OFFICIAL Thread for IGAD Summit in Djibouti

Go visit your previous posts you langaab.

You were even qarxised recently and yet you have the nerve. :mjlol:
I actually did. U wasted my time Kenyan boy. Post the link where I was qarxised. Maybe I missed it.
It looks u like to make stuff up on the fly. Seek help
Settlers feom filtu and nagelye like the somali aboo reer xassan.:mjlaugh:

We are not in moyale. :lolbron:

Warya suju oromo boy. We will karbaash you. Dhaqan xumada you learned from the oromos near you and from the oromo blood inside you. Nasab ogaden is less than 10% of all ogaden. All these cagdheers running around are oromo halfies.
Do you think Fakemajo can throw a jab?
I bet on my money Uhuru can nock him down he looks very feeble.

This picture is in Kenya not Djobouti however.

Bro the only somali politician that can beat uhuru in a fight is our own idi amin dada a.k.a deni🀣🀣

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

Just goes to show that no country will side step their national interest to safeguard yours.

No IGAD member country will point to Kenya as the aggressor because each one of them have something they want from the other. In the meantime Somalia is practically the meal on the table for them.

ladies and gents, be advised that international affairs is like the Serengeti, if a hyena sees a wounded immobile lion he will gather like this.



Weeping for the Nation of 68
Abiy Ahmed showed the kind of B* Farmaajo truly is. Commanding him to restore the ties:jcoleno:ceebey tacaal

Farmaajo wanted to behave as BiggyMan. :francis:
Just goes to show that no country will side step their national interest to safeguard yours.

No IGAD member country will point to Kenya as the aggressor because each one of them have something they want from the other. In the meantime Somalia is practically the meal on the table for them.

ladies and gents, be advised that international affairs is like the Serengeti, if a hyena sees a wounded immobile lion he will gather like this.

Djibout president told them to ignore this langaab. :mjlaugh:


Cirka Gacan Saarte πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
This thread would've had over 50 pages if Farmajo hadn't arrived into the Djibouti conference well equipped and prepared.
Yall should really keep that same energy and continue entertaining us with all those conspiracy posts Your silence is boring, say something, and help me pass the time.
The show is not over, dont give up :mjlol:
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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This thread would've had over 50 pages if Farmajo hadn't arrived into the Djibouti conference well equipped and prepared.
Yall should really keep that same energy and continue entertaining us with all those conspiracy posts Your silence is boring, say something, and help me pass the time.
The show is not over, dont give up :mjlol:

What a complete neef you are.

There was no communique, no decision made.

The head of AU β€œ Kenya has sacrificed their soldiers in AMISOM...Kenya hosts hundreds of thousands of Somalis β€œ

Totally ignoring the grievances of the incompetent rulers of 4sq miles of Mogadishu


Bantu Liberation Movement
Isnt that what kenya did back in feb 2019. they thought Somalia auctioned what they claim as disputed water. Which turned out it was fake news.
The communique is not out yet. We just have to wait and see before we approval/criticize.
You were barely on the agenda. This conference was about Ethiopia and Ethiopia/Sudan relations.



Cirka Gacan Saarte πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Obviously not. Farmaajo doesn't even care about Kismayo. these armies wouldn't even be there if kenya didn't keep killing people in beledxaawo and trying to build a wall there. Explain how kenyans being in beledxaawo to build a wall = mx/ogaden feud in Kismayo. You think Kenya would go through all this trouble just for Kismayo and madoobe? :mjlol:
I hear Farmajo is gonna call the leaders of all member states to meet in Xamar in the coming days where he'll discuss and change a few things in the electoral process in order to appease the opposition. Votes will no longer be held in two cities. Instead each administration will hold the voting in their capital city. In Jubaland Kismayo will be playing the role of capital, that's smooth, dude finally found a way to get those SNA forces into Kismayo without the fight and bloodshed


I hear Farmajo is gonna call the leaders of all member states to meet in Xamar in the coming days where he'll discuss and change a few things in the electoral process in order to appease the opposition. Votes will no longer be held in two cities. Instead each administration will hold the voting in their capital city. In Jubaland Kismayo will be playing the role of capital, that's smooth, dude finally found a way to get those SNA forces into Kismayo without the fight and bloodshed
I hear Farmajo is gonna call the leaders of all member states to meet in Xamar in the coming days where he'll discuss and change a few things in the electoral process in order to appease the opposition. Votes will no longer be held in two cities. Instead each administration will hold the voting in their capital city. In Jubaland Kismayo will be playing the role of capital, that's smooth, dude finally found a way to get those SNA forces into Kismayo without the fight and bloodshed

Dude if that happened it would be great. Madoobe is as shameless as anyone gets. There will never be proper voting in Kismayo under him. The odayaal need to be under the watch of the SNA plus the international community needs to be there.
haha, aslong as we knuckle heads think interms of taxile politicians and qaraabesi we will be walked over long after our grandchildren are dead.


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