Muslim women are oppressed in Somalia


I do something called "what I want"
I didn't know trusting a "scholar" was a pillar in Islam but hey
these dudes doing shirk with the way they’re expecting us to put complete faith in other regular humans. At the end of the day, they don’t have any other special knowledge. They provide their interpretation of the quran and sunnah from their continuous studies which I respect but that doesn’t mean I have to trust them or anything. There are millions of scholars all with slightly different interpretations.

Excuse me for not doing sali on them.


I do something called "what I want"
"The Uzbek", "The Egyptian Man" , what is with closeted gaalos/Quranists who disrupt the sunnah and their continuous defamation of Scholars and shiekhs.
Imagine doing takfir on someone else for calling a muslim scholar an “egyptian man”. Borderline shirk if you ask me.

Nothing unislamic about not trusting certain scholars. They’re not prophets or saxaaba, they’re just us.


Veni Vidi Vici
Where did I say anything bad about him? I said he was born in the 1800s so I don't find him credible.
What does being born in the 1800s do with it. Your basing his creditability off a date/time. So by inference, your claiming the hadith is false, cause he was "born in the 100s"


Veni Vidi Vici
Imagine doing takfir on someone else for calling a muslim scholar an “egyptian man”. Borderline shirk if you ask me.

Nothing unislamic about not trusting certain scholars. They’re not prophets or saxaaba, they’re just us.
Nobody is doing takfir, its just a continuous pattern of discrediting scholars, thread after thread and claiming hadiths are false. The term "Egyptian man" ain't offensive, but the meaning behind it is. Its like me not referencing your name, but say "The Somali born in the early 2000s is unreliable"

There is a difference between trusting them and discrediting them. We ain't like gaalos who filter down the deen to appease other, nor are we one to inference a hadith without a proper tool to study it. Just saying "its a lie", with no basis except a clouded judgement with huge bias to fit a narrative. Sounds like a agenda to distort the deen, which is plain haram and borderline gaalnimo.
Imagine doing takfir on someone else for calling a muslim scholar an “egyptian man”. Borderline shirk if you ask me.

Nothing unislamic about not trusting certain scholars. They’re not prophets or saxaaba, they’re just us.
calling someone out for takfir then doing it in the next literal sentence, are you okay? Nope the scholars are not "us". The people of knowledge are on a higher level than us this is basic islamic aqeedah. This is why people take matters of dispute to the scholars because they spend their entire lives studying. Are they infallible ? Nope nobody said they were. But they certaintly arent your average laymen
calling someone out for takfir then doing it in the next literal sentence, are you okay? Nope the scholars are not "us". The people of knowledge are on a higher level than us this is basic islamic aqeedah. This is why people take matters of dispute to the scholars because they spend their entire lives studying. Are they infallible ? Nope nobody said they were. But they certaintly arent your average laymen
What capabilities do scholars have that every other human doesn't? Absolutely nothing. They're the same as us


I do something called "what I want"
calling someone out for takfir then doing it in the next literal sentence, are you okay? Nope the scholars are not "us". The people of knowledge are on a higher level than us this is basic islamic aqeedah. This is why people take matters of dispute to the scholars because they spend their entire lives studying. Are they infallible ? Nope nobody said they were. But they certaintly arent your everyday muslim
I didn’t do takfir, I said it’s borderline shirk and not actual shirk. I was also exaggerating to show how preposterous it is.

Also, when I said “us” I didn’t mean it as they’re the same as us as in same knowledge and stuff. I mean that disrespecting one or discrediting them (not all scholars ofc) does not put you out of the fold of islam as long as you’re discrediting their personal interpretation.

Saying you don’t trust a scholar doesn’t make you a kafir or anywhere close. If you see scholars as above you then that’s on you. Just don’t take it personal when someone else doesn’t.
What capabilities do scholars have that every other human doesn't? Absolutely nothing. They're the same as us
They dont have special capabilities they just dedicate their lives to learning this Religion. Why are you trying to undermine the ulamah when you have no credentials your quite frankly a nobody, your agenda is clear as day tho
Well some scholars argue that societal hypocrisy where these full blown hijabis commit sins is better than them being more naked. When sins are flaunted in the open can set a dangerous precedent. They argue that society would be more preserved this way despite the irony of it.
It’s ironic! Whats concealed is worse than what’s out in the open! Concealment is a festering wound. I think rather than Islamic it’s more somalic. Somali ppl love to sweep things under the rag.
(FYI : I get the point, before someone states it ain't the point your trying to put across)

Would you go to a headteacher who you have a meeting with looking all rough and not ready? Or would you present yourself in the best of ways, clearly neat and ready to meet. If you do so for the headteacher, why not to Allah SWT. How can you pray without a hijab? That isn't sunnah, nor does it have basis in the deen. If you present yourself well to a headteacher, why can't you do the same to Allah SWT. I wouldn't go into a headteachers office with a skinny jean and a tight vest. So I shaln't do the same for prayers.

If you pray the obligatory 5 and extra sunnah, but fail to follow the basic rule of modesty, both men and women, then your somewhat on par with the hijabi who doesn't pray. At the end of the day, both party transgressed.
I disagree, but lemme first clarify those Pakistani girls I was referring to do cover their hair for prayer. And they do dress modest except they just don’t cover their hair(there’s an ongoing debate if hair covering is even Islamic). I disagree that they’re both partially transgressing. Covering your hair isn’t part of the 5 pillars of Islam, praying and fasting is. The Pakistani girl that’s praying, fasting is more of a Muslim than big ole jilbabi xalimo that does none or partially. If anything wearing a hijab while not practicing is akin to munafiq as your external and internal conflict.

