Muslims praying outside the White house in the 1000s (Possibly)

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Mecca was seized by a Saudi bloke and his multi-national Muslim supporters soon after the Haj finished in 1979. They were alqaeda like group and guess what? Allah didn’t send those miracle birds with missiles like stones they carried on their mouths which had wiped out superior soldiers on elephants as it was stated in the legendary Ayat in suratul alam Tara. It was liberated by French and American special forces. “Infidels” liberated the Ka’aba, is Quddus more important? These Koranic stories are nothing more than a fairy tale.

As for Muslim Americans praying infront of the White House in protest against trump’s policy, it indicates the freedoms enjoyed by Muslims in America. Why didn’t they protest against trump’s travel bans on Somalis? Do you know most Sunni Muslim Americans by the urging and funding from Sunni Muslim countries like turkey, Saudi Arabia and others voted for trump on the premise that he will attack Shia/Iran and their supporters like Assad and Hezbollah. It’s coming home to roast.

Look at this Bum always sayin shit bout Islam.
If you think u hit the jackpot by being an atheist why u still yapping?
Go on and live ur life to the fullest instead of acting like a hoe.
Look at this Bum always sayin shit bout Islam.
If you think u hit the jackpot by being an atheist why u still yapping?
Go on and live ur life to the fullest instead of acting like a hoe.


Genius ma sidaas baa? Well, well, if Muslims want to look stupid by accepting a fake childish story that allah sent small birds to destroy an army riding elephants and invading Mecca 1450 years ago and at the same token, couldn’t defend Mecca in 1979 and thus required American and French special forces to free the Ka’aba from Juhayman al Otaybi and his ragtag army, that’s their prerogative, but to argue that allah will defend Quds is intellectually stupid and dishonest. Why couldn’t he defend Mecca in 1979? Don’t bring silly arguments if you will be offended by my refutation. Bye, bye genius.
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Genius ma sidaas baa? Well, well, if Muslims want to look stupid by accepting a fake childish story that allah sent small birds to destroy an army riding elephants and invading Mecca 1400 years ago and at the same token, couldn’t defend Mecca in 1979 and thus required American and French special forces to free the Ka’aba from Juhayman al Otaybi and his ragtag army, that’s their prerogative, but to argue that allah will defend Quds is intellectually stupid and dishonest. Why couldn’t he defend Mecca in 1979? Don’t bring silly arguments if you will be offended by my refutation. Bye, bye genius.
First thing why do you give a shit if someone believes Islam christianty or flying spaghetti monster I never understood why atheists always preach about atheism like it's some kinda of religion this just proves that atheists as much as they like to believe they are different than theists are exactly the same if that wasn't the case certainly we would've not seen people preaching day and night about Islam this and Islam that as some kinda of atheist Rabbi
Regarding your previous question you know that kabba will get destroyed it's one of signs of qyama and you're talking about American and French Forces
First thing why do you give a shit if someone believes Islam christianty or flying spaghetti monster I never understood why atheists always preach about atheism like it's some kinda of religion this just proves that atheists as much as they like to believe they are different than theists are exactly the same if that wasn't the case certainly we would've not seen people preaching day and night about Islam this and Islam that as some kinda of atheist Rabbi

Hi guv

Didn’t you meet our archbishop here? I heard he went to the heavens to meet prophet Darwin pbuh. May he return in peace.

It is based on a simple logic. If you make a wild argument, expect people to challenge it. Nothing sinister about it.
Hi guv

Didn’t you meet our archbishop here? I heard he went to the heavens to meet prophet Darwin pbuh. May he return in peace.

It is based on a simple logic. If you make a wild argument, expect people to challenge it. Nothing sinister about it.
Yes I did meet him but he never responded to me after I exposed his straw man arguments



Genius ma sidaas baa? Well, well, if Muslims want to look stupid by accepting a fake childish story that allah sent small birds to destroy an army riding elephants and invading Mecca 1450 years ago and at the same token, couldn’t defend Mecca in 1979 and thus required American and French special forces to free the Ka’aba from Juhayman al Otaybi and his ragtag army, that’s their prerogative, but to argue that allah will defend Quds is intellectually stupid and dishonest. Why couldn’t he defend Mecca in 1979? Don’t bring silly arguments if you will be offended by my refutation. Bye, bye genius.

Ninyo the question like @government reiterated is why do u care wat Ashy-abdi or a sand nigga from Arabia believes in?
Are u threatened or is it because u can't defend ur religion?
Let's be honest atheism is also a religion since u can't absolutely prove that Allah doesn't exist.
Even Darwinism is a religion couse u can't prove we all life comes from a single cell gazillion of years ago.
Marka take a break from ur anti-islam rants.
Unless u think it's ilbax-nimo to act like that
u sure this ain't somewhere in the middle east w all that yelling :dead:
I mean his comment that Ka'ba had to be saved by french and american kuffar commandos. Isn't weird that birds from jahannam came to destroy the Abyssinian army who wanted to destroy it but that nothing happened when Juhayman besieged it in 1979?
I did kabba is gonna get destroyed it's one day of judgment signs so what is the problem if some french and American went there to liberate it
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