My dear fellow Somalis.....we see before us.......


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Oromos are the largest ethnic group in ethiopia and belong to the cushitic language family and they have borders with almost every ethnic group in ethiopia meanwhile the amhara are the second largest ethnic group belonging to the ethio-semites or you could say the habeshas.

The amhara created modern day ethiopia by using amhara and a portion of the oromos as foot soldiers. A lot of oromos fought back but eventually were conquered by the amharas. That's all in the past currently ethiopia is going through a shift and land thief is rampant. The central government is approving these land theft by being silent when it suits them but act when it's against their interest. Somalis currently are on the borders fighting for their lives and land against the oromia admin who's been open about their intention of taking fertile lands on the borders of somali galbeed.

The picture below is the president of the oromia region claiming without shame a plot of land belonging to the somali region and the central government is completely silent on the matter.

Makaniis is in Jijiga Region
These people are worse than Israelis.

Garaad diinle

 
Our 'Country' sucks but we could definitely seal the border if we had to; that pathetic excuse of a 'Government' in Juba controls all 10 States.
I'm going to be honest with you and not pretend to know the politics of south sudan, you might be correct on that but keep in mind that very advanced countries such as the usa struggle so much with border controls so much so that they needed to build a wall. Our neighbour kenya even tried to build a wall because of the hard task of controling the border.
I know for a fact your not telling me that Somalis didn't live there before 1800. Your def an Oromo larping as Somali.

As for @Neero dhulka waamo is theirs they will receive their portion of Fartaag's JL, but we all know who owns JL. Beesha MX>
Let's be honest ogs and mx don't knlw how to handle the coastal areas y'all can have your rivers
I'm going to be honest with you and not pretend to know the politics of south sudan, you might be correct on that but keep in mind that very advanced countries such as the usa struggle so much with border controls so much so that they needed to build a wall. Our neighbour kenya even tried to build a wall because of the hard task of controling the border.

We could close the border in the sense that another demographic group could be prevented from entering en masse on the most convenient routes into the 'Country'; perhaps my use of the word "seal" was too much.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
There are also oromos posing as Somalis in Kenya and setting up shop,oromos are under our wings in the west and non horn countries they rely on Somalis,anywhere somalis set up shop the oromos copy and do and follow they see us as big brothers
Couldn't Somalia just keep them out if the demographic threat was of concern?

People make it sound as though Bosaso is already an Oromo city


It's damn near a Bantu city the south in 30 years will be filled to the brink with Bantu and the north filled to the brim with oromo .

Somalis have to do something about it now or be a minority within their own country like the UAE Arabs .


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