Muslim Twitter debates the existence of 'male hoors'

I don’t think that man is all there. Doesn’t sound like he is mentally sane. If this is the type of men women now have to contend with, then Allah help them.
It's incredibly hard not to be a manhater in 2024 as a Gen Z woman, I'll tell you that much.
It's incredibly hard not to be a manhater in 2024 as a Gen Z woman, I'll tell you that much.
I don’t think Gen Z women should trouble themselves with losers like that who are grappling with the changing world. What they were raised to believe and what they’re seeing illustrates that their entitlement means nothing and gets them nothing. Before boys were raised with the idea that having a basic salary and car entitles them with the women they desire. Now you have women who out earn them, more educated and are now driving around the city with the car they wanted since they were teens. These women are living their fantasy, hence now even a woman having a nice car= masculine to them. This simply highlights their colossal failures tbh.
In the off chance I make it to Jannah, I aint trying to see my 'worldly' husband, we on to bigger better things.
Might say salaam on heavens promenade or something cause I got manners but other than that... hana sheegan.

Fran Healy Reaction GIF by Travis
In the off chance I make it to Jannah, I aint trying to see my 'worldly' husband, we on to bigger better things.
Might say salaam on heavens promenade or something cause I got manners but other than that... hana sheegan.

Fran Healy Reaction GIF by Travis
LOOOOL that's what I'm saying. These dudes really think they can stop me from getting eaten out by a new handsome man every night...

Eyeroll Ugh GIF

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I don’t think Gen Z women should trouble themselves with losers like that who are grappling with the changing world. What they were raised to believe and what they’re seeing illustrates that their entitlement means nothing and gets them nothing. Before boys were raised with the idea that having a basic salary and car entitles them with the women they desire. Now you have women who out earn them, more educated and are now driving around the city with the car they wanted since they were teens. These women are living their fantasy, hence now even a woman having a nice car= masculine to them. This simply highlights their colossal failures tbh.
"B-but I thought men were more adaptable to new changes and reforms than the simple femail brain REEEEEE"
Screaming Mean Girls GIF by filmeditor

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Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
I have the inability to read the word “hoor” normally when written in English alphabets. I always read it with a Scottish accent
That’s the flaw in the argument. Women wanting a hoor isn’t the same as murder which harms people or homosexuality which is an unnatural desire since men and women desire each other. Example, many women would have multiple celeb crushes whom she finds attractive and no one would see that as unnatural compared to her finding another women attractive.
Hence, the fact that people have to resort to extreme comparisons that are like apples and oranges basically renders their argument weak. Let’s be real, women being with more than one man is impractical and haram due to the mixing of lineage. In Jannah, lineage and childbirth isn’t a thing. The very reason for why it’s haram in the dunya isn’t an issue in Janah. Btw, I repeat, I’m not saying women would get Hoors nor is it something I personally care for. I’m simply demonstrating how easily one can find holes in these arguments with regards to simple logic and if men want to debunk this they’ll have to be a lot more rigorous in their take downs.

Furthermore, Allah didn’t say that people can have rivers of chocolate or mountains of cookies, yet no one would oppose that. There is nothing in the Qura’an that saying I can have a tree filled with coconuts and Cheetos flavored fruits ect. It would be Bid’ah for me to suggest such a thing right? Hence it seems according to men Jannah is a place in which people can only get what is strictly written in the Quran and even thinking about a Carmel frosted river is haram I suppose? Again this is another hole in your argument.

Btw, I’m not saying that women would get male Hoors. I don’t even care for this, but I know this debate is coming from a place of male jealousy and what they feel is against fitrah, especially their own. Yet it’s against the fitrah of women to want to share and that polygamy for women on earth feels like mini hell for women who are forced into this, yet conveniently in Jannah every woman would be estatic with sharing their man who gets to have unlimited sexual experiences with multiple women whilst they can only get one and accept that they’re one of many. For the women of the dunya, that doesn’t sound appealing but we’re told our fitrah will change to accommodate this male want.

But overall, you’re right. People should focus on trying to attain Jannah.
I'm not comparing women wanting multiple men with murder or rape. I was just drawing a similtude that due to desiring one thing in this world, it does not mean that you will desire it in the hereafter.

you can't compare women wanting multiple husbands in jannah(something haram in the dunya) to a tree of cheetos or a caramel frosted river(things that if you were to have them in the dunya, they'd be halal). A good example would be wine, which is haram in the dunya but we have explicit proof from the Qur'an and Sunnah that there will be wine in jannah(ofc different to worldly wine).

case in point being, this does not come from "male jealousy", all that (i've seen) is being said, is that to claim something like this about Jannah, you'd need proof from the Qur'an and Sunnah, in which there is nothing supporting this(in my previous comment I explained why getting everything you desire is not proof)


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
this is depending if a woman will even want a "male hoori" in jannah. You will not have any evil thoughts or ask for digusting stuff in Jannah. it may very well be that no single woman in jannah would ever have this thought in their mind and it won't be part of what they desire.

there's a difference between men and women, if you want to claim something about Jannah, back it up with proof from the Qur'an and Sunnah, and there is no such thing like it for male hooris. "you get whatever you desire" isn't a valid argument as you wont desire evil, a pedophile or a murderer dont get to rape kids or kill inhabitants in Jannah just cuz they desire it in this world.