My entire point was the Somalis preach and obsess over the hijab at the detriment of instilling even more important values. For example, most Somali families won’t require or force their 10 yr old kid to pray but will force a 10yr old girl to wear a hijab.


SSpots starting point guard
I don’t know why you guys engage in these religious discussions on here. It looks like these people put culture before religion. It’s gotten so worse that they are denying hadiths.
Your irrelevant anecdotes mean nothing since 9/10 the one wearing a jilbab prays and the one wearings jeans doesnt. Not allowing women walk around without hijab is not an obession, i dont know if you heard but somalia is a conservative muslim nation. the vast majority are not sufi cucks. Its cool to be all "free and liberated" in the white country you live in but dont be suprised if that stuff doesnt fly back home.
"O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized ˹as virtuous˺ and not be harassed. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.1 " Since you said jilbab and covering hair is not mentioned
Being free and liberated is cool in white country you say but not at home like that’s something to be proud of! Lol when did Islam become a religion of unfreedom and subjugation? Lol do you even hear yourself? Lol

Also the word “cloak” isn’t used in the Quran. This the verse used to support hair covering:

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their adornment (Arabic: Zeenatahunna) except what is apparent of it (ma zahara minha) and let them draw their head coverings (Arabic: Bi’khumurihinna) over their bosoms / chests (Arabic: Jayubihin) and not to display their adornment (Arabic: Zeenatahunna) except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards God, that ye may attain Bliss. (24:31)

Nowhere does it say specifically cover your hair. The word cloak or hijab or jilbab are not used.
Uhm and now we’re supposed to believe that Allah has instructed men to “tightly” shackle not only their own daughters, wives, sisters but also their own walid like mom and aunt?? Lmao and you have the audacity to write that this “sahih”! Lol Allah didn’t make you a xoolo, you have a brain to discern what makes sense and falls in line with the Quran(and Islam) and whats clearly outta line. Now I understand why so many Quranists doubt Hadiths. Because it appears all you have to do is add sahih and everyone rans with it! This is why it’s said there are 73 sects and only one is correct in Islam. Smh
if you don’t know anything about the religion than ask your father, if his not edecuated enough than go to a well known sheik and i’m sure he’ll answer your questions more clearly than any on here.
Being free and liberated is cool in white country you say but not at home like that’s something to be proud of! Lol when did Islam become a religion of unfreedom and subjugation? Lol do you even hear yourself? Lol

Also the word “cloak” isn’t used in the Quran. This the verse used to support hair covering:

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their adornment (Arabic: Zeenatahunna) except what is apparent of it (ma zahara minha) and let them draw their head coverings (Arabic: Bi’khumurihinna) over their bosoms / chests (Arabic: Jayubihin) and not to display their adornment (Arabic: Zeenatahunna) except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards God, that ye may attain Bliss. (24:31)

Nowhere does it say specifically cover your hair. The word cloak or hijab or jilbab are not used.
liberation and freedom means to go outside with ur nipples showing now a days. xalimos r truly lost may Allah guide them.
Being free and liberated is cool in white country you say but not at home like that’s something to be proud of! Lol when did Islam become a religion of unfreedom and subjugation? Lol do you even hear yourself? Lol

Also the word “cloak” isn’t used in the Quran. This the verse used to support hair covering:

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their adornment (Arabic: Zeenatahunna) except what is apparent of it (ma zahara minha) and let them draw their head coverings (Arabic: Bi’khumurihinna) over their bosoms / chests (Arabic: Jayubihin) and not to display their adornment (Arabic: Zeenatahunna) except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards God, that ye may attain Bliss. (24:31)

Nowhere does it say specifically cover your hair. The word cloak or hijab or jilbab are not used.
Notice i put it in quotation marks to highlight something. Maybe like sarcasm. Your being deliberately obtuse, cloak is something that covers the whole body, like a jibab. Semantics when it comes to the word of Allah is not something to do lightly. Check 33:59. The word cloak is interchangeable to covering with outer garments the whole body
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Notice i put it in quotation marks to highlight something. Maybe like sarcasm. Your being deliberately obtuse, cloak is something that covers the whole body, like a jibab. Semantics when it comes to the word of Allah is not something to do lightly
The way you weirdos interpret Quran verses and base credibility on Hadiths on if you agree with it or not.
Yes im a weirdo for not taking my intepretations from a hadith denying no qualification having person like you
They can have all the qualifications in the world but at the end of the day they're still a human just like the rest of us. Allah did not send these people down and did not tell us to listen to them as if they're a prophet
Notice i put it in quotation marks to highlight something. Maybe like sarcasm. Your being deliberately obtuse, cloak is something that covers the whole body, like a jibab. Semantics when it comes to the word of Allah is not something to do lightly. Check 33:59
What are you talking about? I’m utterly confused. I don’t care if your quotation mark meant sarcasm or not dude. Also not semantics, I said cloak, jilbab, hijab are not mentioned in the Quran.... and that hair covering isn’t specified. It’s whatever, this argument is neither here or there.
They can have all the qualifications in the world but at the end of the day they're still a human just like the rest of us. Allah did not send these people down and did not tell us to listen to them as if they're a prophet
Nobody treats them like prophets and Nobody said they're infallible, stop with the strawman arguments.
What are you talking about? I’m utterly confused. I don’t care if your quotation mark meant sarcasm or not dude. Also not semantics, I said cloak, jilbab, hijab are not mentioned in the Quran.... and that hair covering isn’t specified. It’s whatever, this argument is neither here or there.
Sorry you can't read between the lines and yes the outer body garments or jilbab or veil is mentioned. Sorry if that bothers you

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