster.. imagine how much more active you would be if you’re life expectancy was reduced by 20 years


Support interracial love 💕
Guys whats your view on shukansi on older women? Have any of you tried to do that... In ny view there are some benefits in getting with an older woman.
A. They are financially stable
B. More mature and wiser than younger women
But I'm thinking there is a reason why they got divorced or have been single for a long time. This could mean they are stubborn or due to some other negative personal traits..
They are good as 3/4 wives. I wouldn't mind a divorcee as long as she is not my main wife
Y’all under 21?