The most disgusting thing about this entire thing is the person stating "Allah did not reveal it because it would lead to apostasy" is absolutely ridiculous. This person has absolutely no proof from anything we muslims take from for this. It's very blatantly claiming something about Allah over which you have absolutely no knowledge of.

lastly, let's focus on entering Jannah first before we debate on this. whether you get "male hoori" or whether the women won't or will get them will be not what you think of if you enter jahannam
Ngl that was a dead answer my brother, wym that women have “evil thoughts” and its “disgusting stuff” if they think of male houris? But men aren’t having “evil thoughts” for wanting houris in jannah? Why isnt 72 sex slaves not disgusting using the same logic???
Ngl that was a dead answer my brother, wym that women have “evil thoughts” and its “disgusting stuff” if they think of male houris? But men aren’t having “evil thoughts” for wanting houris in jannah? Why isnt 72 sex slaves not disgusting using the same logic???
1. I was not referring to women thinking of "male houris" when I said that you will not have evil thoughts or want disgusting stuff in Jannah. I just argued that IF this is evil and disgusting, you will not be thinking of this at all in Jannah.

2. yes men are not having evil thoughts when thinking about houris as Allah has spoken of this in the Qur'an and has promised those who He shall give it to that they shall have it.....

there are also ahadith speaking about this like how the last man to enter Jannah would have two wives(there's a difference of opinion whether these are from among the women of the world or from hoor al ayn).

there is just no such thing for women and "male houris"

3. Men and women are different. Allah rewards whomever He wills with whatever He wills. You do not see men going crazy about the fact that women are allowed to wear silk or gold and do not have to fight in Jihad(when it's fardh kifayah) and claim that this dunya is "female centered" like how some women were claiming on twitter that if hoor al ayn is only for men that jannah would be "male centered".

lastly, this entire debate is pointless anyways as what is being argued over has ABSOLUTELY no basis in Qur'an and Sunnah. Like I said before, let's all just focus on entering Jannah first. Some people on here and on twitter are acting as if they've already secured their spot while one of the salaf who were far better than us on every front used to say that if they knew that Allah had accepted from them even one good deed, the weight of a mustard seed, they'd wish for death.

edit: also, you have to relax on the "sex slaves" stuff. why would you ever talk in this way about what Allah has prepared for believers in Jannah....?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Yes but the key word is husband. Because of a how a husband typically provides and protects his woman and has so much responsibility to take care of her Islamically. Not just any random nigga
Nigga! Dont rub salt on the wound. Like I would accept that ever


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
اِنَّ الَّذِيۡنَ قَالُوۡا رَبُّنَا اللّٰهُ ثُمَّ اسۡتَقَامُوۡا تَتَنَزَّلُ عَلَيۡهِمُ الۡمَلٰٓـئِكَةُ اَلَّا تَخَافُوۡا وَلَا تَحۡزَنُوۡا وَاَبۡشِرُوۡا بِالۡجَـنَّةِ الَّتِىۡ كُنۡتُمۡ تُوۡعَدُوۡنَ‏
(41:30) Those who say “Allah is our Lord” and then remain steadfast, upon them descend angels (and say): “Do not fear nor grieve, and receive good tidings of Paradise which you were promised.

نَحۡنُ اَوۡلِيٰٓـؤُکُمۡ فِى الۡحَيٰوةِ الدُّنۡيَا وَفِى الۡاٰخِرَةِ ۚ وَلَـكُمۡ فِيۡهَا مَا تَشۡتَهِىۡۤ اَنۡفُسُكُمۡ وَلَـكُمۡ فِيۡهَا مَا تَدَّعُوۡنَ ؕ‏
(41:31) We are your companions in this world and in the Hereafter. There you shall have all that you desire and all what you will ask for.

نُزُلًا مِّنۡ غَفُوۡرٍ رَّحِيۡمٍ
(41:32) This is by way of hospitality from Him Who is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

This is why there is no point worrying about "what is in jannah", cuz you get whatever you ask for.
I want a male hoor, do I get that???


Amaan Duule
Not much to elaborate on. It's what the Quran says :mjdontkno:

I want a male hoor, do I get that???
I thought you said you didn't want anything "carnal" :dabcasar:

Anyways, I don't see why there won't be male companions for the mu'minaat, there are no ayaat or ahaadiith that I know of that say otherwise. This whole thread is a useless discussion, there is no point arguing over what is in or not in jannah. Jannah is a state of eternal bliss where the righteous get to be reunited with their Rabb, that is all that matters.
Not much to elaborate on. It's what the Quran says :mjdontkno:
You are ignoring this ayah

ونزعنا ما في صدورهم من غل

And We removed whatever malice was within their chests

Women wanting multiple spouses at the same time is as abnormal as having homosexual inclinations and this things will be removed from the people of Jannah

